Hey TLo!
I have been following the Skyward Sword forums for a very long time now and I also practice speedrunning the game casually myself,
but I never registered because I had nothing really constructive to say

I thought that I could give you some feedback for your segmented any%run, so I created an account and here it is:
In general you always maximize out the stamina meter and your text is also really fast.
(Just that I don't have to say it for every single segment again =))
Segment 1)
You did really quick rolls and I like your strategy for running up the box. (first looking back and then start running)
The only thing that is improvable is the angle of your jumps. You can go far more diagonal here to save some way.
Segment 2)
Your stamina use at the killing post was amazing, but I just feel that you didn't use the optimal strategy here.
(Maybe you could run up at the right side of the pillar and the jump down instead of running around it and run up from the backside)
In Bit the first B press was unnecessary, you could have simply held A instead.
Also the save selection with the pointer looks a little slow, I think using the control stick simply looks more professional. XD
But on the other side your deleting timing was really at the limit. Good job!
Segment 3)
Definitively nothing to criticize. (Maybe you could have Z + A jumped over the fence next to the instructor)
I have to point out your awesome stamina strats and a very good jump angle in the cave.
Just a question: How do you exit the goddess statue without z-targeting? Because I always z-target to align with the exit and then turn around.
Segment 4)
Like you said this segment is so much RNG.
(So not maximizing out the stamina at the rolls is acceptable XD)
Also pulling out the sailcloth at the last frames looks pretty cool.
Segment 5)
Again selecting the Start-button with the control stick looks faster.
Really cool strat in the goddess statue(the second roll after skyward strike), I will definitively use this in my next runs.
Don't you lose time with not splitting up this segment? (Sorry, I have no idea of segmented timing)
All in all your run is great so far and I hope you will not give up and finish this amazing project with segments of the same gameplay quality
as the first 5!
Maybe you could add a detailed description of the used glitches(for example Bit) under your youtube videos, so that people, who don't know speedrunning skyward sword still understand what you are doing.
Hopefully I can catch your stream once =)! (I'm from Europe, so the timezones don't really match :S)
PS: Are you planning to use the puzzle skip?

(I know it's slower, but just for entertainment?)
(Sorry for my bad English, but I try my best and hope that you can understand it)