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Author Topic: The Creepiest Things in #zelda  (Read 16379 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 153

« on: April 24, 2012, 04:27:12 AM »

So, this is a list of anything un any Zelda IRC channel that creeped you out or still creeps you out.

#zelda: I heard a rumor once that petrie911 is only taking OoT apart so he can slowly replace bits of code with human flesh, creating a monstrous cybernetic entity reminiscent of any Lovecraftian horror.
Special Guay

Posts: 389

« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2012, 04:55:31 AM »

You ripped me off Cry
Thats... pretty creepy...

11:17 <Cosmo>: It's hard to tell what ASAP means with todays sequence breaks
Site Editor
Special Guay

Posts: 276

Locked in cafde's basement

« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2012, 08:39:59 AM »

I heard a rumor that RingRush is actually every idiot in #zelda -- still confirming with Playe.

<yashichidsf> tompa should default be a mod on everything related to srl
<yashichidsf> while i'm not a big fan of modding bots, i think tompa is really well programmed
Site Editor
Mega Guay

Posts: 613

fuck you and the horse you rode in on

562243965 marikthechao@hotmail.com ingx24
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2012, 03:59:03 PM »

Quote from: #zelda
[07:01:03] * MrStrangle (scompton42@m2k2-470AE594.rochester.res.rr.com) has joined #zelda

Quote from: #zelda
[19, Mar, 11y, 17:59:30] <%Runnerguy2489> is jape harassing you ing?
[19, Mar, 11y, 17:59:39] <+ingx24> jape is sexually harassing me rg Sad
[19, Mar, 11y, 17:59:39] <jape> please runnerguy... now is not the time
[19, Mar, 11y, 17:59:41] <+ingx24> halp
[19, Mar, 11y, 17:59:45] <+ingx24> he's sending me pictures of his penis

Quote from: #zelda
[27, Feb, 11y, 20:56:58] <ingx24> [20:56:18] <SAGGY_TITS> I HAVE A PAIR OF SAGGY TITS UNDER MY PENIS

Quote from: "#zelda'
[08, Feb, 11y, 20:49:37] <RingRush> ugh I'm so sick of reading about animal sex
[08, Feb, 11y, 20:49:44] <RingRush> too many pages Sad
[08, Feb, 11y, 20:49:52] <RingRush> a few hundred between today and yesterday

Quote from: #zelda
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:41:51] <GhostNinja> I'm now apparently watching interracial gay sex
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:41:56] <Cerpin>  lolwut
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:42:08] <GhostNinja> This program
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:42:15] <GhostNinja> Is showing gay sex demos
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:42:18] <GhostNinja> With a white and black guy
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:42:22] <GhostNinja> And I can't help but laugh
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:43:22] <Cerpin> That's a bit creepy.
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:43:54] <@petrie911> wait, what?
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:44:06] <GhostNinja> It's gone now
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:44:13] <GhostNinja> Some gay guy was worried about the size of his penis
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:44:14] <@maxx> it's so weird to hear people say "program" when talking about a tv show
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:44:18] <@maxx> hi GhostNinja
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:44:34] <@petrie911> Was this on TV?
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:44:39] <GhostNinja> Yes
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:44:55] <GhostNinja> And some woman was telling him about different positions to achieve deeper penetration
[02, Feb, 11y, 17:45:06] <GhostNinja> And it decided to show you the positions with a black and white man having sex

more to come later


<complex> byan you're doing that thing again
<complex> the thing where everything you say is fucking retarded

<ethandude> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual cheak this out luxury it might come in helpful when u wright your resime
Site Editor
Special Guay

Posts: 276

Locked in cafde's basement

« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2012, 09:06:40 PM »

Ingx24 master of logs

<yashichidsf> tompa should default be a mod on everything related to srl
<yashichidsf> while i'm not a big fan of modding bots, i think tompa is really well programmed
Site Editor
Mega Guay

Posts: 613

fuck you and the horse you rode in on

562243965 marikthechao@hotmail.com ingx24
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2012, 12:41:29 AM »

