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Author Topic: Single Segment Any%  (Read 11695 times)
Special Guay

Posts: 205

« on: August 30, 2009, 03:56:16 PM »

Might as well post the route I'm using. Maybe someone can point out a flaw, although that is unlikely seeing as there's absolutely no way I could make a mistake.

Single Segment Route:

First Cycle:
-Normal up to Clock Town
-2R on the way to Clock Town
-Deposit 2R(00R)(02R)
-Silver Rupee in the Inn(99R)
-Stray Fairy
-Deposit 99R(00R)(101R)
-Equip Ocarina to C-Left

Second Cycle:
-Song of Healing
-Silver in ECT(99R)(101)
-Hit Clock Town Owl
-Deposit 99R(00)(200)
-Withdraw 150R(150)(50)
-Buy Bomb Bag and 20 Chus(20B)(20C)(20)(50R)
-Exit WCT
-Equip Bombs to C-Right
-Equip Chus to C-Down
-ISG + SS to Great Bay(19B)(20C)
-Bomb + Chu hover over fence(18B)(19C)
-Superslide to water(17B)(19C)
-Hit Great Bay Owl
-Zora Mask
-Superslide to Zora Coast(16B)(19C)
-Equip Zora Mask to C-Left
-Zora Pots for 180R(200R)
-Zora Coast Owl
-Bombs next to Owl(20B)(19C)
-Hover and blow up FF rocks(19B)(14C)
-Wrong Warp to Ikana(15B)(2C)
-Superslide to Ikana Owl(14B)(2C)
-Bombs near Owl(19B)(2C)
-Swim to Swamp
-Zora Superslide to Big Octo(18B)(2C)
-Kill Big Octo
-Backwalk to Deku Palace
-ISG + Hover over deku guards(17B)(2C)
-1 Chu hover up to flower(17B)(1C)
-Hover to Monkey(16B)(0C)
-Equip Deku Mask to C-Left
-Equip Ocarina to C-Down
-Open Woodfall Temple
-Woodfall Owl
-Sticks/nuts next to Owl
-Hover to Bow(12B)(0C)
-Equip Bottle to C-Left
-Equip Deku Stick to C-Right
-Deku Stick Lizalfos
-SoS to entrance
-SoS to clock town
-Bremen Mask
-Buy 20 Chus and 10 Bombs(20B)(20C)(90R)(50R)
-Bottle Dupe over Bremen Mask, Sticks, and Nuts. Sell Red Potion(170R)(50R)
-Equip Bottle to C-Right
-Equip Zora Mask to C-Left
-Scarecrow Song
-SoS to Great Bay
-Enter Pirates Fortress
-Equip Bombs to C-Right
-Equip Chus to C-DOwn
-Equip Bow to C-Left
-Hover across gap(19B)(16C)
-Cut Scene skip with bow
-Chu superslide to hookshot(18B)(15C)
-Equip Hookshot to C-Down
-Equip Bottle to C-Right
-Equip Zora mask to C-Left
-First egg
-Jumpslash to second egg
-jumpslash to third egg
-pirate battle
-20R next to 4th egg(190R)
-4th egg
-Equip Ocarina to C-Down
-SoS to Great Bay
-Deposit Eggs
-Pinnacle Rock
-Deposit Eggs
-Equip Ocarina to C-Right
-SoS Woodfall
-Nuts/Stick next to Owl
-Equip Deku Mask to C-Left
-Equip Chus to C-Down
-Equip Bombs to C-Right
-Wrong Warp to Snowhead(17B)(0C)
-Hit Snowhead Owl
-Equip Ocarina to C-Left
-SoS to Clock Town
-Buy 20 Chus(17B)(20C)(110R)
-SoS to Snowhead
-Bombs near owl(20B)(20C)
-Lullaby skip(1B)(5C)
-Equip Zora Mask to C-Left
-Equip Hookshot to C-Down
-Equip Ocarina to C-RIght
-Zora jump in bridge room
-Bombs in basement twice(10B)(0C)
-Hookshot to 2nd floor
-Equip Bombs to C-Right
