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Author Topic: Recorded footage and S-video issues.  (Read 8506 times)
Deku Scrub

Posts: 12

« on: August 09, 2014, 10:31:27 PM »

Hello, I have recently started locally recording my speedruns, I have always wanted to be able to do this, and considering how Twitch has started changing a few things (assuming the new policies stick) that this is a good time to start. Also for some reason, I don't get any video on Amarec when I use S-video with the SNES, but when I use the N64 with S-video , I do get video(I'm using same S-video cord for both). Does anyone know why this is? I'm using Amarec 2.31, I wanna be able to run Mega Man x with S-Video but it doesn't work with SNES, it's really weird and frustrating.

Anyways, I hit record on Amarec and everything is fine; the footage automatically gets saved to Windows Media Player. The video quality on Amarec looks good, even when using composite it doesn't look that bad, not interlacing or nothing, nice and smooth. But when I open the recorded footage from Media Player, it's looks awful. everything is really badly interlaced and distant objects look blurry almost. I have no clue how to fix this. I am only having this problem with the recorded footage and nothing else. My config settings in Amarec are all set properly when it comes to interlacing.

Here are some pictures of what it looks like.

If someone could pleease help me with these issues that would be wonderful, I have been trying to figure these problems out for a few days now.
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