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Author Topic: How do I get Japanese versions of Zelda on my wii?  (Read 19826 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 53

« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2014, 08:27:35 PM »

Well the ShowMiiWads doesn't region change your wii; it just allows you to make the specific wad region free. The ShowMiiWads solution doesn't require you to install anything that messes with the NAND
Yeah, the showmiiwads method is less intrusive, but I still think priiloader is the easiest solution. It also gives you brick protection for if you install a corrupted wad. Both are perfectly good options, though.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 4

« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2014, 04:34:03 PM »

Yeah, the showmiiwads method is less intrusive, but I still think priiloader is the easiest solution. It also gives you brick protection for if you install a corrupted wad. Both are perfectly good options, though.

Yes, thats definitely the safest method, but if you already have BootMii installed that provides brick protection as well I believe, depending on which method you used to install it.
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