Regular Guay
Posts: 101
« on: April 04, 2010, 06:09:32 PM » |
 Ignore the "and then" in the goal. Entrants: keeta, CaptainX, Kostya, SD2, Elminster, AniMeowzerz, Siglemic (Joined one hour and 40 minutes late) Results: 1st | keeta | 1:21:44 | 2nd | Elminster | 2:16:08 | 3rd | AniMeowzerz | 3:15:45 | 4th | Kostya | DNF (Got 50 Quiver, Blast Mask) | 4th | Siglemic | DNF (Couldn't do Deku Playground after Midnight, didn't want to redo Lullaby Skip) | 4th | CaptainX | DNF (Got 40 Quiver) | 4th | SD2 | DNF (Had to leave because of family; had 40 quiver, blast mask, remains, and pic) |
« Last Edit: April 05, 2010, 10:39:19 PM by darkeye14 »
[18:38] <Sigless> darkeye is cute too [18:45] <aleckermit> We get a free pack of cheetos with every vote too  [18:46] <bluemarth> in the uk we keep our foreskin
Special Guay
Posts: 355
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2010, 07:46:07 PM » |
-cycle 1 normal, except enter NCT legit -99r in ect -adults wallet, withdraw 200r -bomb bag and 20 chus -scrub playground day 1 -exit SCT -cutscene skip with gossip -hit swamp owl -red potion -heal koume -pictobox and boat ride -to palace, hover up to flower -fly to last flower -get sonata -get sos -hit woodfall owl -get bow -sos to swamp -swamp shooting for arrow upgrade -sos to CT -make it just in time for blast mask -sodt -playground day 2 -sos to woodfall -ffww to snowhead -lullaby skip -beat sh w/o hookshot using my epic snowhead knowledge -shoot 14 arrows at goht -pic -finish him -oath -sos to ct -grandmas stories to 3rd day -biggest quiver -playground day 3 win
Regular Guay
Posts: 149
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2010, 09:03:44 PM » |
Prologue 1st cycle crap Moon's Tear skip at 11pm Realize I forgot to deposit my 99 rupees Run back and do that Fail Moon's Tear skip until 5am Finally get it, OoT, SoT Deku Mask, SoH ECT chest for 99 rupees Adult's Wallet, Bombz, chuz Day 1 playground SoDT Superslide into Skull Kid cutscene (sheeeeit) Superslide to Southern Swamp Save Koume and ride boat cruise Deku Palace, Sonata Enter Woodfall Temple, get bow Soar to Clock Town and head north Get Lens of Truth Soar back for Blast Mask SoDT, day 2 playground Quiver from Clock Town shooting gallery Soar to Southern Swamp HESS to Swamp shooting gallery Get 2 free retries because I never noticed the scrub on the cliff to the left Finally get the damn quiver Soar to Mountain Village and get Moron Gask To Snowhead Temple, get Fire Arrows Attempt BK skip but run out of bombs Get Boss Key Take a picture of Goht Rip his fucking face off Day 3 playground Donegames
Mega Guay
Posts: 523
back in green
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2010, 11:47:16 PM » |
Worked 12 hours straight at work last night (got off at 3:00am) Had to get up at 8:00am to go to Sunday church Was forced to watch "Blindside" with grandma after church
I finished, but o man I almost gave up.
