Time for a new run! (this time I'll be practicing a any% segmented run but atm idk if it'll be a full on speed-run or just casual)
Things to remember for this new run:
I've been practicing some Megaflips lately and have now gotten semi-consistent with them (I still miss them sometimes but I can at least get a few in a row)
I'll be attempting FFWW since the route I'm writing up calls for them
Still no HESS'ing since again I only have VC

I'll be doing all 4 BK skips since this is a segmented run
No ISoT this time around.
Goron Mask and Lullaby will be skipped in this run (considering how consistent I am with ISG on the first stab it shouldn't be too hard.)
The route isn't complete yet, as I've only got the first 5 segments planned out.
I'll attempt the Gainer to the clock tower on the first cycle but if I can't get it after a while I'll switch out to the classic MT skip.
As always the I'll be streaming
here so come if you want to see me fail and reset over 100+ times (or maybe 1,000+ depending on how much I end up sucking at a segmented run.)
Oh before I forget! if anyone's interested in the route I'll put it in spoiler tags here. (it's not detailed but it does it's job.)