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Author Topic: 100%  (Read 59586 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 25

« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2013, 04:38:08 AM »

Since ZFG is incipacitated with trying his route out in a real run:

Skipping Blue Mail is NOT AN OPTION - the chest for Red Mail will give you Blue Mail if you skip Blue Mail in Swamp Palace.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 13

« Reply #31 on: December 01, 2013, 04:42:02 AM »

I was thinking the blue mail might actually be worthwhile either way for treacherous tower since it's not very far out of the way and more dangerous kamikaze strats could be used to make up for lost time.

As for all the items that need to be purchased I believe they all sell for 800 rupees and there's the 3000 rupees for the bottle.

9 items820 * 97200
2 bottles3000+1003100

total being about 11300 rupees. I believe that 9000 for safe estimate can be knocked out from the treacherous tower alone (got over 5000 2nd time I beat the 50 levels and beating my previous time).
Note: When routing this link should enter with rupees at or slightly above the cost of the first entry level.

Brings the total down to 2300 rupees. After buying all the items, the best way to collect the remaining rupees in my opinion would be to open any rupee chests/collect rupees that are directly or almost directly in links path over the course of the speedrun (no idea what that would add up to).

Total goes down 2300 - MiscRupees
 Preferably at the very near end of the run, rupees should be spent on the 5th bottle (3000 rupees). If more rupees are needed I would suggest playing rupee rush until you have enough rupees to cover the expense of the bottle. In ~3-5 minutes you could bring the total down to 0 just from that minigame with good rupee rush strats/timing.

Edit: Forgot the 888 rupees for the golden bee, but all this means is that right before/after purchasing ravio items to buy this at skull woods and rupee rush will probably be necessary. Unless of course we start relying on RNG or somebody finds a way to manipulate the golden bee spawn to catch one in under 3 minutes so it doesn't need to be purchased.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 05:27:52 AM by Crankeey » Logged
Deku Scrub

Posts: 15

« Reply #32 on: December 01, 2013, 06:15:51 AM »

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks Blue Mail is a good idea. My runs of Treacherous Tower on my casual 100% were with 20 hearts, Blue Mail, Butter Master Sword, and Great Spin, and both times on Advanced I finished Moldorm with a Quarter of a Heart. Fifty floors isn't exactly something to sneeze at, even with the Nice Hammer/Nice Tornado Rod at your disposal. I'm honestly relieved that it will be required for Red Mail, now.

I did some quick runs of TT to count the profits:

Beginner - Costs 100 Rupees. Completion dropped 10 * Red Rupee, 10 * Blue Rupee, 20 * Green Rupee, for a profit of 170 Rupees. (Also got a Purple Rupee for prize)
. time taken - 31 seconds

Intermediate - Costs 200 Rupees. Completion dropped 5 * Silver Rupee, 3* Purple Rupee, 8 * Red Rupee, 6 * Blue Rupee, 5 * Green Rupee, for a profit of 645 Rupees. (Silver Rupee for prize but irrelevant because we only do Int once for Heart Piece)
. time taken - 1 minute 50 seconds

Additionally, my Advanced run has a time of 8 minutes, and I went from 500 Rupees to 9999 from the two runs. I estimate prize drops to be 4000-5000. Fortunately, with the Ice Ruins relatively early in the route (a necessity for the Scroll, which has at least 20 seconds of saved time), all that's needed is a warp to Lorule Death Mountain at whatever point the Treacherous Tower is placed at. Most likely, this will occur after both Great Spin and Butter Master Sword, for obvious reasons. If the TT could somehow be completed with minimal time lost with the Tempered Master Sword, it might could occur before Great Spin to reduce one visit to Mother Maiamai. Theoretically speaking. I don't expect that to be a thing though.

Lorule Rupee Rush would not be a good method of making money. There are plenty of easy-to-access Gold Chests, and with the profits made from succeeding at all the minigames should cover the final costs. In fact, in my preliminary routing, I probably am grabbing rupee chests far, far too liberally.
Regular Guay

Posts: 118

« Reply #33 on: December 01, 2013, 06:29:04 AM »

I think the best way to do this then is buy the Tornado Rod and one more item (bow maybe, or perhaps bombs) sometime before we do Treacherous, upgrade them and then do treacherous tower with it (although is it really worth it to take the time to upgrade them just for Treacherous?), and then use the rupees you get from Treacherous to buy the rest of the items and the 3000 rupee bottle. I forget how to get the Great Spin, but if that is the reward for all 100 Maiamais, then I suppose we'll have to do Treacherous without it.

