NewGame+ is a new category based around a glitch which allows you to start with all items that you can get through BA by creating a new file.
This is because when you either mount onto a horse, or have fishing rod on B (inside the pond), the game stores what item you had on B before doing either of those things, so when you exit the game and create a new savefile it will return that item to the B button of the new file. you can see I have a bracket which says bugs in the route title, that means that I will start my new file with Bugs on B.
This will only work if Single Cycle Dorf is possible with MS. Read below the route for more info.
Updated July 19, 2011, 12:38:19 AM forum time.
•Deku Nuts
•Kokiri Sword (Do not equip)
•WWT Forest Escape
•Bottle Dupe over Deku Nuts
•RBA Empty Bottle
•40r from chains
•Green Potion
•Zelda's Lullaby
•40r from chains
•Goron City
•Deku Stick from Jar in Darunias room
•Blow up LW rocks with burning Deku Sticks
•Saria's Song
•Deku Shield
•Deku Tree
•LW to Goron City
•RBA Beans
•RBA Bugs
•Megaflip Clip ZD > LH Warp
•Gerudo's Fortress
•RBA Green Potion
•Put bottle created from last step on II
•Odd Mushroom
•RBA Odd Mushroom (Keep atleast one bug)
•Equip Sword
•Navi Dive to Zora's River
•KZ Skip
•Chain Rupees
•Hylian Shield
•Din's Fire
•Adult Link
•Ganon's Castle
•Skip Trials (Megaflip Damage Boost method)
•kill dorf single cycle
•Din's Fire to keep Master Sword
•Kill ganon
If you have any questions, just ask.
If it isn't possible to single cycle dorf with Master Sword we could always get giant's knife (assuming you can single cycle dorf with it) by taking these skulltulas throughout the route:
deku tree vine
deku tree wall
Dodongo web
Crater box
Kakariko tree
kakariko skulltula house wall
kakariko construction bricks
kakariko shop house wall
Zora's River Tree
Jabu web (before boss room)
And as adult you go to kakariko and get adults wallet, blow up the secret grotto, kill the 2 redeads and then grab the 200 rupee chest.
After that just run to goron city and buy giant's knife, then savewarp.