Deku Scrub
Posts: 13
MM All Day
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2010, 01:21:15 AM » |
Cycle 1 Moon's Tear Skip OoT & SoT 99r ECT Adult's Wallet, Chus and Bombs SS right into that effing cutscene SS to Southern Swamp Save Koume and ride the boat Deku palace, recoil flip past guards, hover to first flower, deku to second flower Sonata SoS Get bow from woodfall Soar to clocktown One shot the shooting gallery Get blast mask Run to southern swamp (forgot owl) Lose the first attempt at southern swamp shooting game Scavenge for rupies Lose 8 more times then finally beat it (i hate emulators and usb controllers...) Get lens of truth Get Goron Mask Talk to the baby goron dood Jump off running around trying to find a hot spring Go back up to the goron mask spring and figure out I have to pull the stone to get water Grab that water Roll over to the frozen spring hole Pour water in the spring hole, go down, get the water, come back up and get big lips goron unfrozen Goron Lullaby Get! Go to snowhead and put the big goron to sleep Fail horribly at goron rolling up Get into snowhead and spend a load of time going through each room trying to figure out what to do Get fire arrows Get to the 3rd floor and hover up to boss key Goron roll across to the boss key door Use up 20 bombs attempting BK skip SoT get ECT rupees and get a refill on bombs n such. Head back to snowhead BK door and try to skip it again, use up all bombs failing End up getting the BK the regular way Start failing on the hovers back up to the boss Finally make it to the boss, get it's picture finding out that emulator doesn't take pictures correctly Take another picture seeing if that will fix it (taking out 2 of my 3 hearts in the process) Then I just try to beat the boss and get it down to low health. Boss shocks me twice and I die I fail over and over trying to hover back up to boss Then I figure out that Day 1 Deku playground ends at 12 am Darkeye had to leave in less than 20 minutes
So I just quit because I couldn't do it in that amount of time. D: It was ntb for having no idea how to do a lot of the things. lol
Kostya1: im feel;ing like just forfeiting Elminster45: i like how you made the ing stand out in that sentence Kostya1: LOL
Regular Guay
Posts: 101
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2010, 03:23:59 AM » |
Kostya, I feel like I owe you two apologies: one for not testing whether the Pictobox works on emu, and one for having to leave after only three and a half hours.
Take note, future impromptu hosts. Make sure your goal works on emu as well as on console, and also make sure you have at least four hours to devote to hosting.
[18:38] <Sigless> darkeye is cute too [18:45] <aleckermit> We get a free pack of cheetos with every vote too  [18:46] <bluemarth> in the uk we keep our foreskin
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2010, 03:45:39 AM » |
Kostya, I feel like I owe you two apologies: one for not testing whether the Pictobox works on emu, and one for having to leave after only three and a half hours.
Take note, future impromptu hosts. Make sure your goal works on emu as well as on console, and also make sure you have at least four hours to devote to hosting.
Pictobox does work on emulator. It just takes like 15 seconds for it to give you the text bubble to say if you want to keep it or not.
Regular Guay
Posts: 149
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2010, 06:00:35 AM » |
Yes, but the picture it takes is blank.
Deku Scrub
Posts: 13
MM All Day
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2010, 06:19:26 AM » |
Don't worry about it, if I was more prepared (like actually doing snowhead temple) then I would not have taken that long. The farthest I've gotten on my any% SS run practice is to working on the lullaby skip. And the last time I actually played through the whole game was like 5 years ago, lol. So yeah, no worries, I learned a load from that one run 
Kostya1: im feel;ing like just forfeiting Elminster45: i like how you made the ing stand out in that sentence Kostya1: LOL
Special Guay
Posts: 355
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2010, 10:31:34 PM » |
Regular Guay
Posts: 149
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2010, 10:50:33 PM » |
Keeta, you posted this 29 hours after impromptu started, with no proof that you finished when you said you did.
I request DQ.
Special Guay
Posts: 355
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2010, 11:19:51 PM » |
ive already explained my case to darkeye
Regular Guay
Posts: 101
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2010, 11:48:00 PM » |
The time in keeta's video is about 1:27 after the start of the race (the race started at 2:05 PM EST). This is very close to his recorded time, and the six or so minute discrepancy was probably caused by the fact that he had to rerecord the proof to show the clock. keeta's route was almost exactly the same as the route I used for my test run; I know that you can earn a 1:21 with this goal if you use lullaby skip, as keeta did. Combine that with the fact that keeta has done nothing in the past to suggest that he lies about his race times, and I can see no real reason to DQ him.
I will, however, warn keeta to make sure that this never happens again; a less lenient and understanding host would have surely DQ'd you.
[18:38] <Sigless> darkeye is cute too [18:45] <aleckermit> We get a free pack of cheetos with every vote too  [18:46] <bluemarth> in the uk we keep our foreskin
Regular Guay
Posts: 149
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2010, 02:17:46 AM » |
Damn. I wouldn't've cared if it weren't for the fact that him getting DQ'd would get me 1st place  I didn't actually really think he lied about the time. Just sayin.
Regular Guay
Posts: 109
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2010, 04:26:09 AM » |
who cares keeta won he r pro
<@Cosmo> ive only drawn naked people recently RBABot [SEEN] elminster was last seen in #zelda 0secs ago saying ".seen elminster"