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Author Topic: Four Swords Adventures Discussion  (Read 85877 times)
Deku Scrub

Posts: 18

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« Reply #45 on: November 19, 2013, 03:47:24 AM »

Nice Z! I have been doing some co-op routing lately. There were quite a few surprising changes. However, the awesome stuff is what remains the same, especially... the floating links glitch! Check out the 2 player action here (does not work in 3 or 4 player mode unfortunately): http://www.twitch.tv/26pt2/c/3257373
Deku Scrub

Posts: 18

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« Reply #46 on: November 25, 2013, 04:50:14 AM »

Here (http://www.twitch.tv/26pt2/c/3296221) is a video explaining the setup for all the hardware that I have in order for a co-op run of Zelda Four Swords Adventures to happen. Many people wonder about this but as you can tell, it ain't easy to get 2 solid runner of this game in the same room ...let alone put all these pieces together.
Regular Guay

Posts: 36


« Reply #47 on: December 26, 2013, 02:27:11 PM »

NOW what would be neat is if we somehow made it possible to get control over one of the players via internet!

Tho I would think delay could be an issue but not necessarily!

Co-op run with multi players would be amazing to watch!

Guess tas could perfect that...
Deku Scrub

Posts: 18

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« Reply #48 on: December 28, 2013, 06:42:10 PM »

Co-op over WiFi is definitely possible in the original Four Swords on the GBA using VBA link. I am not sure if NetPlay works for that though. However, I struggle trying to get Four Swords Adventures to work even on the same computer but that has more to do with the GBA bios file. I was planning on doing the co-op run of FSA tomorrow on December 29th but my friend got called in to work so we postponed the run until sometime after AGDQ 2014. Our goal will be sub-6 …maybe sub-5, though zmaster91 and I would easily achieve sub-4 if that ever happens. Anyways, I will keep practicing and updating the wiki here on ZSR for all the information about co-op. The notable stages with differences are 2-3, 4-2, and 5-3, mainly in the GBA rooms.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 17

« Reply #49 on: December 31, 2013, 07:14:01 AM »

So when I was visiting a friend (who actually has gameboys) I tested out the actor glitch in 4-3 with a gameboy controller instead of a gamecube one (thanks to mzx for the suggestion).  So, it turns out that with the gameboy as a controller, you can actually navigate through the level.

What we found out is that you never appear in the gameboy, therefore, you have navigate all of these screens blind.  Also, everything that can move is completely invisible throughout the whole level.  This includes things such as the enemies, gems, switches, and even the boss (you are also invisible the whole time as well).  Luckily the enemies all have spot lights on them, so this isn't a huge deal.  However, we didn't finish the level correctly, because doing it in co-op proves to be a lot harder (each time you die, you lose gems).  So hopefully when I get my gameboy player disc sometime next week I'll get a run of the level. 

I'm not expecting anything special from this since it is just a graphical glitch (well I think so anyway), but we'll see.  If anyone else wants to try, that would be great.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 06:22:41 PM by Zmaster91 » Logged
Deku Scrub

Posts: 18

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« Reply #50 on: January 02, 2014, 04:51:20 AM »

So Z… are you going to beat my single player GBA controller% run?  Wink It's nothing special. Just 3:38
Regular Guay

Posts: 36


« Reply #51 on: January 12, 2014, 06:07:34 PM »

I will beat it when I start running Cheesy
Deku Scrub

Posts: 5

« Reply #52 on: January 24, 2014, 05:55:37 PM »

Hello everyone, I just thought I join the small party here and show some love for FSA.

I hope to run this game in the near future, but as for now, I just do some glitch hunting whenever I can spare some free time.

Speaking of glitches, I thought I discovered something new, but Zmaster analyzed it and it seems to be a variation of the floating link glitch.
Too bad! This game really needs more glitches.

In case anyone is interested:
« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 07:22:24 PM by Yadra121 » Logged
Deku Scrub

Posts: 18

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« Reply #53 on: February 04, 2014, 04:12:05 AM »

Not a bad find. For that specific area, we skip using those switches in single player by jumping & tossing a Link onto the platform blocked off by the flames. The other major glitch, which I have yet to accomplish, is the "actor" glitch in stage 4-3 where you purposefully get caught by the lights and hit "start" to pause on a specific frame. Lastly, a "glitch" worth looking into is the GBA screen distortion (I can't think of a clever name for it), which allows for the possibility of "wrong warping" to a different screen. Unfortunately for me, the only result I get when falling down a hole to a GBA screen and pressing different directional inputs ...is a GBA screen that is off-center from the middle position on the TV. This last glitch is likely the one most worth researching and discovering consistent methods for manipulating in order to chip more time off the run. Best of luck! Recently, I managed to nab the official 2nd place for the fastest Four Swords Adventures runner in the world but I am currently taking a break from the game. I may do runs of Four Swords Anniversary Edition on the 3DS (but excuse the poor camera quality; might get a 3DS with the capture board in the future?) or have fun with A Link to the Past and a certain category that I enjoy (Palace of the Four Sword, Out-of-Bounds, single-segment).

A GBA screen glitch may be the key to wrong warping within a stage
Deku Scrub

Posts: 5

« Reply #54 on: February 05, 2014, 02:11:47 PM »

Yeah, I watched Z's IL of 3-3 and saw how it's done fast ^^
The video itself was just to show what the glitch accomplishes (at this point I didn't realize it's just another FLG).

The GBA Screen glitch thingy sounds interesting, I should look into that.

But, in the last week, Z, Pedro and I found some new stuff (several Skips like in 1-1, skipping the complete part past Tingle and just access the bridge early, or skipping the bow and get the lamp faster in 2-3). They all use the GBA OoB Glitch (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG8HN58NhOY) to position the Links in unintended places and then reunite with L ,Y or C.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 18

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« Reply #55 on: February 06, 2014, 02:04:41 AM »

Sweet. The funny thing is... there have been several times where zmaster and I unintentionally did that trick (or something similar) during runs and got irked because it slowed us down. A great example would be using the moon pearl to warp in 8-3 (the main room) with only green link running around when we really wanted all 4 to be present.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 18

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« Reply #56 on: May 04, 2014, 12:37:27 AM »

Finally, a co-op speedrun has happened! I did this first attempt with friends last night. In theory, I think the time can be pushed down below the sub-4 barrier with 2 competent runners. There are plenty of differences (albeit mostly slower) for the co-op run. Namely, rolling in tight corridors is not feasible due to the risk of stealing another player's additional Link. Also, Shadow Link battles are an issue, as well as the boss battles. Below are the VODs.



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Special Guay

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« Reply #57 on: August 05, 2014, 03:57:34 PM »

Alternative method for skipping the Lost Woods gap on English:

Probably not faster than just mashing X, but perhaps more consistent and it seems easier to me.

Too bad no one seems to run English anymore  Cry.

Rescue Tetra before FF1: is new to me. Did you just find this out?
Deku Scrub

Posts: 5

« Reply #58 on: February 26, 2015, 03:01:21 PM »

So, since we were encouraged to actually use the forums...
Let's update some stuff.

Some cool things were discovered just recently ,

Gem Barrier Skip in 8-3:

Skipping the first barrier in 8-3:

Jewel fight skip in 7-1:

Obtaining bombs early in 6-3.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 03:05:12 PM by Yadra121 » Logged
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