Deku Scrub
Posts: 10
« Reply #135 on: April 28, 2014, 08:21:18 PM » |
Do we need to select which setting to use every time we plug in the adapter? Or will it "remember" the last chosen profile?
Special Guay
Posts: 206
« Reply #136 on: April 29, 2014, 10:26:44 AM » |
Do we need to select which setting to use every time we plug in the adapter? Or will it "remember" the last chosen profile?
It remembers. 
Regular Guay
Posts: 125
« Reply #137 on: April 29, 2014, 11:52:00 AM » |
awesome ^_^ really looking forward to it  as far as I understood you sell them again...? can I PM you about that again? 
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 12:13:09 PM by thiefbug »
Regular Guay
Posts: 31
im vulpone
« Reply #138 on: April 29, 2014, 12:06:55 PM » |
i also ordered one last week. should arrive within the next two days.
let's see if it's improved since early 2013 :^]
Special Guay
Posts: 206
« Reply #139 on: May 01, 2014, 03:06:11 PM » |
awesome ^_^ really looking forward to it  as far as I understood you sell them again...? can I PM you about that again?  I do sell them again, but I haven't improved MM yet. Some people don't really care about MM, so then I might as well sell it. I'm making some progress on MM. I also tried MM on the N64 and some of the problems of which I thought were caused by my adapter, also exist on N64. For instance, if you look with around with C-up and you want to move straight left or right, the camera has the tendency to also move up. That seems to be because of a very small deadzone MM has (even though ESS deadzone is bigger than OoT). This is only during C-up, not during aiming with bow or hookshot. Also, turning 90 degrees seems harder with MM than OoT (also on N64). Of course I could add a small deadzone, but the goal is to keep the controls as similar as possible.
Regular Guay
Posts: 125
« Reply #140 on: May 02, 2014, 03:38:28 PM » |
we don't line up with c-up thaat often so it shouldn't really matter. and for the turning we'd still have shieldturning in case you don't want to add a deadzone there ^^ anyway - I really look forward to it 
Special Guay
Posts: 206
« Reply #141 on: May 02, 2014, 06:46:45 PM » |
we don't line up with c-up thaat often so it shouldn't really matter. and for the turning we'd still have shieldturning in case you don't want to add a deadzone there ^^ anyway - I really look forward to it  Lining up with c-up is probably still a lot better than it is now. I'm trying shield turning right now on N64. It seems that turning 90 degrees is really hard. I line up with a wall, then I do the shield turn and I then walk straight with my camera locked. Sometimes Link won't stick to the wall. This could mean two things: the shield turn isn't exactly 90 degrees or I'm not walking completely straight. The deadzone is really small when walking forward (with camera locked) or backwards, so that could explain the not walking straight. Maybe I'm doing the shield turn wrong. Right now I hold shield, I then pull my analog stick left or right and quickly release R and press it again. Now that I'm comparing N64 with VC I think my N64 to GC adapter is really accurate. Are there people that run MM on N64? Because I wonder if they have the same problems. I can only conclude right now that the N64 controls also have some flaws and I'm not sure how it would affect speedrunning. For OoT it would be unacceptable for a lot of setups.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 06:48:46 PM by whyieyesya »
Regular Guay
Posts: 125
« Reply #142 on: May 02, 2014, 07:51:58 PM » |
well, we need 90° turns for some setups :/ (just realized for stonetower or woodfall for example)
I can ask DennisBalow is this problem also exists on N64... but there's no runner on N64, iirc (Dennis just plays the game casually) But I remember that things like backwalking were really hard / stupid to do on N64 myself...
I don't know if it would be allowed to fix it a little...? these are no inputs made by the controller / adapter made afterall (we still have to do all the inputs ourselves)
Special Guay
Posts: 206
« Reply #143 on: May 02, 2014, 08:35:16 PM » |
well, we need 90° turns for some setups :/ (just realized for stonetower or woodfall for example)
Is that during hovers? Because those might still work very well. I can ask DennisBalow is this problem also exists on N64... but there's no runner on N64, iirc (Dennis just plays the game casually) But I remember that things like backwalking were really hard / stupid to do on N64 myself...
The more input the better.  Allthough as I said, the problem also occurs on N64 for me. Just wondering if it is a big problem during speedruns. I don't know if it would be allowed to fix it a little...? these are no inputs made by the controller / adapter made afterall (we still have to do all the inputs ourselves)
My ultimate goal is to make the controls just like on N64. With the GC adapter I don't really mind adding some deadzone/maybe fixing it in a different way. MM wasn't meant to be played with a GC controller anyways, so I might as well modify the controls to make it better playable.
Regular Guay
Posts: 125
« Reply #144 on: May 02, 2014, 08:43:34 PM » |
aaah okay, I'm still gonna ask him tho. uhm, no the turns are on the ground in order to get the right angle for longjumps / bk skips :/ but it'd be really awesome if you could fix it a little then 
Special Guay
Posts: 206
« Reply #145 on: May 02, 2014, 08:53:25 PM » |
aaah okay, I'm still gonna ask him tho. uhm, no the turns are on the ground in order to get the right angle for longjumps / bk skips :/ but it'd be really awesome if you could fix it a little then  I'll look into it. I'm just really curious how runners on N64 cope with it. I hope I'm doing something wrong. 
Regular Guay
Posts: 125
« Reply #146 on: May 02, 2014, 10:17:58 PM » |
the last runner on N64 was ingx...? his run didn't use any ground / shieldturns, iirc... but that was from 2012 anyway :/
Regular Guay
Posts: 50
« Reply #147 on: May 02, 2014, 10:43:44 PM » |
The things you describe are all normal on n64. Backwalking/walking straight forward and turning 90/180 are difficult, but not impossible to get used to so I think you should make it as close to n64 as possible and not add a deadzone, but that is just my opinion
Regular Guay
Posts: 125
« Reply #148 on: May 03, 2014, 12:24:14 AM » |
losing runs to not being able to move straight forward is a little sad... especially when being on low health it has to be fun. so I'll buy it and then decide wether to use it or not x)
« Last Edit: May 03, 2014, 12:29:41 AM by thiefbug »
Special Guay
Posts: 206
« Reply #149 on: May 04, 2014, 12:23:28 PM » |
The things you describe are all normal on n64. Backwalking/walking straight forward and turning 90/180 are difficult, but not impossible to get used to so I think you should make it as close to n64 as possible and not add a deadzone, but that is just my opinion
The biggest problem is that, considering it is already hard on N64, that if my mapping is only slightly off, it may be harder than on N64. The mapping for MM is a lot more complicated than the other games. What I think I will do is experiment with deadzone. If that works good, I'll make it so you can enable and disable it. The added deadzone actually also sucks, because that will make ESS harder again.