Quote from: #zelda
[16:02:32] <@ZFG> I'm gonna work you all night cosmo Tongue

Quote from: #zelda

Quote from: #zelda
[13:49:09] <unreal> this ones disgusting
[13:49:09] <unreal> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDDo6Wnsk6I&feature=related
[13:49:28] <petrie911> oh dear...that appears to be a tapeworm
[13:49:42] <petrie911> the question is...how will that be fatal
[13:49:49] <@MrSparkle> colerophobia haha
[13:49:51] <RingRush> is that the one wehre the girl gets eaten alive
[13:49:55] <RingRush> or the snail one?
[13:49:59] <@MrSparkle> I'd think thats a fear of plants or something
[13:50:02] <RingRush> I forgot which ones I watched on my own and which ones were linked
[13:51:14] <petrie911> "you shouldn't eat a worm for the purposes of losing weight"
[13:51:21] <RingRush> ...lol
[13:51:22] <@MrSparkle> lol
[13:51:36] <petrie911> again, I would imagine you shouldn't eat a work regardless of purpose
[13:51:41] <@MrSparkle> I eat a lot but I'm so skinny
[13:51:45] <petrie911> *worm
[13:52:03] <unreal> what kind of idiot would eat a tape worm
[13:52:17] <@MrSparkle> I could have worms
[13:52:32] <petrie911> somewhere between the kind of idiot that fishes with electricity
[13:52:39] <petrie911> and the kind of idiot that has sex with a cow heart

Quote from: #zelda
[22:36:10] <Toesrus> you never really realize how sexy you are until you take your clothes off

Quote from: #zelda
[18:04:09] <Blizzerk> PEDOPHILE BEARDS
[18:04:20] <Maxx> hello Blizzerk
[18:04:26] <Blizzerk> ohai Cheesy
[18:04:37] <Blizzerk> guess what I wore to school today
[18:04:45] <Maxx> pants?
[18:05:04] <pokey> good one
[18:05:57] <Blizzerk> + beard and rapist glasses
[18:06:14] <Maxx> i don't really understand what you are saying
[18:06:23] <Blizzerk> I don't either
[18:06:29] <Maxx> k


<complex> byan you're doing that thing again
<complex> the thing where everything you say is fucking retarded

<ethandude> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual cheak this out luxury it might come in helpful when u wright your resime
Special Guay

Posts: 202

« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2012, 02:19:41 AM »

[16:29] <ingx24> i'm waiting for something interesting to happen
[16:29] <ingx24> :3
[16:29] <GhostNinja> Puberty?
[16:29] <ingx24> Shocked
[16:29] <RingRusher> hahahaha
[16:29] <ingx24> f u
[16:29] <%Runnerguy2489> lol
[16:29] <Zero> lol

<ingx24> <3 gc controller
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 02:31:47 AM by bluephantom340 » Logged

[13:57] <Kaztalek> Give me a week and I guarentee I will be a top 10 MM player.
[18:34:23] <ingx24> i suck at mm
Special Guay

Posts: 389

« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2012, 10:22:48 AM »

Shocked Not sure I want to hang out in the irc anymore... Undecided

11:17 <Cosmo>: It's hard to tell what ASAP means with todays sequence breaks
Site Editor
Mega Guay

Posts: 613

fuck you and the horse you rode in on

562243965 marikthechao@hotmail.com ingx24
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2012, 11:33:14 AM »

that last quote bluephantom posted is legit the most disturbing thing ive ever seen

