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Special Guay
Posts: 473
I'm the worst
« on: October 02, 2012, 04:30:46 AM » |
I have completed the 100% route for RTA at last... well it really only took like an hour. Big shout-outs to R0bd0g who made the basis for the whole run... I literally just edited his pastebin and took out segment, moved some poes and fishing, added some things that he did not know about the 3DS version, and BAM... I'm done. Here's the full route: Read it and tell me what you think. If changes need to be made I will make them if you bring up the problem to me. Enjoy! 
"tsmart yashichidsf wild dumb bitch" -Isaacordorica 2012
Regular Guay
Posts: 142
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2012, 06:49:02 AM » |
You should add in a sun's song warp after saria's song.
Lol: "If the Keese prove to be too much of a problem, it'd be only slightly slower to get Deku Nuts back in segment 2." What's this segment 2 you speak of? You should probably just go ahead and get your deku nuts from the baba in deku.
The Like Like room GS in BoTW, it should probably be timed whether or not a savequit is faster there in RTA.
I mentioned this before but there's an issue with my old route where I sold the fish before I used it to poe cs skip. I fixed that with an extra FW. I figured to cast it at goron city->lw, but I've been meaning to double-check that.
I also moved the BGS until after fire to avoid playing sun's song a bunch of times. It should save time though I'm undecided on whether to save water until after fire... It's hard to think of a way to take damage for the prelude cs skip and also you would be out of a longshot in the fire temple. And you wouldn't save as much time as you might think since Dark Link will have more health. Whether or not I decide to swap those dungeons around depends on if somebody can think of a fast way to take damage for the prelude skip.
Seems awkward to play serenade when you're already at lake hylia, lol. I'm not saying it's slower, it just doesn't feel right, lol. Did you check what the timing is like on collecting those poes? The route says to drop them off even though you never picked them up. Actually, I don't see where you even do pick them up. Reading this route though, I realized I dropped off those poes twice, lol. I had to move the drop off earlier b/c I needed those bottles free for child, but then never took took it out of where it was before. I will have to check now whether the FW cast back to the poe collector is saving time or if it'd be better to cast in hyrule field or not at all.
You will have to save/quit after the lower child-side gs in spirit.
Regular Guay
Posts: 34
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2012, 07:43:32 PM » |
*Comments through end of child 1*
How much time does the lullaby CS skip save? It might be faster to skip the Shield/rupees in the forest, watch the cutscene, and then go directly to DC and get the shield after bombing the eyes. That way you could also keep it off for the troll keese pt.1 (I find the first room more annoying than the Slingshot skip).
Because you can dupe a bottle over Deku Nuts no matter how many you have left, and have them revert back to normal as soon as you grab more, I use them alot as a spare bottle for things like the GS's.
After WW'ing to the Silver Gauntlets, shouldn't you get the Mirror Shield? Also if you go back into the Spirit Temple to return FW it could save a little time as you don't have to mess around with RI.
For the WW to nocturne, I thought you had to cast FW after exiting Talon's Kakariko house. When getting the tower GS here, don't forget to sidehop to the PoH.
Does WW to nocturne always make it night? If the Navi Dive is too random, it might be worth it to play Sun's Song and TSC+cucco into the well.
In the well, don't forget to beware of the keese troll room. In the room with the holes you can't see, a good setup to get around those would be nice because falling would... I don't know how you'd get back up since FW is already in use.
Regular Guay
Posts: 142
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2012, 08:19:03 PM » |
No idea how much time that saves. :p
Bottle duping the deku nuts isn't a half bad idea. If you're worried about whether or not you can get all three poes while delivering the eye drops, maybe you could just get two of them instead of three, and have picked the other one already up on the way to ice cavern. Then you will have to bottle dupe the nuts or else lose time on blue fires or an extra FW cast somewhere. There's a nut drop in one of the crates in lower child side spirit for when you need to get them back.
You go right past the mirror shield chest as adult in my spirit route. Possibly getting the shield right now you could change up the spirit temple route completely but IDK what that would look like and I have my doubts about it being faster. There are a lot of options for spirit though, so it's definitely worth looking into other ideas.
Casting FW at the entrance of Kakariko is an alternative to exiting Talon's house and is faster in this route since that's where you're coming from, and, after the well, it's where you're going next, so it's nice to be able to FW right back to it.
I guess nocturne doesn't make it night at all? Anyway I decided to just leave it night b/c messing around with the cuccos isn't the fastest thing you could ever do and while waiting for navi to talk is a great time to pick up some GS's.
You could watch normal oot 100% runs and try and copy what they do about that room. I don't remember it being that bad to get through, really. Lucky them they don't have the shield already equipped, but I guess if you lose it there's another one in the chest right there.
Regular Guay
Posts: 34
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2012, 12:06:34 AM » |
I'm going to go test Spirit GS's and see if I can find any faster ways to get them all.
I found a really fast, consistent setup for the TSC+cucco into BotW, so I always enter that way. If you stand against the crate by the graveyard with the entrance to your right, L-target, get to the very right edge of the crate, you can shield drop the cucco and climb onto the crate it'll always go to a place where it's easy to reach. From there, with Gyro on, align your vision so that the bottom arrow for the motion icon rests in a little dark V in the wall, and you'll have the perfect angle. Backflip twice, TSC, grab the cucco and you're through.
I heard (but haven't tested) that chus dupe the same way as nuts, so you could get all the Poes in two trips if you used both of them. You can change them back to normal in the Spirit Trial.