-Equip Bow to C-Left
-Equip Stick to C-Down
-Long jumps to fire arrows
-Fire Arrows
-Equip Chus to C-Down
-Equip HOokshot to C-Left
-Hookshot to 3rd floor
-Hover to snowballs
-Equip Fire Arrows to C-Left
-Hover to Boss door
-BK Skip
-Goht with arrows
-Goht's remains
-Forge Razor Sword(10R)
-SoS to Woodfall
-Equip Deku Mask to C-Left
-Equip HOokshot to C-Down
-Equip Fire Arrows to C-Right
-bombs in main room(10B)
-Boss key
-20R next to Boss Key(30R)
-Equip Zora Mask to C-Left
-Equip Hookshot to C-Down
-Equip Bow to C-Right
-20R before boss door(50R)
-Odolwa with Quickspins
-Equip Ocarina to C-Left
-SoS to Clock Town
-Withdraw 50R(100R)
-Buy 20 Chus(10B)(20C)(20R)
-SoS to Ikana
-Bombs next to Owl(15B)(20C)
-Equip Hookshot to C-Left
-Equip Chus to C-Down
-Equip Bombs to C-Right
-Ascend Stone Tower(13B)(20C)
-Hit Stone Tower Owl
-Equip Ocarina to C-Left
-Equip Hookshot to C-Down
-Bombs next to Owl(18B)(20C)
-SoS to Clock Town
-50R chest(70R)
-20R chest(90R)
-Buy 20 Chus(10R)
-SoS to Stone Tower
-Equip Chus to C-Down
-Equip Zora Mask to C-Left
-Bombs next to Owl(20B)(20C)
-Cross Stone Tower Gap(19B)(12C)
-First Sun Block Skip(18B)(7C)
-Small Key
-Second Sun Block Skip(17B)(2C)
-Equip Deku Mask to C-Left
-Equip Ocarina to C-Right
-Equip Nuts to C-Down
-Garo Master
-Light Arrows
-SOS to entrance
-Equip Light Arrows to C-Left
-Equip Bombs to C-Right
-Equip Chus to C-Down
-Invert STT(15B)(1C)
-Shoot first sun block with light arrow
-Bomb recoil out of updraft(14B)(1C)
-Recoil flip to eyegore bridge(13B)(1C)
-Eyegore with light arrows
-Giant's Mask
-Equip HOokshot to C-Down
-100R from bubbles(100R)
-Boss Key
-Hookshot to eyegore bridge
-Equip Fire Arrows to C-Down
-Equip Giant's Mask to C-Right
-Equip Ocarina to C-Left
-Twinmold with arrows
-SoS to Clock Town
-Buy 20 Chus(13B)(20C)
-SoS to Zora Coast
-Get magic/bombs/arrows
-Open GBT
-Equip Bombs to C-Right
-Equip Chus to C-Down
-Equip HOokshot to C-Left
-Enter GBT
-Hover first gap(12B)(17C)
-GBT BK skip with zora boost(11B)(7C)
-Equip Zora Mask to C-Left
-Equip Bow to C-Down
-Equip Ocarina to C-Right
-SoS to Clock Town
-Equip Bombs to C-Right
-Equip Chus to C-Down
-Equip Ocarina to C-Left
-enter clock tower
-Superslide to Majora
-Equip Zora Mask to C-Left
-Equip Bow to C-Down
« Last Edit: September 05, 2009, 08:44:58 AM by Jiano » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 159

Inlove with Twilight Princess

WWW Email
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2010, 07:05:10 PM »

I just finished watching your run Jiano, and I got to say it is great, congratulations

Regular Guay

Posts: 109


« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2010, 03:21:15 AM »

jiano is too beast for MM

<@Cosmo> ive only drawn naked people recently
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