now i have found the japanese version of oot v1.2 here is the link have also found the legend of zelda majoras mask japanese version here is the link you want the wii mod to install the wads they can be found here (requires an extracter)
to change the (free) the wads to make it 100% work use freethewads program V of course if you are using a us wii you most region change your wii
or you can enable the hack on priloader enable region free games for gc wii (even more)

if you need anymore help reply to me remember if you dont own the game this can be illegal
of course after doing this do not risk updating your wii just to be clear i own these games wads are meant to be used as backup incase it breaks
now i am currently using all these programs so they have been tested

this post was used two times as this topic was the same