i think im gonna have trouble sleeping tonight Sad

Quote from: #zelda
[07:50:47] <@MrSparkle> http://www.fanfiction.net/game/Zelda/10/0/1/1/0/1319/1325/0/0/1/
[07:50:48] <@MrSparkle> :/
[07:50:59] <RingRush> ...
[07:51:00] <RingRush> srsly?
[07:51:06] <@MrSparkle> there are non
[07:51:15] <@MrSparkle> at leats there...
[07:51:21] <RingRush> oh
[07:51:27] <RingRush> that is saria and darunia
[07:51:29] <RingRush> I said malon and darunia
[07:52:03] <RingRush> No entries found with current settings/filters. Note: M rated entries are not displayed by default
[07:52:08] <RingRush> maybe there is an M rated one Shocked
[07:52:32] <RingRush> Darunia is in no M rated fics >_>
[07:52:55] <RingRush> there are four m rated fics involving epona
[07:52:56] <RingRush> >_>
[07:53:23] <RingRush> none with goron link and epona
[07:53:50] <RingRush> Link is always solving people's crappy problems, so when he gets asked to rape women in termina, things are finally looking up for him. If you aren't 18 than you dont wanna read this, its all adult content, please be advised! Reviews Wanted!
[07:53:52] <RingRush> ...
[07:53:55] <@MrSparkle> http://www.angelfire.com/scifi2/pinklink/4.htm
[07:53:57] <@MrSparkle> Cheesy
[07:54:57] <RingRush> At the moon Link tries to get fierce diety so he talks to the kids around the tree. “Well”, one of the kids says “we get awfully horny up here on the moon, we’ll need 1 picture each, four total.”
[07:54:59] <RingRush> ....wtf lol

Quote from: #zelda
[21:37:05] * Toes gets arrested
[21:37:09] * Toes gets raped in jail
[21:37:13] * Toes likes it

Quote from: #zelda
[19:15:13] <Blizzerk> It's not rape if you shout: "SUPRISE!"
[19:15:30] <@ZFG> yes it is
[19:15:41] <Blizzerk> well, I learned that today.
[19:15:49] <Blizzerk> what did everyone else learn?
[19:15:52] <@ZFG> wtf
[19:15:58] <@ZFG> tmi
[19:16:13] <Jiano> i learned how to spell surprise
[19:16:16] <Jiano> =X

Quote from: #zelda
[15:51:59] <Blizzerk> i have an extra room in my apartment, and i had no idea what to do with it. then, while reading the archives from xkcd and it hit me. I WILL TURN THIS ROOM INTO A BALL PIT. like, for good. i plan to put foam padding all over the walls and the door, and then just fill the room with about 3 feet of ball pit balls. im gonna buy the foam at a hardware store, and im going to order the balls online, where i can get them in amounts of 500.
[15:52:30] <@Cosmo> lol
[15:52:31] <Jer> You serious?
[15:52:31] <pokey> we all know that you need to have balls <_<
[15:52:42] <Jer> If you do this, i want pics
[15:52:43] <Blizzerk> amazon doesn't sell balls
[15:52:48] <Blizzerk> Jer I will do this
[15:52:49] <Atma> too many balls touching
[15:52:54] <Blizzerk> Sad
[15:52:56] <Blizzerk> Atmo
[15:52:59] <Blizzerk> Atma*
[15:53:07] <Blizzerk> its not gay if
[15:53:11] <Blizzerk> oh shit.
[15:53:21] <Blizzerk> how will i clean the balls?
[15:53:29] <Jer> Pour water in the room
[15:53:31] <unreal> hey i have to make amendments
[15:53:49] <unreal> someone help me with an amendment on internet use lol <_<
[15:53:51] <Blizzerk> umm
[15:53:52] <Blizzerk> wait
[15:53:55] <unreal> idk what to say
[15:54:00] <Blizzerk> what happens if i open the door
[15:54:01] <@Cosmo> lol the 9 min run, I want to see a 100% deku run now
[15:54:04] <Blizzerk> to said room
[15:54:38] <Blizzerk> im gonna go to all the places that have ballpits and steal some each time i go
[15:55:14] <Blizzerk> hmm
[15:55:15] <Jer> Rofl
[15:55:17] <Jer> 9 minutes
[15:55:19] <Blizzerk> wait, did i said apartment?
[15:55:21] <Blizzerk> i meant house
[15:55:23] <Blizzerk> >_>
[15:55:31] <Blizzerk> im gonna make it like 8 feet
[15:55:32] <Jer> Even if he didnt use any tricks
[15:55:37] <Blizzerk> SO NOBODY LEAVES THE BALLPIT
[15:55:38] <Jer> Why the hell is he opening boxs
[15:55:41] <pokey> Blizzek
[15:55:43] <Blizzerk> wat
[15:55:53] <Blizzerk> i'll lure children to my house with my balls
[15:56:00] <pokey> Do you rape your mother with that mouth
[15:56:01] <Jer> "thinking maybe we should gofeff for a "beat the Well w/o a Lens of Truth" competition. heh. that will be tough. (also, no user guides, obv)"
[15:56:01] <Jer> LOL
[15:56:15] <@Cosmo> lol
[15:56:18] <@Cosmo> too funny
[15:56:31] <Blizzerk> hmm, sex in a ballpit

