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Author Topic: VC Differences  (Read 21501 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 30

« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2011, 06:20:14 PM »

one small diferance i discovered is that vc hess's are faster. i timed this about 10 times and i got the same results. do you think this will ever make a diferance? i dont think it will but just sayin.
Regular Guay

Posts: 153

« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2011, 06:38:33 PM »

VC? HESS? inb4 shitstorm
Site Editor
Mega Guay

Posts: 613

fuck you and the horse you rode in on

562243965 marikthechao@hotmail.com ingx24
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2011, 12:29:24 AM »

VC HESS is not faster; it's just that the explosion causes less lag than on N64, making the HESS start a few frames faster.

also lol hess on vc

<complex> byan you're doing that thing again
<complex> the thing where everything you say is fucking retarded

<ethandude> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual cheak this out luxury it might come in helpful when u wright your resime
Regular Guay

Posts: 30

« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2011, 08:23:56 PM »

Site Editor
Mega Guay

Posts: 613

fuck you and the horse you rode in on

562243965 marikthechao@hotmail.com ingx24
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2011, 01:31:56 AM »

I already posted this in the Q&A thread, but I figured it was worth posting here too:

I went through timing the VC differences again and found some stuff I missed last time. Here are the new timings:
-37 seconds from loading times (0.3 seconds per loading zone on average with 125 loading zones in the current any% route)
-23 seconds from cutscene lag (darkeye timed this a while back)
-About 10 seconds from faster text in first cycle (this is nowhere near exact since slight differences in mashing speed could make up to 1-2 seconds difference here)
-11 seconds from faster unpauses (N64 unpauses are always exactly 19 input frames longer than VC ones). This is assuming you use a lot more pauses than N64 for lullaby skip ISG or don't buffer it on either (VC would generally want to advance 1 frame at a time since the unpause is so fast that the game's video output can't keep up with it)
-Around 12 seconds from explosion lag (this is a horrible estimate; explosion lag is extremely variable and the number of explosives used can vary. I assumed about 1/10 second explosion lag based on timing a few and taking the average and assumed 120 explosives used which is the max you would ever use in the current route. Obviously 12 seconds is probably a huge overestimation.)
-The rest of the lag is negligable, since faster playing can easily cancel out the tiny bit of lag there is (deku palace can be done just as fast on N64 as on VC despite all the lag there for example), and VC actually lags MORE in some areas such as Zora Cape.

This means that VC probably saves something like 1:30 in the any% single segment and segmented run. Obviously for RTA it'd be more like 1:06 since faster resets would save about 24 seconds, but since no one does RTA that's kind of a moot point. Most of this can be easily factored out (loading zones, cutscene lag, unpause lag), but the faster text, explosion lag, and normal area lag are a lot harder to measure. Thankfully this should never become an issue unless someone beats the current run by around 1:30 on VC, which is very unlikely since improvements in this game tend to be at least 4-5 minutes.

<complex> byan you're doing that thing again
<complex> the thing where everything you say is fucking retarded

<ethandude> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual cheak this out luxury it might come in helpful when u wright your resime
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