They are looking great so far. Great job with it! About checking those normal font maps. There is lanayru caves listed in table. That cave doesn't have save statue at all so you can also delete that one as well. What that boat hangar map means? If you are refering to sandship I think bitwarp always warps you to boss key room no matter where you save in sandship.
And why you need map for skyloft? i don't think anyone use bitwarp there and it's pretty easy to understand why. Of course I can edit map for you from skyloft if you want.
You could also number warp locations to table. Like bazaar one is three and so on. Did I forget anything?
Maps for skyloft is not really required, it is just that it would look better with a completed list, and people won't have to ask about it incase they do not know much about BiT.
The map would also display the 4 statue locations, which is a good thing.
Also, BiTWarp is useful in Skyloft. That is what you use in the speedrun to skip ceremony intro for example.

(Do not confuse this with BiTSave which warps you to BiT skyloft.)
The maps should be updated with colored outlines around each area in the map. This will make it easier for people new to BiT to understand how for example fire sanctuary works.