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Author Topic: Beta Quest is good, but can we do more?  (Read 10005 times)
Deku Scrub

Posts: 10

Someday Speedrunner

« on: December 13, 2015, 06:13:00 AM »

Beta Quest is a fun mod with a simple premise: every time you leave an area, you are sent to an unexpected location seeded by your file name. From what I can see, there are at least three things that make this a compelling mod to play, all of which stem from the unpredictability of the game.

1) Not knowing what to expect as you enter a loading zone for the first time. The anticipation of where it will send you as you think of all the possibilities and what you would do keeps you engaged with your mind active.

2) A dynamic playing experience. When you pick a new file name you have no idea what kind of adventure you'll be in for, but as you collect more items and try going through more loading zones, you become more familiar with the layout of your file. Because of this, the way you play the game changes as you progress, engaging you further.

3) At any moment, you may need to draw from your advanced knowledge of the game and its mechanics to get an item or progress further with the equipment (or lack thereof) you currently have. This is also what makes bingo races so appealing, using tricks and glitches in ways not seen in a normal speedrun.

I'd like to make a mod of this game which would draw from similar ideas but would play completely differently. Unpredictability is perhaps the best technique to draw in even the most experienced of players, but it is not the only way to make things new and fresh. As you can see, I've been thinking about what makes a good mod for advanced players, but I don't know have any ideas or concepts yet.

Basically what I'm saying is, what would you like to see in a new mod of OoT? Think of this as a brainstorming exercise of sorts.
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