Mask jump crash ruined C-Stick use?


So I was practicing consecutive mask jumps just earlier, and wound up crashing the game. when I loaded it back up, I was prompted with this message:

Now, when I press ZR on my N3DS, nothing happens, in fact no button will do anything. But if I press "Don't Use" then the game won't let me use the C-Stick, ZL, or ZR when I'm actually playing. Anyone else experienced this/know how to fix it?

I ran into that. Was your battery low when this happened? After charging the N3DS the circle pad started working again for the trick after a full reboot or two.

No, battery is normal. You're saying that it should fix itself after a while?

That's what happened for me. I figured that it was because the battery life, but there might have been some other cause. It started working with at most 10 minutes of fiddling with it(rebooting, removing the cartridge, etc.) I don't suppose it started working for you again?

Not sure, haven't touched it in a couple of days. Been busy Smashing.


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