For my route, we'd have beaten Thieves', Sand, Swamp, and Skull Woods before we do Treacherous (I propose we do it right before we go through death mountain), and so that would be at the very least 10 hearts, and at least one more because of heart pieces, which doesn't seem ridiculously out of the question.
Mega Guay

Posts: 659

also pheenoh <3

« Reply #34 on: December 01, 2013, 06:42:04 AM »

I finished my first draft of my 100% route http://pastebin.com/VVrBY0UG .  It's kinda sloppily written since I'm lazy but should be readable.

I did a run with this and got 5:02:36.  I'm sure this route is far from perfect but it feels like it flows very well.  I'm sure there's plenty of possible improvements but this is just a first version.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 05:34:42 AM by ZFG » Logged

I for one think that there are no glitches in OoT. It's just gameshark codes.

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 13

« Reply #35 on: December 01, 2013, 08:33:13 AM »

lol ZFG: "activate blacksmiths text by going away a screen and back?Huh"

I think the route looks like a solid start. I see no reason to buy the bee badge until the last visit to kak as there's no benefit to it. The only thing that rupees should be spent on before TT are renting items and minigames. Also the bottle should definitely be bought after you return to kak to buy the net.
Ultimate Mega Guay

Posts: 901

Wrong warp expert

« Reply #36 on: December 01, 2013, 10:28:24 AM »

lol ZFG: "activate blacksmiths text by going away a screen and back?Huh"

I think the route looks like a solid start. I see no reason to buy the bee badge until the last visit to kak as there's no benefit to it. The only thing that rupees should be spent on before TT are renting items and minigames. Also the bottle should definitely be bought after you return to kak to buy the net.

Suddenly, game over due to bees.

On a more serious note, there's a potential run killer with maiamais http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0v5gjtuqeg
It could be that the count is wrong, or it could be the Deku Stick upgrade sort of thing

Quote from:  Leigh Rogers
This is art because the music is classical music, and the graphics are done with a pen. The story is something about a woman. I could not understand much of this to be honest, which makes it even more likely to be an art.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 15

« Reply #37 on: December 01, 2013, 03:49:53 PM »

I'm sure we can still do Ice Ruins before Desert Palace in 100%. There's no Maiamai under any large rocks that require Titan Mitts in the portion of Hyrule's Death Mountains that you visit nor the Ice Mines/Ice Ruins portion of Lorule's Death Mountains, so you wouldn't return a second time following obtaining the Titan Mitts. The way my route has it is to activate the Misery Mire Weather Vane, warp to Hyrule, but go straight to Death Mountains. Once you finish Ice Ruins, warp straight to Misery Mire, and the amount of time saved from having the scroll to enter dungeon outweighs the time lost from the extra portal usage. The Maiamai in that area can be grabbed easily before or after the dungeon. Just an example since I had it planned to do most of the minigames before Ice Ruins.

Going to give ZFG's route an actual run-through pretty soon.

As for the Maiamai bug, I thought it might be if you "discover" a Maiamai but don't pick it up that would cause that, but upon testing it, that didn't work. The count lowers when you pick up the Maiamai. Interesting issue, and hopefully it's not because a Maiamai just outright stopped existing for some strange reason.

Edit: One potential problem is how early the cucco game is. I got three shots at the Rooster level, which admittedly should be enough but I'm bad and, well.. fat cuccos happened.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22765223/IMG_20131201_110606.jpg (Pictured: 6 fat cuccos [one under the text box] on the same half of the field)

Edit 2: Completed a run at 6:48:13, with a few small breaks and general faffing about here and there.

I think the big thing that bothers me is the timing of the Treacherous Tower. With the Great Spin, I can complete the Advanced stages in 8 minutes; however, at the point in the route it is timed (14 hearts, green mail, no Nice weapons) my faster run was a little over 11 minutes. I'm definitely not explicitly good yet, and had to spend some time being careful, but the Great Spin still has a tremendous difference on those 50 floors.