Quote from: #zelda
[19:35:43] <Blizzerk> !addgreet I masturbate with nutella more than morgoth
[19:36:01] <AKA> !addgreet next time you come here I'll rape you
[19:36:08] * AKA (hot_trail2@m2k2-84021102.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com) Quit (Quit: )
[19:36:12] <RBAboat> how does one go about getting a greet
[19:36:13] * AKA (hot_trail2@m2k2-84021102.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com) has joined #zelda
[19:36:14] <GuayBot> [AKA] "next time you come here I'll rape you"

Quote from: #zelda
[22:44:36] <Blizzerk> okay
[22:44:51] <Blizzerk> so, there was a notice sent home on the weekend from all the schools in my neighboorhood
[22:45:04] <Blizzerk> about a 50 year old man who tried to rape a 13 year old girl
[22:45:24] <Blizzerk> he had a fluffy white beard, plaid shirt and a southern accent
[22:45:30] <Blizzerk> he was white, medium build
[22:45:40] <Blizzerk> guess what i'm going as for halloween?

« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 01:20:14 PM by ING-X » Logged

<complex> byan you're doing that thing again
<complex> the thing where everything you say is fucking retarded

<ethandude> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual cheak this out luxury it might come in helpful when u wright your resime
Regular Guay

Posts: 85

Fuck you

« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2012, 09:07:48 PM »

09[18:30:23] * ingx24 (ingx24@49015C50.98F57434.21D88F93.IP) has joined #zelda
[18:30:27] <10keeta> i was 5 btw
[18:30:27] <10SD2> aww poor keeta
[18:30:30] <10ingx24> oh hi
[18:30:34] <10Tompa> hi SD
[18:30:45] <07%ZFG> hi
09[18:30:48] * pokey_on_Wii (443bb4eb@m2k2-F983A5FE.mibbit.com) has joined #zelda
[18:30:55] <10Maxx> i've never been trick or treating
[18:30:56] <10keeta> he was saying hi to me, tomps
[18:30:59] <10Maxx> i wonder if it's fun
[18:31:02] <10ingx24> i'm assuming you guys don't know who i am
[18:31:05] <10keeta> no
[18:31:08] <07%ZFG> nop
[18:31:09] <10Maxx> nope
[18:31:09] <10keeta> its fucking gay
[18:31:10] <10keeta> as shit
[18:31:22] <10Tompa> Keeta: ...?
[18:31:32] <10Tompa> I said hi to SD and no one else
[18:31:33] <10MrGrunz> I can't really imagine it to suck too hard
[18:31:38] <10SD2> im special Smiley
[18:31:40] <10keeta> no
[18:32:09] <10ingx24> he's saying that trick or treating is gay, therefore it must mean that he thinks trick or treating involves fornication with people of the same sex as you (i.e. buttsex)
[18:32:19] <10ingx24> XD

This is what started the creepy nightmares we all have

I'm gay
Site Editor
Mega Guay

Posts: 613

fuck you and the horse you rode in on

562243965 marikthechao@hotmail.com ingx24
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2012, 09:41:54 PM »

