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Author Topic: SS: Release dates announced!  (Read 126043 times)
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Regular Guay

Posts: 32

Well Come!

« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2010, 04:08:49 AM »

That is one wall of text worth reading and the Nintendo E3 site is awesome.

What about the save mechanics? Without a start menu or pause HUD, I wonder how they plan to "seamlessly integrate" that..

MEHdit: Nevermind. Just because there are no item select menus doesn't mean no start menu. I doubt the save mechanics will change much.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 01:58:57 AM by leeboiy » Logged
Special Guay

Posts: 201

« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2010, 07:11:43 PM »

You guys like the graphics? I really dislike them. They had a great graphics system for TP and it looks like a downgrade to me.

Completely disagree.  TP had no color anywhere and it tried way too hard to look "realistic" which is stupid when you're fighting blob monsters and purple goblin things.  This game is pretty much Wii TP (now compatible with color TVs).
Regular Guay

Posts: 149

« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2010, 07:42:31 PM »

Okay, Here is what I took from a press interview tonight, there are a few useful things in there:

Miyamoto said that the goal of Skyward Sword is to get back to basics and focus on what makes them really fun. He said that there's often a big lag from when the graphics get done and the game is completed. He said the reason they only showed a piece of teaser art at last year's event was because of this lag. He said that gameplay on Skyward Sword is almost complete, and the graphics are being polished. He said they need to make a few more dungeons but it's mostly complete. However, since he couldn't guarantee it would arrive this year, he'd rather take his time and get it right.In this Zelda, Link is a little boy born into a land above the clouds called Skyloft. One day, he learns there is a land below the clouds ruled by evil forces. However, the revelation prompts a series of events which forces him to go to the land beneath the clouds. The reason he goes down is in the title--it's the Skyward Sword. The sword possesses intelligence, and will assume the semi-human form in the teaser poster shown last year. It's the "master sword." The Skyward Sword will become the Master Sword, apparently. The sky is also very important to the game, apparently. He said when you play the game, the cloud banks are "very impactful" and they wanted to make the art style highlight them. Apparently Miyamoto was such a fan of the art style the approval process took one step. Miyamoto said he's a big fan of Impressionist Art, so the new art style reflects that. He said Cezanne was a big influence. He said the Wii MotionPlus offers such precision that players have to pay close attention to the enemies. For instance, the demonstrator is fighting a scorpion, and must hit its claws at specific angles. Aouma said the new, exaggerated art style helps in this process. "If we had kept the Twilight Princess art style, we'd be done already!" He said they also want to change the typical structure of Zelda games with Skyward Sword. He said they also want to change the typical structure of Zelda games with Skyward Sword. He asks how many people have played Ocarina of Time. ALL the hands go up. He apologizes for the long time it took to change out of iron boots going through the Water Temple. He says the 3DS version will make this process much easier. He said that Skyward Sword will make item management and changing clothes much easier and more streamlined. Miyamoto says the item selection process may be unfamiliar, but once players are used to it, it will feel comfortable. He said the pointing item system from Twilight Princess could be cumbersome because people often couldn't find the cursor on screen. He said the Wii MotionPlus will have a new pointing system that will make the Wii Remote be used like a three-dimensional mouse. They run the trailer from this morning's presentation again. Wait--Link? In a Zelda game? I. am. shocked. Second questioner expresses concern the HUD for Skyward Sword is too crowded and takes up too much real estate. Aonuma said that the demo at E3 will have the HUD up all the time, but they are still working on how to deal with it exactly. Third questioner asks whether or not Skyward Sword will have an original orchestral score or maybe even voice acting. Miyamoto says they have increased the number of music staff at Nintendo to write more songs. Next questioner says he noticed that Link could drink potions while running in Zelda, where as in the past he had to stop. Aonuma said that it was a decision to provide more seamless combat. Miyamoto says one of the goals of the game is to have gameplay be as seamless as possible. Next question talks about how he just beat Spirit Tracks on the plane and wants to know if the whip originated in Spirit Tracks or Skyward Sword. He gushes about the whip item at length. Aonuma said the whip originated in Spirit Tracks, and that the same person is handling the mechanic in Skyward Sword. Much of the staff of Spirit Tracks is working on Skyward Sword. Next question wonders if the developers worry that the sword fighting mechanic will tire out players. Miyamoto says he does get a bit tired playing it at the office. But he plays it a LOT, apparently. Aonuma says that the pace will vary enough, with puzzle solving and exploring and whatnot, that it shouldn't be a problem. But the demo on the show floor made it look like its constant combat.


Mega Guay

Posts: 523

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« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2010, 03:35:30 AM »

You guys like the graphics? I really dislike them. They had a great graphics system for TP and it looks like a downgrade to me.

I absolutely HATED TP's graphics. Very low-res and shimmery, everything bled together. Skyward Sword has a kind of painting look to it which looks OK. The develpoer's themselves said in the interview "the graphics is the current thing we are working on", so I'm assuming the visuals are still in development.


<@Swordless> Have you had this problem before? A game not starting until you cleaned it?