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Author Topic: Impromptu #1: Goal and Results  (Read 14565 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 147

Tompa_1989@hotmail.com Tompalala
« on: March 07, 2010, 09:04:30 PM »

March 7, 2010

Name: Linky
Get all mana consuming items, this includes: Lamp, Magic Powder, Fire Rod, Ice Rod, Bombos Medallion, Ether Medallion, Quake Medallion, Cane of Somaria, Cane of Byrna and the Magic Cape. You should also get the magic upgrade.

No Mountain Descent (Early Dark World without Master SWord) or Exploration Glitches (Walking throughwalls).

1st: SD2: 1:37:58
2nd: Elminster: 1:56:20
3rd: Remen11: 3:25:26
4th: JRD05: 3:32:51

Cerpin_Taxt: 2:14:39, forfeit in Thieves' Town
« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 12:34:54 AM by Tompa » Logged

May the Triforce be with you.
Special Guay

Posts: 205

tokay stole ma shovel

« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2010, 11:23:22 PM »

My route:

Lamp (1/11)
Sanctuary (took HC)
Savewarp to House
Eastern Palace
Beat Palace
Pegasus Boots
Savewarp to House
Savewarp Again
Desert Temple
Beat it
Savewarp to Sanctuary
Death Mountain, Mirror (almost die)
Tower of Hera
Almost die on Moldworm, so I grab a fairy in the secret alcove
Beat Moldworm
Savewarp to Sanctuary
Bottle (Tompa told me I had to get one)
Master Sword
Savewarp to Link's House
Dark World
Palace of Darkness
Hammer, leave
Get bird, warp to point 8, grab ice rod (2/11)
Warp to point 2, drop off mushroom
Try to get Quake but realize I need Dark World
Back to Kakariko
Dark World via portal
Fire Rod (3/11)
Warp to point 1, get Ether (4/11)
get lost looking for Bombos
Find Bombos (5/11)
Realize I need Titan's Mitt for the magic upgrade, so back to the Woods
Enter Thieves' Town
Die once, but otherwise easily get Mitt
Savewarp to pyramid
Realize I don't have enough for flippers
Back to town, get enough for flippers
back to dark world via Skull Woods, back to pyramid
Go to Witches house, pick up Powder (6/11)
Get Flippers/Quake (7/11)
Hammer down all the stakes at the Smithy's house in the Dark World, then Realize it's a piece of Heart
Go to Light World, get magic upgrade (8/11)
Warp to Sanctuary, die trying to get Cape
Get cape on second try (9/11)
Get lost going to Flooded Palace
Get Hookshot
Go to Misery Mire
Get lost and die numerous times, but eventually get Somaria (10/11)
Leave, light world
Warp to Death Mountain
Dark World
Cane of Byrna (11/11)


Got me first place, so I guess it was alright.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 11:34:55 PM by SD2 » Logged

[00:09:38] <%Runnerguy2489> .entranta
[00:09:42] <%Runnerguy2489> .etrnats
[00:09:42] <%Runnerguy2489> fuck
[00:09:45] <+Zero> lol
[00:09:46] <%Runnerguy2489> .etrants
[00:09:48] <%Runnerguy2489> FUCK
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2010, 12:57:34 AM »

