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Author Topic: BiTLoading Category  (Read 13707 times)
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Mega Guay

Posts: 579

« on: April 11, 2012, 08:08:06 PM »

We need one.
BiTLoading is by far the most interesting glitch out there now.
We're able to get Light Tower cutscene early which will save 15-20 minutes.

We can get early access to light columns which means that we don't even have to kill the bosses in skyview and earth temple. earth temple would only get bombs and then leave. Skyview temple would only get the beetle and then leave. This should save quite some time too.

We'd access Skykeep early which means that it'll be possible to skip everything after the bow and before skykeep.

And there is probably more things out there to be found with it. (Maybe I even forgot to mention something above?)

I do not see a reason not to have a BiTLoading category. We do not have to replace an existing one, just add an additional one. And if someone do not want to run using BiTLoading, just run a regular category.

Special Guay

Posts: 229

Oot 3DS!!!!

« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 08:13:46 PM »

I agree with this 100%. Just one question? Can you save you 100% existing file somewhere, like near fire sanctuary entrance and then in whole run you don't need to touch that file again or do you need to use existing file for something to make those glitches work? Also videos of the skykeep early and activing light pillars early would be nice.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 08:17:01 PM by Kazooie » Logged

My stream and youtube channel. Be sure to check them out and leave comments. Have fun!!!
Currently working on: DKC3 105% segmented speedrun and racing games
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Mega Guay

Posts: 579

« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2012, 08:17:34 PM »

I agree with this 100%. Just one question? Can you save you 100% existing file somewhere, like near fire sanctuary entrance and then in whole run you don't need to touch that file after that. Can this category be done this way or do you need to move somewhere else in 100% file where you load that stuff to other file?

And we need video of skykeep and activing light pillars early!

I'd say that the file can contain whatever you want (as long as you get everything without using cheats), so that it doesn't have to be a 100% file, and you should be allowed to save anywhere.
I do not know about being allowed to play on that file though. I never thought of that.

And videos will be up tomorrow.

Regular Guay

Posts: 146

Skyward Sword Editor

« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2012, 08:22:24 PM »

In the vid for the early light tower, you made a 0-char file. Is that necessary, and if so, is it possible to make that file be hero mode?

Not sure about being able to load the other file. The only reason you'd do it is to save like 2.5 min activating BiT the first time. Unless there will be some glitches that require you save the 100% file elsewhere. If you can load the other file, when would timing start, since you'd load that file before you run your main file.

<Triforce3250> You're my hero mode
Site Editor
Mega Guay

Posts: 579

« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2012, 08:35:58 PM »

In the vid for the early light tower, you made a 0-char file. Is that necessary, and if so, is it possible to make that file be hero mode?

Not sure about being able to load the other file. The only reason you'd do it is to save like 2.5 min activating BiT the first time. Unless there will be some glitches that require you save the 100% file elsewhere. If you can load the other file, when would timing start, since you'd load that file before you run your main file.

Kazooie and I did some research and we managed to optimize the light tower trick into this:
It does not require a 0-char file (not a unused BiT file that is), so we can use a Hero Mode file to do it.
And I wouldn't say 100% file since we most likely wont use a 100% file. We'd use a set up that allows 1 file to do the light tower early, the skykeep early, AND one of the light columns early tricks. This file can't even be 100% actually. I'll make a simple video of how to create such a file later, it is quite simple.
There is no need to ever load these files during a run, at least I can't think of a reason. Or, well, actually, it could be used to activate BiT for the first time faster. (load it and kill yourself with a bomb + sword slash).

Special Guay

Posts: 229

« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2012, 04:31:15 AM »

Soo wait, you can actually skip the fucking song of the hero!?

Vids plz.
Regular Guay

Posts: 146

Skyward Sword Editor

« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2012, 04:45:43 AM »

(Waiting for those vids)

Suggested theoretical route. Not sure if this would work or if there is a better route:
File 1: Blank Hero file (The file the run will take place on)
File 2: Unplaced Eldin Tablet (To be corrupted after opening the Eldin Pillar)
File 3: Unplaced Lanayru Tablet + Unplaced Stone of Trials + Opened Light Tower

Activate BiT
Save Bird
Activate early Eldin and Lanayru Pillars + Open light tower
Place Emerald Tablet
Goto Faron
Get Slingshot
Get Beetle (Leave dungeon)
Goto Eldin
Get diggin mitts
Get bombs (Leave dungeon)
Goto Lanayru
Play Lanayru and get the harp
Goto skyloft and open thunderhead
Goto isle of songs
Faron Trials
Skyview 2
Beat AC
Goto Isle of Songs
Lanayru Trials
Get Bow from Sandship (leave dungeon)
Goto Skyloft
Activate Early Skykeep
Beat game

<Triforce3250> You're my hero mode
Mega Guay

Posts: 659

also pheenoh <3

« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2012, 04:48:57 AM »

I don't like the idea of using an already existing file to affect a speedrun, but I would hate not allowing a huge glitch like this even more.  I would support it, but if someone could find a way to do this without the need of another file, that would be even better.

I can't wait to try this stuff out.

I for one think that there are no glitches in OoT. It's just gameshark codes.

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Special Guay

Posts: 229

« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2012, 05:04:34 AM »

Yeah I pretty much feel the same way as ZFG. I don't like the idea of loading from existing files, and I don't like the idea of skipping Fire Sanctuary (<__<), but holy shit, skipping the Song of the Hero would be amazing. That is by farrrrr my most hated section of the game.

I brought up the question of whether to allow it on SDA if anyone wants to chime in there. http://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/skyward_sword_back_in_time_glitch_questions_26.html
« Last Edit: April 12, 2012, 07:45:39 AM by Paraxade » Logged
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