Special Guay
Posts: 355
« Reply #29 on: July 02, 2010, 01:56:38 AM » |
ok kids, sig sucks so i have to do the dungeon routes for him
i started a new file today and played to snowhead
i'll post the others when i get to them
also, boss key isn't required for 100% because you lose it when you go back in time ---------------------------- SNOWHEAD Start with: ZM, GFM, hs -block skip, right door -put on ZM, jump down and refill bombs if you're low -roll jump + js to bridge, roll jump to freezard -put on GFM, hs bubbles (2) -up the stairs, map (3) -back down, go to main room -into yellow door -pull block back 4, get key 1 -push block up, hs chest (4) -jump to other side, open door -hs crate PAUSE: GFM, chus, hs -slow recoil to switch (if you miss, hs back up to original door and quick recoil from the pointy edge closest to the switch) (5) -get compass -hs torch by chest, open (6) -chu door, up stairs -chu snowball, hs chest for key 2 -hs hidden fairy chest (7) -open locked door, hs bubble, hs crate (8) -next door, hs torch, and open the door next to it -hs chest, back through door (9) PAUSE: GM, GFM, hs -goron roll to wizrobe, get FA, and leave -roll down to middle pillar PAUSE: FA, hs, GM -FA right green door, enter -FA freezards, hs torch by chest, open (10) -put on GM, roll down to bottom floor, open door -roll to switch, open chest (11) PAUSE: ocarina, GM, hs -up stairs, scarecrow, torch -goron roll to opposite side, call scarecrow -hs to hidden aclove, open chest (12) -hs torch on next floor PAUSE: GFM, FA, hs -put on GFM, open locked door -hs bubble (13) -FA ice, up stairs -kill lizalfos (15) -take off GFM, next door PAUSE: bombs, chus, FA -hover to boss door (start at middle left edge of 3rd tile, end at corner of ramp) -bk skip -FA ice PAUSE: arrows, GM, anything -arrow Goht -goron roll to HC, get remains ----- TOTALS: bombs- 2 chus- 12 arrows- 21 MP- 10 + some goron rolling (you have enough even without magic jar)
------------------- k, played to Woodfall. Routed this from scratch in an hour. idk how it compares to Jiano's (if there's something he did better, you should say it)
WOODFALL start with: GFM, hs, GM -put on GFM (1) -hs chest (2) -hs torch and go to main room -hs fairy pot from where you are (3) -hs torch -roll jump into fairy bubble and onto switch (4) -GM into water, open chest (5) -put on GFM, hs torch, and go through door -hs hive > key chest (6) -hs torch to map room, goron turtles for map PAUSE: DM, FA, chus -deku hop to flower -FA eye switch -go to frog room, fight PAUSE: DGM, FA, DM -talk to frog -get bk, leave -flower to main room -FA torch to open bars -deku hop to baba (7) -open locked door PAUSE: GFM, FA, chus -put on GFM, FA web > skulltula > hive > torch (9) -chu block (10) -jump to torch by compass room, enter -kill flies with FA, get compass -climb to stairs, go up PAUSE: stick, chus, GFM -quick spin bos in center, open chest (11) -light torches, next room -go to the right of the top left hole and recoil to the left to guarentee an easy landing by the correct door, enter it -put on GFM, hs 2 leftmost bubbles (13) -jump to other bubbles (15) -recoil to flower -hs to boss door, open -chu odolwa, bomb flower + quickspins -HC and remains ---- TOTALS bombs- 0 chus- 6 arrows- 10 MP- 20
------------------------ routed STT pretty amazingly. gg to me. Also, STT is done all at once now instead of split up
