So my idea is to do the Deku Tree first. The dungeon order will literally be normal. The only varying tricks for this is skipping KZ, the bottle, and the slingshot as of this moment. If you skip him the cucco bottle will work nicely, and if you don't you grab the ruto bottle. As for Adult Link routes go, Idk what route should be done if you get iron boots. I suppose you could go there after obtaining the minuet because you are in good placement, and then do Shadow then Spirit. You might want to CS skip the serenade so FW could be useful actually. One suggestion might be to get the bow last, since you don't even need it to complete Shadow/Spirit. Anyway, these were just some thoughts for the route.

So I take it the only glitches that are banned are NG+, RBA, and WW? Does that include normal BA? TSCing to Lens and BAing it to get hammer on B would save a lot of time in the Fire Temple because you could just HS clip to the boss key and go right to volvagia.
Other than that, (I don't know if a way has been found around this) you need a Deku Shield to beat b2fl of GDT. Doing DC first and getting it from there saves the time it would take to collect 40 rupees and buy the shield before leaving the forest. Alternately, I think there's a Deku Shield in BotW, so you could get it there. If you really want to avoid the DC slingshot skip, child route could look something like
Get Sword
TSC escape+ocarina
to Kak
BotW (day)
Shield, Lens
Open LW warp
Saria's Song
Navi Dive to ZR
Silver Scale
LH warp + Ruto Bottle
Scarecrow's Song (If you will need it as adult)
Warp t ZD
move KZ
To GC via LW
Goron Bracelet
Megaflip to double magic (normal magic can be used if it's more consistent/double is not needed)
get fish
dupe fish over nuts
use fish for bigocto skip (I find it more consistent than using ZL)
FW (if you need it)
A few things I'm not sure on:
Is it faster to get the Ruto Bottle immediately after GDT and move KZ, then savewarp and return after DC and get the fish on your way up, or should you put off all of the zora stuff until you beat DC and climb back down for a fish after moving KZ? Or should you get the cucco bottle (do BotW while getting this) and skip making two trips up to KZ alltogether?
Is it faster to get a Deku Shield in BotW, or buy it? Even if it's faster to buy it, I still think GDT should be saved until after ZL.
Do we need Dins?
And of course, is BA allowed?
I don't play Adult as much as child, but here's my idea for that route (assuming we got FW and BA is in)
To Kak
Shield from grave
RI FW (in graveyard)
to DMC
Get Bolero
Get Minuet
Forest Temple
Get Bow
BK skip
Kill PG
Savewarp, get Prelude
To ZD (HF)
IC (nuts should still be duped)
Iron Boots
Return FW
Shadow Temple
Serenade to LH
Water Temple (use FW to skip lots of keys)
Steal the Rod
Get Stick on B
Prelude to ToT
Slide to GV
Get Requiem
Prelude to ToT
Lens on II
Adult, BA hammer
Fire Temple
BK early, savewarp
Spirit Temple
Hoverboots Block skip/HSJ to Mirror Shield
HSJ BK skip
Savewarp to LACS
Ganon's Castle
Again, a few things I'm not sure about. Mainly, would it be plausible to go to Ganon's Castle using a hoverslide right after Volvagia, get the Gold Gauntlets, cast FW, and savewarp out to play the Requeim? It would take a little longer, but you could skip the HSJ/block skip, and the CS where the sages build that bridge by RIFW'ing back into Ganon's Castle after LACS.