Quote from: #zelda
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:55:21] <RingRush> ah, now I know about "the underlying significance of the G-String covered with diamonds"
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:55:28] <RingRush> seriously wtf am I reading
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:55:40] <@petrie911> RR, is this on Wikipedia?
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:55:40] <fiercelinkmaster> I approve of this
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:55:45] <RingRush> petrie: homework
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:55:56] <fiercelinkmaster> gj rg
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:56:00] <@petrie911> I'm am intrigued and strangely aroused
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:56:05] <%Runnerguy2489> fierce are you my coach?
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:56:13] <@petrie911> and also using redundant contractions
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:56:17] * zero (zero@m2k2-B7CCB10C.sd.sd.cox.net) has joined #zelda
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:56:19] <ingx24> lol petrie
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:56:20] <RingRush> look up Roland Barthes' "striptease"
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:56:23] <fiercelinkmaster> uh
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:56:28] <fiercelinkmaster> do you want me to be?
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:56:34] <zero> hello
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:56:36] <RingRush> it isn't interesting at all
[18, Jan, 11y, 21:56:38] <RingRush> it is just strange

Quote from: #zelda
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:00:15] <RingRush> ah, so the diamonds on the g-string represent the unattainable
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:00:45] <@petrie911> wouldn't diamonds on a g-string be incredibly painful and look horribly tacky?
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:01:10] <RingRush> I don't know but apparently they are the traditional end to a parisian striptease

Quote from: #zelda
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:22:11] <RingRush> elm you missed the diamond-laced G-strings
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:22:29] <fiercelinkmaster> uh
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:22:40] <fiercelinkmaster> diamond laced
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:22:41] <fiercelinkmaster> guays
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:22:52] <RingRush> it is always weird when reading stuff that mentions my college in the texyt
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:23:08] <Elminster> diamond laced g-strings?
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:23:11] <Elminster> what up
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:23:46] <RingRush> stripteasing is based on a contradiction: woman is desexualized at the very moment when she is stripping naked
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:23:48] <RingRush> that is what is up
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:24:12] <fiercelinkmaster> uh
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:24:16] <Elminster> huh>
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:24:19] <Elminster> the hell
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:24:19] <@petrie911> ...
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:24:23] <Enterim> hey you kids, it's not cool to use women for your sexual benefit
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:24:24] <fiercelinkmaster> wut
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:24:42] <@petrie911> see, this is why I didn't take my rhetoric class seriously
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:24:49] <fiercelinkmaster> lol
[18, Jan, 11y, 22:24:57] <@petrie911> I wrote a paper on the Nintendo Wii, because I could


<complex> byan you're doing that thing again
<complex> the thing where everything you say is fucking retarded

<ethandude> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual cheak this out luxury it might come in helpful when u wright your resime
Special Guay

Posts: 389

« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2012, 02:35:04 AM »

Some of the things Ing said to me in the conversation that's in my sig were pretty creepy as I remember. Ing, do you have that one recorded?

11:17 <Cosmo>: It's hard to tell what ASAP means with todays sequence breaks
Special Guay

Posts: 389

« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2012, 07:31:33 PM »

This isn't from #zelda, but it is FUCKING CREEPY!


Also, bump. Grin

11:17 <Cosmo>: It's hard to tell what ASAP means with todays sequence breaks
Site Editor
Special Guay

Posts: 473

I'm the worst

« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2012, 10:02:16 PM »

This isn't from #zelda, but it is FUCKING CREEPY!


Also, bump. Grin

Hahahaha XD
Is this real?!

"tsmart yashichidsf wild dumb bitch" -Isaacordorica 2012
Special Guay

Posts: 389

« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2012, 11:29:39 PM »

There's a second one... on his pastebin profile page... That one is really hilarious. I don't have copy-paste on the device I'm on, so you need to go there yourself. Read at the risk of shitting yourself laughing. He just completely ignores the bot. It's great.

11:17 <Cosmo>: It's hard to tell what ASAP means with todays sequence breaks
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