I'm also confused about why the route gets the Weather Vane to Turtle Rock, then goes to do Ice Ruins. Is there something you wanted the Scroll for Turtle Rock?
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 12:33:38 AM by Rdy » Logged
Mega Guay

Posts: 659

also pheenoh <3

« Reply #38 on: December 02, 2013, 02:58:52 AM »

I think the route looks like a solid start. I see no reason to buy the bee badge until the last visit to kak as there's no benefit to it. The only thing that rupees should be spent on before TT are renting items and minigames. Also the bottle should definitely be bought after you return to kak to buy the net.

I put the bee badge where it is to get rid of the golden bee as soon as possible to free it up for fairies for TT.  I was considering adding in the skull woods area cleanup (which is when you would buy the golden bee) after titans mitt so you get the one under the titans mitt rock at that time too but didn't test it out yet. 
I'm sure we can still do Ice Ruins before Desert Palace in 100%. There's no Maiamai under any large rocks that require Titan Mitts in the portion of Hyrule's Death Mountains that you visit nor the Ice Mines/Ice Ruins portion of Lorule's Death Mountains, so you wouldn't return a second time following obtaining the Titan Mitts. The way my route has it is to activate the Misery Mire Weather Vane, warp to Hyrule, but go straight to Death Mountains. Once you finish Ice Ruins, warp straight to Misery Mire, and the amount of time saved from having the scroll to enter dungeon outweighs the time lost from the extra portal usage. The Maiamai in that area can be grabbed easily before or after the dungeon. Just an example since I had it planned to do most of the minigames before Ice Ruins.
This sounds like it should be a good idea, as long as you route in getting the bottled letter/premium milk before it as well.  I was never able to get anything less than 3 cycles on the ice ruins boss with gold sword, and lv2 sword also does it in 3 cycles so I guess you're not really losing much time not having it.  You also don't have the nice fire rod but that really doesn't save that much time in IR anyway.

I think the big thing that bothers me is the timing of the Treacherous Tower. With the Great Spin, I can complete the Advanced stages in 8 minutes; however, at the point in the route it is timed (14 hearts, green mail, no Nice weapons) my faster run was a little over 11 minutes. I'm definitely not explicitly good yet, and had to spend some time being careful, but the Great Spin still has a tremendous difference on those 50 floors.

I'm also confused about why the route gets the Weather Vane to Turtle Rock, then goes to do Ice Ruins. Is there something you wanted the Scroll for Turtle Rock?
I do TT as early as possible to get all the rupees needed as soon as possible.  If you want to upgrade anything before TT, you're going to need to go out of your way for rupees.  The rupees you get there have you set for the rest of the game so it seems like a good placement for getting upgrades decently early + not needing to go out of your way for rupees + having the best sword to go decently fast.

As for the turtle rock weather vane, you do use the ice rod a bunch so the stamina scroll seems like it would save time.  Also, the last maiamai in the lorule lake cleanup is right next to a portal so it's much faster getting to hyrule from there than after IR.

One other thing I'm not sure about is the placement for skull woods, specifically for the boss.  He takes forever with the Lv1 master sword and the Lv2 would definitely help, but doing dark palace before desert is probably not a good idea and desert with Lv1 also sounds bad. idk

I for one think that there are no glitches in OoT. It's just gameshark codes.

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Site Editor
Mega Guay

Posts: 579

« Reply #39 on: December 02, 2013, 12:01:36 PM »

Would it be faster to do this clip to skip grabbing the additional big bomb:
I looked at the route, and it seems like it would be faster to do that after finishing swamp palace. However, I've failed to do the clip multiple times. It seems too risky unless someone can find a position that makes it succeed every time.
Would be great if someone could find a faster way to get up on the ledge above the big boulder. I tried using enemies in the corner there and tornado rod, but I didn't manage to get up on the ledge. I bet it's possible somehow.

This should also save a few seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBRCxHdaL4E
Not sure if people already knew about this.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 12:05:42 PM by CloudMax » Logged

Deku Scrub

Posts: 15

« Reply #40 on: December 02, 2013, 04:15:14 PM »

I put the bee badge where it is to get rid of the golden bee as soon as possible to free it up for fairies for TT.  I was considering adding in the skull woods area cleanup (which is when you would buy the golden bee) after titans mitt so you get the one under the titans mitt rock at that time too but didn't test it out yet.

I was actually thinking about giving that a try today. Just in theory, the less visits we have to pay to an area, the better.

