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Author Topic: MM: Trick Research & Discovery Thread  (Read 584861 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 125

« Reply #555 on: October 26, 2013, 08:39:20 PM »

npc's softlock, signs and noninteractive textboxes make the screen appear, and triggering it in the pause menu crashes the game :p
it's completely useless - it doesn't even do something on 0th day
Deku Scrub

Posts: 12

« Reply #556 on: October 26, 2013, 09:45:07 PM »

Yes but when i talk to the people it doesnt even get triggered it just straight softlocks, while signs nothing weird happens
Regular Guay

Posts: 125

« Reply #557 on: November 13, 2013, 01:54:55 AM »

also gonna post it here -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVQaSFPGPXY
maybe it gives some hints on a few new tricks, cause this one could only be useful for max% ... well, not even that cause there's nothing you could get in great bay as a deku Cheesy
Deku Scrub

Posts: 1

« Reply #558 on: December 20, 2013, 01:36:44 AM »

very nice setup for FFWW I played around with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcLwewh4u9M
Deku Scrub

Posts: 13

« Reply #559 on: January 10, 2014, 11:03:49 AM »

Hi, i think i've found a setup to succeed everytime the Pinnacle rock clip.
Based on vpp setup, i noticed the camera moves twice, up and down. When it goes down, i press A (stick still up), zora link bonks and clip into the wall.
In the video i did it slowly but i think with much more training anyone could do it by keeping a speedrun pace.

Regular Guay

Posts: 57

« Reply #560 on: January 13, 2014, 04:59:10 PM »

cutscene warps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-YxHO7uiNo

« Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 05:18:40 PM by mmFruit » Logged
Ultimate Mega Guay

Posts: 901

Wrong warp expert

« Reply #561 on: January 16, 2014, 07:05:39 PM »

Song of Soaring "Wrong Warp" discovered by Indextic. The way it works is very simple: When you hit the extra owl statue in clock town, you unlock the ability to warp with Song of Soaring. It turns out that you can choose which owl statue you warp to by selecting a location on the world map before warping. Fortunately, there are more spots on the world map than owl statues, so you can hit everything. Below is the list of locations you can warp to.


Tingle cannot be used to unlock new areas on the map. You must visit the area yourself.

There are a few ways that you can chain map unlocks.

Great Bay (always highlighted by default when entering a new area) -> Great Bay Coast

Clock Town -> Milk Road (unlocks romani ranch)
Romani Ranch -> Snowhead
Snowhead -> Woodfall
Woodfall -> Clock Town

Deku Palace -> Mountain Village (does not unlock Goron Village)

Goron Village -> Stone Tower

Ikana Graveyard -> Southern Swamp (unlock Woodfall)

Quote from:  Leigh Rogers
This is art because the music is classical music, and the graphics are done with a pen. The story is something about a woman. I could not understand much of this to be honest, which makes it even more likely to be an art.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 8

« Reply #562 on: January 16, 2014, 09:55:30 PM »

Jesus Christ, nice job MZX and Indextic!

Anyways, what happens if you use the dungeon map then use SoS?
Ultimate Mega Guay

Posts: 901

Wrong warp expert

« Reply #563 on: January 16, 2014, 10:05:07 PM »

@Tyranitar I had nothing to do with discovering the trick.

Playing SoS in a dungeon causes you to warp to the start, and leaving the current area causes you to lose your map cursor position.

Have done a bit more investigating.

Others before me have pointed out that if you move your cursor so that it highlights a location, then move it over either Z or R, you will end up selecting a different location. If you close the pause menu while still on the map screen and while highlighting Z or R, then play the SoS and close the SoS map, the cursor will now be highlighting a fake location on the world map when you pause the game. You can then move to the same Z or R button as before to change the cursor value again.

It turns out that the cursor value is a signed short, giving us over 65k fake locations that can potentially be "warped" to. If you select Z, the cursor will have a value of -1 by default, while if you select R it will have a value of 11. Thus, moving towards Z on the world map will decrease the cursor by one, while moving towards R will increase it.

Another thing that was mentioned was that it's possible to move the cursor when selecting a fake location on the SoS map without softlocking the game. The way this works is a little odd.

The reason a softlock occurs when moving the cursor is pretty obvious: The game seeks for the next unlocked owl statue in the list. Without any owl statues unlocked, the game gets stuck in an infinite loop.

However, with the trick above, you can move the SoS cursor past the normal selection bounds (Z/Left pushing you into negative, R/Right into positive). Eventually your cursor will pass a location that the game detects as being "unlocked". If you've been moving the cursor toward Z/Left/negative to decrease it, you'll be able to move the cursor to the right on the SoS screen, while if you've been moving the cursor toward R/Right/positive, you'll be able to move the cursor to the left. This is because the game only checks whether you've gone over bounds in the direction the cursor is moving.

