Deku Scrub
Posts: 19
« Reply #870 on: September 30, 2012, 03:26:17 AM » |
Tunerless boss key skip for the Wind Temple: than the storage spot it's not too hard, though there's lots of places where if you fall you have to reset to get out. To get through the door frames pillars you need to be walking at a certain speed.
Special Guay
Posts: 290
« Reply #871 on: September 30, 2012, 03:45:59 AM » |
Nice! And the idea was turned down when brought up :>
Regular Guay
Posts: 25
« Reply #872 on: September 30, 2012, 10:11:25 AM » |
I was testing the wind temple BK skip with storage some weeks ago but didn't find it that much faster and it was alot more risky, so I just ignored it. That route you got there though looks really interesting! The problem could be that the leafing part across the wind room might easily screw you up, risk VS time I guess
Deku Scrub
Posts: 19
« Reply #873 on: September 30, 2012, 08:46:53 PM » |
Some people in IRC seemed interested in the alternate way to get bombs early I found: order for this to work you need to have double storage, and drown within the initial cutscene's trigger area while the island is half loaded (part grey and part loaded). If you drown while the island is still in it's lowest LOD state (fully grey) then KoRL's cutscene isn't there to be stored. If the island fully loads before you drown then Quill comes in and softlocks you. After you've done this, the remaining cutscene is still there making going back to Greatfish tricky. If you just go back to the island then the game softlocks; you can't store the rest of the cutscene. In order to get to or around the island, the only ways I've found is to grind up against the island and then drown or savewarp (reseting you on the beach). The cutscene is also still there after coming back from Hyrule 2. I haven't actually tried to get the Greatfish shard on a file on which I've done this, though I don't see why it would be any different.
Regular Guay
Posts: 25
« Reply #874 on: October 01, 2012, 09:52:54 AM » |
This method is very interesting, alot easier to do! I will do some testing with it and it's later effects on greatfish.
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Special Guay
Posts: 269
« Reply #876 on: October 28, 2012, 10:16:11 PM » |
Stumbled on something interesting today. If you get dry storage inside forest haven (on the right of the second water fall is a ledge you can hang off and get storage off of) and talk to the deku tree, the cutscene of the lily pad rising gets bugged up and so does your camera--which has no real uses except that if you try to back flip you do a gainer. Link also walks very slowly, all attacks are shortened, and you can't pause or use any items besides the sword. Might make a video sometime in the future.
Rescue Tetra before FF1: is new to me. Did you just find this out?
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Special Guay
Posts: 269
« Reply #877 on: November 04, 2012, 06:57:16 PM » |
Graphical Glitch & Dry Storage Spot in Forest Haven:
Rescue Tetra before FF1: is new to me. Did you just find this out?
Regular Guay
Posts: 25
« Reply #878 on: November 04, 2012, 11:11:16 PM » |
That's pretty wacky lol
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Special Guay
Posts: 276
« Reply #879 on: December 03, 2012, 10:16:46 AM » |
Is it possible to enter a lading zone at the same time the Game Over save/continue screen pops up? I know you can do death storage and fall to cancel death, but what if you choose continue as the game loads a new area, or would that even be possible? And what happens if you undo storage (by activating a cutscene such as the wind waker) after cancelling death but before the save/continue options pop up? Does it still just give you 3 hearts without reloading? It seems like this would be hard to test, but what if it's a potential wrong warp or something?
Regular Guay
Posts: 75
the man himself
« Reply #880 on: December 03, 2012, 07:58:57 PM » |
Death storage? I've never even heard of that. In fact, I'm fairly certain I've tried to store the death cutscene and it didn't work. Where did you hear of any of this?
I can display millions of polygons!
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Special Guay
Posts: 276
« Reply #881 on: December 03, 2012, 09:36:22 PM » |
Death storage? I've never even heard of that. In fact, I'm fairly certain I've tried to store the death cutscene and it didn't work. Where did you hear of any of this?
This is what I was referring to:
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Special Guay
Posts: 276
« Reply #882 on: December 03, 2012, 10:14:13 PM » |
Also, can you play Wind's Requiem in Hyrule? Because when you store Wind's Requiem, it allows you to move while the wind direction compass thingie is on the screen. Then if you change the wind in midair, it will cause a cutscene, but link will keep falling. If you could play that song in Hyrule, maybe you can use it jump through the barrier, though I don't think you can change the wind in Hyrule  I have noticed some other weird effects with Wind's Requiem storage, like if you change the wind while Link is swimming, he spazzes out in the water (at first I thought he was charging a superswim, but he didn't actually move). Wind's Requiem storage should be investigated more, but I supposed that would go in the storage discussion thread.
Regular Guay
Posts: 63
Zelda Scientist®
« Reply #883 on: December 04, 2012, 05:28:01 PM » |
No FW SS? You guys are too good man :) I'm glad WW is finally getting destroyed. Oh and sup, longtime hehe.
 Wisdom; Power; Courage.
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Special Guay
Posts: 334
I make videos of games that are done very fast.
« Reply #884 on: December 09, 2012, 02:24:03 AM » |
No FW SS? You guys are too good man  I'm glad WW is finally getting destroyed. Oh and sup, longtime hehe. Holy shit welcome back. Yeah, WW is finally getting destroyed a bit. Not quite there yet though. Also, some real superswim data:
« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 02:25:51 AM by Abahbob »