New 3DSXL Capture Card?


Finally got a bit of spending money, and the one thing I want most is a capture board. Problem is, I only have a N3DSXL, and I haven't heard anything about capture boards for them. Do they even exist? If so, how much do they cost? None of my searches have yielded anything helpful, I was wondering if anyone here knew anything.

Katsukity makes them:

Be cautioned that Katsukity is not the most trustworthy company in the world. Although, I've gotten orders from them twice (because loopy always ran out of stock when I tried to buy from him), and so far I've had no problems with their capture cards(regular 3ds). I believe that iwabi also got his 3DSXL capture card from them and his works fine. So if you want to buy one, this is really your only option right now. I wish you good luck if you buy one from them.

Thanks, I managed to find a video of someone unboxing/reviewing the card from this site, and everything looked like it went smoothly. Went ahead and ordered, just have to mail it tomorrow(let me say, finding the correct address to ship to wasn't exactly easy).

Good luck because it pretty much seems to be luck if they work properly or not haha


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