Deku Scrub
Posts: 1
« Reply #345 on: November 22, 2015, 06:18:28 PM » |
Hi all. I have just begun practicing any% and I'm struggling a bit with the PF long jump. The thing that is the most frustrating is that I can't seem to consistently get my shield dropped bomb to land on the barrels. Can anyone explain what might be the cause for it just landing on the floor so I can work on that specifically? I am pretty consistent at succeeding once I've done the shield drop properly...
Regular Guay
Posts: 37
« Reply #346 on: November 25, 2015, 11:43:51 PM » |
You need to press the shield button at the same time you press the C-button for the bomb. Any delay between the two will cause it to drop normally.
« Reply #347 on: January 16, 2016, 01:40:45 AM » |
So I'm trying to get into this game and I can't get the bomb hover in clocktown to reach the inaccessible owl statue. Is there a trick to chu hovers when you hit the back wall by the staircase, because every time I try and practice I fall down when I hit the back wall.
I think the trick is to do it really fast, but when I try to mimic the top runners I can't get it.
Regular Guay
Posts: 37
« Reply #348 on: January 16, 2016, 01:52:50 AM » |
So I'm trying to get into this game and I can't get the bomb hover in clocktown to reach the inaccessible owl statue. Is there a trick to chu hovers when you hit the back wall by the staircase, because every time I try and practice I fall down when I hit the back wall.
I think the trick is to do it really fast, but when I try to mimic the top runners I can't get it.
If you're using the Japanese version, you need to make sure you slash your sword once before beginning the hover. If you're using the English version, try releasing Z after getting high enough (that you don't fall back down to the ground).
« Reply #349 on: January 16, 2016, 02:54:34 AM » |
If you're using the Japanese version, you need to make sure you slash your sword once before beginning the hover. If you're using the English version, try releasing Z after getting high enough (that you don't fall back down to the ground).
I actually am slashing the sword before I attempt it. I'm using the English VC version. Even after releasing z like you suggested, all that happens is when I attempt another chu hop I fall down. Here's a video of my sad attempts. Am I just not getting high enough or am I back flipping to early?
Regular Guay
Posts: 37
« Reply #350 on: January 16, 2016, 04:14:23 AM » |
I actually am slashing the sword before I attempt it. I'm using the English VC version. Even after releasing z like you suggested, all that happens is when I attempt another chu hop I fall down. Here's a video of my sad attempts. Am I just not getting high enough or am I back flipping to early? think you might be doing the chu-and-shielding too late into your backflip. To show what I mean, try this: Once you're two hovers off the ground and almost against the wall, backflip and IMMEDIATELY press pause. You should have paused right when Link's hands are pointing up in the air. Now, unpause, and before the game resumes, hold the chu and shield buttons. You should ALWAYS have the chu explode in this case. Now, do another backflip, but wait just a LITTLE bit longer and do the same thing. The chu will always run up the wall. Take a look at to see what I mean. In addition, it looks like you always try to drop the bomb behind you as you do your first hover off the ground. This is not necessary; you can pull the bomb and shield drop it so that it falls at your feet. As long as the A button doesn't say Grab (which it shouldn't if you're against the wall), you're fine.
« Reply #351 on: January 16, 2016, 10:08:39 PM » |
I think you might be doing the chu-and-shielding too late into your backflip. To show what I mean, try this: Once you're two hovers off the ground and almost against the wall, backflip and IMMEDIATELY press pause. You should have paused right when Link's hands are pointing up in the air. Now, unpause, and before the game resumes, hold the chu and shield buttons. You should ALWAYS have the chu explode in this case. Now, do another backflip, but wait just a LITTLE bit longer and do the same thing. The chu will always run up the wall. Take a look at to see what I mean. In addition, it looks like you always try to drop the bomb behind you as you do your first hover off the ground. This is not necessary; you can pull the bomb and shield drop it so that it falls at your feet. As long as the A button doesn't say Grab (which it shouldn't if you're against the wall), you're fine. Thanks RattleMan this was a big help. I was trying to quickly spam the inputs like I would in OOT but there's a timing to it. For those who had trouble with this as well here's another video that has inputs to it which helped me: have to find a button confit where you can quickly tilt your thumb and hit all the inputs one after another very quickly.
Deku Scrub
Posts: 1
« Reply #352 on: January 17, 2016, 03:09:20 AM » |
Hello everyone, I'm just starting out this post by saying I've never tried to speedrun anything, and I probably won't post anything else after this, but I've been wondering about a certain possibility I don't think has been explored in any%
So in-game, NPCs who fill bottles with things ignore glitch duped bottles, and fairies in duped bottles don't activate upon death. With this in mind, has it ever been tested whether Hot Spring Water ever cools down if it's in a duped bottle?
If it doesn't, does that mean you could potentially glitch into the grotto on the mountain path, bottle some water, and use it to thaw Goht and therefore skip the Fire Arrows? I'm not sure whether it would save any time as opposed to fighting Wizrobe, but the possibility might exist, and that's something I'm curious about
Regular Guay
Posts: 37
« Reply #353 on: January 17, 2016, 03:52:39 AM » |
Hello everyone, I'm just starting out this post by saying I've never tried to speedrun anything, and I probably won't post anything else after this, but I've been wondering about a certain possibility I don't think has been explored in any%
So in-game, NPCs who fill bottles with things ignore glitch duped bottles, and fairies in duped bottles don't activate upon death. With this in mind, has it ever been tested whether Hot Spring Water ever cools down if it's in a duped bottle?
If it doesn't, does that mean you could potentially glitch into the grotto on the mountain path, bottle some water, and use it to thaw Goht and therefore skip the Fire Arrows? I'm not sure whether it would save any time as opposed to fighting Wizrobe, but the possibility might exist, and that's something I'm curious about
Welcome to speedrunning! Unfortunately, it's been tried; Hot Spring Water cannot thaw Goht.