STONE TOWER start with: FA, bombs, chus -FA eye switch, right door -hover over sun block -FA ice eye PAUSE: ZM, bombs, chus -zora swim under bridge -dex hand to land -bomb crystal switch, get key 1 -swim to opposite side, gj to chest and back (1) -open locked door and blow up floor PAUSE: hs, bombs, chus -hs to fairy (2) -hover from fairy to sun block, throw bombs at all armos -get map -hover over sun block to key 2 PAUSE: ZM, bombs, chus -put on ZM to warp to door, open -swim back to under bridge, step on underwater floor switch -swim up to locked door -hover over sun block to updraft room PAUSE: DM, hs, bombs -DM to fairy chest (3) -DM to end, hs fire chest jiano style (4) -fight garo for LA -next room, bomb crystal switch for fairy (5) -hs back up, next room PAUSE: LA, bombs, chus -LA eyegore for fairy (6) -next room, get fairy chest (7) -LA sun, recoil to entrance -invert tower -open fairy chest (8) -open right door, LA block PAUSE: DM, hs, LA -deku to chest opposite you (9) -LA sun under fire chest -deku to fire chest, open jiano way (10) -go in corridor, hit floor switch and get key 3 PAUSE: bombs, LA, hs -recoil to eyegore, LA him -hs upside down chest -open door and fight gomess for bk -go back, hs GiantM chest (open it) and recoil to other side -open left door and hit floor switch PAUSE: DM, hs, ocarina -go back and open right door -cross and go up stairs, fight wizrobe -hs chest (11) -sos to entrance -sos to stone tower PAUSE: bottle, hs, LA -catch fairy, cross to STT -get bottom chest, hs back up (12) -open right door, LA block for compass PAUSE: ZM, LA, ocarina -zora to underwater chest (13) -back up to mirror room -LA sun and sun block for fairy chests (15) -sos to entrance PAUSE: LA, bombs, chus -invert tower PAUSE: hs, FA, GiantM -hs to locked door, to boss room -HC and remains ---- TOTALS lol who cares you have more than enough
---------------------- finally did gbt... couldve been way faster if gekko could be done w/o IA and if you could get the 2 fairies before the boss door w/o switching water direction (this would be huge).
GREAT BAY start with: arrows, stick, bombs -backwalk until just behing torches, arrow lft and right ones -deku stick middle 2, open chest (1) -enter door, jump left -roll jump onto red pump -bomb recoil to turnkey;turn -arrow bubble ad skulltula PAUSE: bombs, chus, GFM -put on GFM, hover to main room (3) -go next to waterfall -hover up 6, turn and face wall midhover PAUSE: ZM, hs, GFS -put on ZM to grab ledge, open door -kill tektite, hs top from top right corner of plat, js recoil to chest (4) -put on ZM, backwalk to main room -jump in water and swim through top chamber -swim through dex hands -kill 3 babas with magic, 4th with rangs (5) -next door, hs fairy pot, get thrown by dex hand perfectly to key (6) -jump in right sector of flowing water to main room -magic bottom pot and get annoying fairy (7) -swim through bottom red chamber -open locked door -kill wart with GFS, get IA PAUSE: ZM, IA, bombs -go back to turnkey room, IA water so that you can Zora bomb long jump to turnkey; turn -back to main room, top chamber -swim up to fairy pot (8) -zora long jump to turnkey room -zora ground jump to turnkey; turn PAUSE: hs, bombs, chus -hs map chest -hover to green door from there, open -hover up yellow wall a bit, turn midhover PAUSE: ZM, IA, hs -put on ZM to grab wall, open chest (9) -get fairy under seesaw (10) -go up said seesaw to door -IA waterfall -hs top fairy chest (11) -jump down to sideways elevator, hs other chest (12) -Zora swim through chamber, get thrown by dex hand (dont mess up!) -hs to compass, hs ceiling back PAUSE: ZM, bombs, IA -long jump to bk, fight gekko, win PAUSE: don geros, ZM, ocarina -talk to frog then sos to entrance -zora swim to yellow turnkey to change waterwheel direction -turn other yellow turnkey next to it PAUSE: hs, ZM, GFM -to main room, hs fairy barrel (13) -zora swim through bottom green chamber -rang underwater bubble -put on GFM,hs other bubble (15) PAUSE: bombs, chus, GFM -hover to boss door PAUSE: ZM, arrows, whatever -own gyorg for HC and remains