When fighting Iron Knuckles, due to link's new backflip animation you can't repeatedly backflip/jumpslash to dodge their attacks and kill them, and crouch stabs are slow because they don't store your last attack anymore. However, if you stand back and throw bombs at the Iron Knuckles, that kills them very safely and quite fast too. Chus are better, but they may be in short supply depending on where you pick them up.
Regular Guay
Posts: 142
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2012, 12:53:24 AM » |
I'm pretty sure that, at least on normal OoT, you can't get chus back like that.
Regular Guay
Posts: 34
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2012, 01:45:41 AM » |
Alright, maybe I can't test GS routes in the Spirit Temple right now. I started a new file with FW and am trying to WW there to test stuff... But my slide pad doesn't seem to be working properly all of a sudden so I can't do the slingshot skip. Oh well.
Regular Guay
Posts: 142
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2012, 02:25:31 AM » |
Well if you get mirror shield now you'd want a route that's faster than this route and doesn't go right by the mirror shield chest. You'd have to take the long way through lower adult side, by definition, and that uses up an extra key. It's not that bad b/c you wouldn't have to solve the mirror puzzle to get to the main room, but it's still slower even not counting the extra used key. Then you have to get the upper child side gs, you have two options. You can either get it as adult by going through the upper child side normally, pushing that slow-moving block -- to me this sounds probably slower. Or you can get a key from lower child side as a child and FW back to the ledge, which involves a slow nabooru conversation and taking the long way around to get a key -- this seems obviously slow to me.
Regular Guay
Posts: 34
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2012, 02:56:01 AM » |
Do you actually need a key to go through a locked door backwards? When I was messing around with FW in the water temple this didn't seem to be the case.
So what if you WW to silvers -> recast FW -> get Mirror shield -> enter main room from adult side -> megaflip to GS -> lower child side GS and small key -> return FW -> upper child side GS -> savewarp -> exit to requiem -> savewarp to Kokiri forest? Does that work?
Reading to check the current adult route, noticed that you're getting the bean PoH in DMC with the bean. You can reach the pillar and climb up from near the GC exit with hovers or a megaflip so you should either get it while taking the eyedrops to Biggoron or right after getting double magic as a child.
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Special Guay
Posts: 245
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2012, 03:10:06 AM » |
That's not a good idea to do it after double magic as child Czar, especially for an RTA. The fact of the matter is that getting it right after double magic means that failing it would end a run since there is such little time for it.
Regular Guay
Posts: 34
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2012, 03:20:01 AM » |
That's not a good idea to do it after double magic as child Czar, especially for an RTA. The fact of the matter is that getting it right after double magic means that failing it would end a run since there is such little time for it.
I thought entering the fairy fountain refreshed your heat timer. OK then, get it with hovers. You could even get it right after Fire Temple if you don't have enough time with the eyedrops.
Regular Guay
Posts: 142
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2012, 04:01:23 AM » |
If you could come from double magic w/ 3 hearts, get the hp, jump down and get the gs, and then get into the lava before the time runs out, that would be optimal. From what I've heard, that's either impossible or stupidly difficult. Barring that option it seemed like riding the bean to it was the shortest detour, but you can change it around if you time it and find using the hovers is faster. As far as whether or not to plant the bean at all, is saves about 10 seconds of walking up to Biggoron, minus a couple seconds to actually plant it (you need to at least buy one). You could save a bit of time on Poe collection if you put off child 2 until after learning the real nocturne, but it should only be a couple of seconds. An earlier child 2 could see the bean saving more time by riding it to get the prescription, but that doesn't work because of issues with the scarecrow's song and the gold scale, which seemed like it would probably cause it to lose more time than it would save.
Something I never actually timed was, getting the hp after fire using the bean and then jumping down and taking the route up the ladder to Biggoron.
Eyedrop timer won't be a problem, really, since you could just unequip the goron tunic and have the heat timer up instead.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 04:10:03 AM by r0bd0g »
Site Editor
Special Guay
Posts: 473
I'm the worst
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2012, 07:38:41 PM » |
So yeah ran through this route so no DH and got 7:54:11. This is a very fun run except for one thing... Fishing. I think I actually wasted an hour on fishing. I mean this could get down to like 6:30, maybe even 6:15 even without DH. For now though... anyone know any strays for fishing? 
"tsmart yashichidsf wild dumb bitch" -Isaacordorica 2012
Regular Guay
Posts: 142
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2012, 11:13:35 PM » |
Besides whether or not to include KZ skip, the other things I'm considering are death holes. I'm considering using it to reach ganon at the end of the game. You'd think it'd be obvious to include that, and it kinda is, but you gotta understand that you will have 40 hearts to have to lose. Yikes? If I do that, then I wonder about getting goldiers earlier and not doing silver rock skip.
Besides that I'm wondering about using death hole to reach the shadow temple, instead of the nocturne Wrong Warp. If I do that I'll just watch the DC cutscene. One thing is I'm not going to be able to do BotW in child 1, and since that was where I got my chus for the lost woods GS, I have to make that up somehow... I'm considering that then I would also do a death hole to do BoTW in adult 1. That would allow to skip a key and probably lowering the water too? I'm also not sure whether or not I will beat Ganon as child and have no adult 2. Probably that depends on whether KZ skip is worth it? I think I might leave Din's until child 2 in that case, which means I would have to complete shadow on my first visit...
I guess my point is there are still some options to consider. When will I get around to looking into this stuff, uh... not before too long I hope, lol. I have a bad habit of putting stuff off and then never coming back >_>.
Site Editor
Special Guay
Posts: 245
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2012, 06:05:43 PM » |
Hmm so... Could we apply the WW to BotW early on as adult? Like warp to shadow first to get Hovers then do the rest of the dungeon later?