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Author Topic: NEW news about 3DS capture mod (August 11th 2012) see latest page.  (Read 68528 times)
Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« on: April 27, 2011, 01:44:13 PM »

3DS Add on info (May 2011)
Neal Tew (alias, Jumbotron Guy), is working on something awesome: 3DS Capture Add-On.
I can't tell much about it, but I've seen the photo he send me, and I can say, it's looking great, simple, and easy.
Why I can't tell much about it? I've promised to not tell anyone to much details yet.

According to the emails he send me, it's all about that he'll possibly sell these Add-On's to the public.
The Add-On will be mounted on the back, but it will take a couple of months before it's released, as the wirings is to difficult to install, and he's looking for an alternative way, so anybody can install it.

It has 2 HDMI ports for TV's, and 1 USB port for PC's.
The HDMI's will require 2 TV's for all screens, but he's also planning to be able to use 2 screens on 1 TV.

Looks like I need to buy some new stuff like a faster PC and/or a HD TV + Capture card.

Ocarina of Time 3DS may be possible to record directly now and other DS classic games too (hello Phantom Hourglass). Pokémon Black & White still has a disadvantage because the DS Phat/Lite models can be 'RNGd to get flawless Pokémon easily without using the C-gear. The DSi/3DS models works a bit different.. and they still haven't figured out the logics on those systems yet Sad

« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 12:23:42 PM by Greenalink » Logged

New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
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Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
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Special Guay

Posts: 361

move over Chidori, time to spam infinite Susano'o

« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2011, 12:59:49 AM »

can't wait for that.

"Patience is useful in any moment"

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Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2011, 02:24:15 PM »

Top half image: What the add on looks like at the moment

Bottom half image: What it looks like without the add on.

He is still trying to implement a feature that enables both (3)DS screens to be displayed on 1 HDTV and figuring a way to enable 3D on 3DTVs.

Edit: Apparently this is a very early version, and it's very hard to install. He is trying to find a easier way to install the add on but it might take a couple of months.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 03:21:44 PM by Greenalink » Logged

New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
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Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
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Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2011, 08:57:34 PM »

Good news for DS Phat owners!

"For people still wanting a DS Capture Device, act right now!
Loopy will have only 100 Boards available in 3 weeks.
You'll need to have a DS Phat, though, since Lite works a lot different, it's harder to program for, and it has less space.

Unlike mine (Yami), this is a really small board you have to connect inside your DS Phat, without any soldering (it's a passthrough method)."

So what are the benefits of having a DS Phat Capture device?

The ability to play import DS games that has DSi enhanced features
Examples: Pokémon Black and White, Solatorobo

It's a cheaper portable to play DS Classic games with direct recording support.
Prices ranging around £40-60 online

What the DS capture device cannot do:
(Unconfirmed) Seems like the recording can only be done via USB
(Another unconfirmed) It the cables goes through the GBA slot then footage that requires a GBA game to unlock more content isn't possible.
Cannot play 100% DSi only related software (from retail like Face Training to DSiWare like Mighty Flip Champs)


New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
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Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
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Phantom Hourglass
New Super Mario Bros (DS).
Special Guay

Posts: 361

move over Chidori, time to spam infinite Susano'o

« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2011, 06:55:30 AM »

it sounds okay but not very practical if you want the whole DS library + 3DS stuff.

i guess it helps DS runners a lot at least. i'll hold out for the 3DS version.

"Patience is useful in any moment"

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Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2011, 03:33:49 PM »

More info on the DS Capture device


The capture boards get shipped as a self install kit: The board, a screwdriver, and a USB Cable.
However, you’ll still need to make an extra hole in your DS Phat system.
It’s been hoped to release in 3 weeks, which can be changed on anytime, and it could cost around 40-60 US Dollars, depending on the total costs on the hardware.

New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
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Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
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Phantom Hourglass
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Special Guay

Posts: 361

move over Chidori, time to spam infinite Susano'o

« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2011, 11:24:54 PM »

now i wish i had a second DSphat.

"Patience is useful in any moment"

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Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2011, 03:39:49 PM »

More images and info.

The USB port is by the wrist strap hole.  Here are a few more pics. You can see the stylus holder also needs to be removed.

I am still trying to figure out.. I'm guessing it's a DS Lite model because it has way less space than the image below (it's one of the few reasons why the DS Classic Capture device only works on the Phat models)

The oval hole is originally the wrist strap hole

This is what the add on will look like upside down without the motherboard, the usb fits into the wider gap (from the 2nd image in this post) that used to be for the wrist strap
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 04:12:14 PM by Greenalink » Logged

New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
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Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
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Phantom Hourglass
New Super Mario Bros (DS).
Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2011, 06:20:41 PM »

What it looks like without the passthrough add on.

What it looks like with the passthrough add on, tight fit.

The actual USB port, requires removing both the wrist strap slot and the stylus slot (so the stored stylus doesn't interfere with the usb passthrough add on.

New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
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Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
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New Super Mario Bros (DS).
Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2011, 10:14:26 AM »

Unfortunately I can't make any videos yet because:

* My 'old' main pc has a stupid SYSTEM32 error on boot up and I can't figure out a way to boot up in SAFE MODE (tried holding F8 but that didn't work).
* I received a new PC on the same day as my old one got messed up. The problem for the new pc is that it does not have Windows installed yet. I'm planning to get Windows 7 Ultimate from Amazon at roughly £80, way cheaper than getting it installed by the guys/gals at the PC building website (in this case Dinopc.com)
* I'm using my brother's laptop and it can't even open up .exe files -_-


New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
More info:

Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
Notable runs:
Phantom Hourglass
New Super Mario Bros (DS).
Special Guay

Posts: 361

move over Chidori, time to spam infinite Susano'o

« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2011, 07:32:04 PM »

how convenient for all the computers to be out of service right now. murphy's law and all heh.

i look forward to the videos done with direct capture.

"Patience is useful in any moment"

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Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2011, 06:58:20 PM »

So my new PC is currently running XP at the moment, I got the internet running and I have done a few tests with the DS Passthrough Capture device.

I'll make some semi-proper videos soon for you viewers to watch.

Spirit Tracks Single Player ~80mb
« Last Edit: October 03, 2011, 12:25:49 PM by Greenalink » Logged

New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
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Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
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Phantom Hourglass
New Super Mario Bros (DS).
Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2011, 05:52:15 PM »


This one was recorded with Xsplit Local Recording followed by a few cuts of 'messed up footage' with Virtualdub.
Not worthy enough as a RAW for SDA but it's good for Youtube uploads at least.

New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
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Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
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Phantom Hourglass
New Super Mario Bros (DS).
Special Guay

Posts: 202

« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2011, 06:01:45 PM »

Very nice. Are there still more being sold? If so can you link me to the person selling it?

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[18:34:23] <ingx24> i suck at mm
Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2012, 07:01:25 PM »

More details: http://katsukity.blog123.fc2.com/

Pokey and Kosmicd12 be prepared for Super Mario 3D Land .... if they are selling/accepting modded 3DS units outside of Japan.

Edit: Loopy, the one responsible for the DS Phat mod back in late 2011 thinks that if this 3DS mod uses the Chameleon board there is a rumor that it can only capture the bottom screen.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2012, 07:21:31 PM by Greenalink » Logged

New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
More info:

Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
Notable runs:
Phantom Hourglass
New Super Mario Bros (DS).
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