Furthermore... I managed to play the animation for speeding up time with the Song of Soaring. So far this occurs if you have a cursor value of -253 or -257
« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 10:07:40 PM by mzxrules » Logged

Quote from:  Leigh Rogers
This is art because the music is classical music, and the graphics are done with a pen. The story is something about a woman. I could not understand much of this to be honest, which makes it even more likely to be an art.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 5

« Reply #564 on: January 16, 2014, 11:42:28 PM »

With a cursor value of -10000 I managed to open up the bomber's notebook, it would be great if we could just make a google doc or whatever to collaborate.

edit: http://pastebin.com/aqixJkV4 are some of the values I tested.. most notably -9921 which uses song of soaring to warp to your last entrance
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 04:24:53 AM by Fasch » Logged
Deku Scrub

Posts: 1

« Reply #565 on: January 17, 2014, 06:07:17 AM »

Should we get a Google doc going for these values? I've been going through a bunch of 'em myself.

EDIT: I'm honestly not even sure if it's worth going through these, considering it'd take forever to get the counter where it needs to be even if a useful value is found. I have this, though. http://pastebin.com/zehWnXM0
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 07:55:52 AM by FullGrownGaming » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 39

« Reply #566 on: January 17, 2014, 09:00:32 PM »

I'm not sure if this is where I would post it, but I made a route for all masks using the new glitch.


A couple notes:

-We have to play sodt to get the glitch to work right? Therefore, after playing sodt after getting sonata, we likely have to play isot to get to the ranch by 3 am and do all the other stuff, not sure exactly where we should play it again to un-invert though.
-We have to go to the stone tower owl to get to ikana, because the ikana owl needs the ikana canyon area on the map screen.
-Also, if we invert at this point, we can get gibdo mask and still have enough time. Like before, we need to un-invert again at some point. I don't think that we can get gibdo mask after beating stone tower in cycle 3 because ikana gets put into the wrong state. I may be wrong on this though, in which case it would probably be better to get the gibdo mask after beating stone tower.
-We don't get zora mask until 3rd cycle. lol.
-This route is based on the current route on ZSR, so it may be outdated a bit.

"I once stored a quick draw on my sword without de-equipping the bottle in my hand in an attempt to bottle dupe over sword. Didn't work." - nathanisbored, 2013


lol us da beg key
Regular Guay

Posts: 35

« Reply #567 on: January 18, 2014, 12:52:59 AM »

I'm not sure if this is where I would post it, but I made a route for all masks using the new glitch.


1. you don't need sodt for the glitch to work
2. you could sodt later in your route, and opt to finish woodfall to later get scents (meaning you would get red potion)
3. you can sodt storage after saving the aliens to get epona's song, then sodt x2 for romani mask
4. won't need to bu red potion if you can route it correctly after getting witch bottle
5. don't need to ranch hover in cycle 2, would need to re route bunny hood though, possibly get breman earlier
6. would CS skip in gbt since you'd get oath at woodfall

Really solid start for the route, few minor changes would do it some good
Regular Guay

Posts: 39

« Reply #568 on: January 18, 2014, 03:05:10 AM »

1. you don't need sodt for the glitch to work
2. you could sodt later in your route, and opt to finish woodfall to later get scents (meaning you would get red potion)
3. you can sodt storage after saving the aliens to get epona's song, then sodt x2 for romani mask
4. won't need to bu red potion if you can route it correctly after getting witch bottle
5. don't need to ranch hover in cycle 2, would need to re route bunny hood though, possibly get breman earlier
6. would CS skip in gbt since you'd get oath at woodfall

Really solid start for the route, few minor changes would do it some good

1. This made no sense anyway
2. Not sure what you mean here
3. I didn't even know sodt storage did anything lol
4. The route does not get the witches bottle, we get the bottle from saving the ranch
5. Fixed the route to compensate for this. Bremen mask is now gotten after the midnight meeting and mailing the letter, but before going to the ranch. We still get the garo's mask in cycle 3, though, but this is not at the ranch.
6. Do you mean a cs skip with sot storage? If so, how would we fight gyorg without pressing A?

Thanks for the feedback though.

"I once stored a quick draw on my sword without de-equipping the bottle in my hand in an attempt to bottle dupe over sword. Didn't work." - nathanisbored, 2013


lol us da beg key
Deku Scrub

Posts: 1

« Reply #569 on: January 24, 2014, 07:31:47 PM »

I'm not sure if this is where I would post it, but I made a route for all masks using the new glitch.


A couple notes:

-We have to play sodt to get the glitch to work right? Therefore, after playing sodt after getting sonata, we likely have to play isot to get to the ranch by 3 am and do all the other stuff, not sure exactly where we should play it again to un-invert though.
-We have to go to the stone tower owl to get to ikana, because the ikana owl needs the ikana canyon area on the map screen.
-Also, if we invert at this point, we can get gibdo mask and still have enough time. Like before, we need to un-invert again at some point. I don't think that we can get gibdo mask after beating stone tower in cycle 3 because ikana gets put into the wrong state. I may be wrong on this though, in which case it would probably be better to get the gibdo mask after beating stone tower.
-We don't get zora mask until 3rd cycle. lol.
-This route is based on the current route on ZSR, so it may be outdated a bit.
One major problem with the route is that you cant pick up rock sirloin without zora mask or goron mask
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