Sword, shield, Boomerang, Lamp (1/11)
HC from Sanctuary
East Palace, run out of arrows on Armos Knights but own them anyway
Pegasus Boots, savewarp to Link's House
Dash to desert, realize I forgot the book
Savewarp to Sanctuary, go and get Book of Mudora
Savewarp to Link's House, dash to desert
Desert Palace, beat it like a pro (didn't use arrows on Lanmolas, though)
Savewarp to Sanctuary, Death Mountain Ascent
Tower of Hera, decide not to risk bomb hover and get Moon Pearl legit
Beat Moldorm, savewarp to Sanctuary, lost woods, Mushroom, Master Sword
Savewarp to Link's House, climb Hyrule Castle tower
Beat Agahnim and head to Dark Palace
Die a few times and get extra keys trying to get the happy hammer (that's what I used to call it LOL)
Notice how much it looks like an orange popsicle
Head to grove, Shovel, Flute
Release the bird in Kakariko
Warp to Lake Hylia and get Ice Rod (2/11)
Warp to Death Mountain, realize I won't survive the trip to the cane
Get Ether (3/11), mope about having to make 3 trips there
Warp to Witch's Hut, give Mushroom
Try to use mirror but can't because I'm in the light world
Warp to Link's House and use portal at castle
Plan to get Quake, but remember a dark block being in the way somewhere
Dash to Village of Outcasts can't get through because of a dark block
Use mirror and go through Kakariko and Lost Woods to get to the portal
Thieves' Town, died twice and wasted a key while getting the Titan's Mitt
Get Quake (4/11), then go back to light world and get Magic Powder (5/11)
Warp to Kakariko, get double (half?) magic (6/11)
Get lost in Skull Woods and waste like 3 keys trying to find BK
Bomb hover to Firerod (7/11)
Try to get to cemetery in dark world, seems like I need the Hookshot
Realize that the Magic Cape doesn't need dark world
Savewarp to Sanctuary, get Magic Cape (8/11)
Warp to Death Mountain, use cape to get Cane of Byrna (9/11)
Run out of magic and die on the way back (LOL)
Decide to get Bombos, warp to desert and use portal
Realize I can't warp onto the cliff from Misery Mire
Open up Misery Mire and realize I can't bomb hover across the first gap
Fail to notice that I can dash jump across, end up getting Zora Flippers and Hookshot
Savewarp to Pyramid, dash to desert and get Bombos (10/11)
Open watergate in light world, enter Swamp Palace
Waste a shitload of time getting hookshit
Light world, warp to desert, portal, enter Misery Mire
Waste like 3 keys trying to find BK and end up resetting
Finally find BK, Cane of Somaria (11/11), donegames
Deku Scrub

Posts: 7

« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2010, 06:37:42 PM »

Dang I completely forgot to give a try yesterday ;>_<;
Regular Guay

Posts: 109


« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2010, 08:06:44 PM »

impromptu proof

<@Cosmo> ive only drawn naked people recently
RBABot   [SEEN] elminster was last seen in #zelda 0secs ago saying ".seen elminster"
Deku Scrub

Posts: 7

« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2010, 01:52:12 AM »

Gave a try this morning:

started route planning at 10:35
started speedrunning at 10:45
Goal achieved at 11:44! done in 59 mins


1, do the light world exactly like in my segmented run

get the hammer asap, S&Q
get the flute
2, 3, head in direction of the quake medaillon, take magic powder in between
4, head in direction to the fire rod
5, leave the dungeon, go south to get the half magic (at this point I didn't know I needed the titan's mitt, it would have been best to get it there but I got it later)
6, head south to get the flame medaillon
7, get ice rod
8, get magic cape
9, get ether medaillon
10, get cane of bryna
(at this point I went to cane of sommaria, but argh, I need the titan's mitt)
get titan's mitt
11, get cane of sommaria
could have been around 54 mins at top with this route
Deku Scrub

Posts: 7

« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2010, 05:58:38 PM »

Gave a try this morning:

started route planning at 10:35
started speedrunning at 10:45
Goal achieved at 11:44! done in 59 mins


1, do the light world exactly like in my segmented run

get the hammer asap, S&Q
get the flute
2, 3, head in direction of the quake medaillon, take magic powder in between
4, head in direction to the fire rod
5, leave the dungeon, go south to get the half magic (at this point I didn't know I needed the titan's mitt, it would have been best to get it there but I got it later)
6, head south to get the flame medaillon
7, get ice rod
8, get magic cape
9, get ether medaillon
10, get cane of bryna
(at this point I went to cane of sommaria, but argh, I need the titan's mitt)
get titan's mitt
11, get cane of sommaria
could have been around 54 mins at top with this route

I think the best route would be:

1, do the light world exactly like in my segmented run

2, 3, once in dark world, head to magic powder then medaillon, S&Q
get the hammer asap, S&Q
get the flute
4, head in direction to the fire rod
Leave dungeon, get Titan's mitt
5, leave the dungeon, go south to get the half magic
Go back to dark world,
6, head south to get the flame medallion
Go to light world
7, get ice rod
flute to kakariko
8, get magic cape
9, get ether medallion
10, get cane of bryna
11, get cane of sommaria (don't need the hookshot, just dash into the block to get to the other way at the entrance)

This route could reach maybe 52 mins.
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