Quote from: ZFG
This sounds like it should be a good idea, as long as you route in getting the bottled letter/premium milk before it as well.  I was never able to get anything less than 3 cycles on the ice ruins boss with gold sword, and lv2 sword also does it in 3 cycles so I guess you're not really losing much time not having it.  You also don't have the nice fire rod but that really doesn't save that much time in IR anyway.

I was aware of this, but in your route it might be a bit difficult unless things are shuffled around at Hylia Lake. For 100% it wouldn't save but 10-15 seconds, anyway, so it might not be worth it unless the route changes drastically for optimizations.

Quote from: ZFG
I do TT as early as possible to get all the rupees needed as soon as possible.  If you want to upgrade anything before TT, you're going to need to go out of your way for rupees.  The rupees you get there have you set for the rest of the game so it seems like a good placement for getting upgrades decently early + not needing to go out of your way for rupees + having the best sword to go decently fast.

This is true, I'm just concerned about potential time loss for not having the Great Spin. TT is still doable, and ideally it should always be done as soon as possible. Do we need to get all of the upgrades to get Great Spin? Maybe doing just one Advanced run, grabbing the last Maiamai there, buying important items for Nice (Bow, Hookshot, Fire, Bomb, Hammer?) then warping back later in the run with Great Spin would save a little bit of time, give us the benefit of early Nice Items, and be a lot safer, too. I'll see if I can test that out today.


Also just to confirm, I got all 100 maiamais with no bought items, and she won't give you great spin until you upgrade all 9 items.

Welp. Fak u Mother Maiamai.

One other thing I'm not sure about is the placement for skull woods, specifically for the boss.  He takes forever with the Lv1 master sword and the Lv2 would definitely help, but doing dark palace before desert is probably not a good idea and desert with Lv1 also sounds bad. idk

I had a potentially silly thought that I'm going to explicitly time in a short bit to test: Go into Skull Woods, get Master Ore, Big Key, Scoot Fruit, move on with route. Add the Skull Woods boss to the Skull Woods clean-up. The mid-way teleport that you will activate unless a huge Skull Woods skip is found takes you two rooms from the Boss Door, with the only obstacle being a slowly moving platform. Any time lost from getting the Scoot Fruit + Travelling back through the dungeon should be easily negated by the Level 2 Master Sword speeding up the boss fight.

I'm going to get a file up to the Big Key chest, and I'll time how long it takes to do the boss then get the tempered sword vs. how long it takes to get the tempered sword then do the boss. Hopefully it'll save a notable amount of time because that boss just sucks with the Level 1 Master Sword.

Edit: I tried testing it out. Here's what the basic criteria of the test was to try to facilitate an equal comparison:

1. Obtain the Tempered Master Sword.
2. Defeat the Skull Woods Boss.
3. Timer starts at first control near the Big Key chest.
4. Timer stops in Lorule at first control.

For consistency, I only used the Portal in the Stylish Lady's House.

Tempered Sword, then SW Boss: 5:39.87. Five cycles, possibly four? I did not use Scoot Fruit, could possibly be faster depending on time lost getting a Scoot Fruit vs. time saved.
SW Boss, then Tempered Sword: 5:48.182. Seven-eight cycles. Should probably be faster but I fell down a pit on the boss and delayed a few seconds.

Might be worth checking out in more detail, but it looks like it wouldn't save a dramatic amount of time, even considering that there would be less wasted movement in a real run (i.e. not using the Stylish Lady's House Portal to return to Skull Woods).
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 08:14:52 PM by Rdy » Logged
Deku Scrub

Posts: 13

« Reply #41 on: December 03, 2013, 06:08:16 AM »

I put the bee badge where it is to get rid of the golden bee as soon as possible to free it up for fairies for TT.  I was considering adding in the skull woods area cleanup (which is when you would buy the golden bee) after titans mitt so you get the one under the titans mitt rock at that time too but didn't test it out yet.

One other thing I'm not sure about is the placement for skull woods, specifically for the boss.  He takes forever with the Lv1 master sword and the Lv2 would definitely help, but doing dark palace before desert is probably not a good idea and desert with Lv1 also sounds bad. idk
I have yet to test it out, but someone in the irc mentioned that golden bees have a high appearance rate next to rupee rush in lowrule. I'm not sure it's worth getting the golden bee that late in the route but I do believe there are hot spots that are guaranteed to save time over buying a golden bee and if you can catch one there consistently within 2-3 minutes, it would probably be worthwhile over buying the golden bee and doing a skull woods cleanup. Perhaps, I should start looking for hotspots closer to kak idk. 888 rupees just seems like a lot before TT.

Also I see nothing wrong with doing dark palace first. The boss wouldn't take much longer with the lv1 master sword. Desert palace might be an issue? mzxrules started working on a dmg chart so that will probably help with dungeon order.

Speaking of which, one more thing that might be worthwhile for 100% is purple potions. I have no idea how many monster guts are acquired over the course of a 100% speedrun, but I feel like 4x the base dmg of the mastersword could really speed up TT, rooms filled with enemies you need to kill,  and potentially boss fights. It all really depends and I know fairies are practically required for TT but this is a speedrun, fuck babby strats and focus on the most optimal route. Fuck practicality, besides, what other zelda speedruns would require fairies?
Regular Guay

Posts: 118

« Reply #42 on: December 03, 2013, 06:17:22 AM »

So, over the past while I've been writing a different 100% route (before ZFG even started his), and I have basically finished it. I'm missing 7 Maiamais from the route, so I'll add them when I find out which ones are missing when it's the most convenient. Let me know if I've missed anything else, or if something I have in the route is completely stupid and doesn't work, or there's just an obvious route change that I should make.

The route: http://pastebin.com/dUxvEGQ5

I haven't done a trial run of this yet, so maybe when I get the 7 maiamais in somebody can do that? (I don't really have the time to do a 5+ hour run all at once)
Deku Scrub

Posts: 15

« Reply #43 on: December 03, 2013, 03:54:53 PM »

Also I see nothing wrong with doing dark palace first. The boss wouldn't take much longer with the lv1 master sword. Desert palace might be an issue? mzxrules started working on a dmg chart so that will probably help with dungeon order.

The big issue that I can think of is that there is at least one Maiamai in that area under a Large Rock, and it's really quite deep into the area as compared to the one in Skull Woods that you'd be missing, so we'd be returning in some fashion post-Desert Palace. Given the timing I got of leaving Skull Woods to get the Tempered Sword then returning, I expect that would actually make it slower. Also, I know 'fuck babby strats' but Dark Palace isn't exactly fun to do when a) trying to be fast and b) having little health to spare.

Speaking of which, one more thing that might be worthwhile for 100% is purple potions. I have no idea how many monster guts are acquired over the course of a 100% speedrun, but I feel like 4x the base dmg of the mastersword could really speed up TT, rooms filled with enemies you need to kill,  and potentially boss fights. It all really depends and I know fairies are practically required for TT but this is a speedrun, fuck babby strats and focus on the most optimal route. Fuck practicality, besides, what other zelda speedruns would require fairies?

What other Zelda speedrun has a 50-floor rush of enemies? Tongue They're possibly worthwhile.. but at the same time, my 7 hour run ended with 23 guts, and that number will only become less and less as I get more efficient. Furthermore, it's only a single room of usage, of 50. I can actually only think of one room bad enough that I would want that (with the two large penguins and slippery floors and high chance of falling if you spin attack). Assuming an optimal time of an Adv. run of TT is 10 minutes, then that means 12 seconds per room, and I can't think of many rooms that went obscenely over that number in my last run. It was just a slog in general. I'm not opposed to Purple Potions, but I don't think TT is the place for it, really. Does the Purple Potion work on boss fights? I'm going to test it on the Helmasaur in Dark Palace to see what happens, actually. I have a save file where I can do that.

edit: PP immediately breaks his helmet, does not hit him through his 'Shadow Dash', does not skip his 'Shadow Dash' in any way if you're using the Tempered Master Sword. But, it does work on bosses, strangely enough.

So, over the past while I've been writing a different 100% route (before ZFG even started his), and I have basically finished it. I'm missing 7 Maiamais from the route, so I'll add them when I find out which ones are missing when it's the most convenient. Let me know if I've missed anything else, or if something I have in the route is completely stupid and doesn't work, or there's just an obvious route change that I should make.

The Tempered Master Sword comes pretty late. L1 Master Sword for the Ice Ruins boss slows things down, and you don't even upgrade it in time for the Treacherous Tower. Even with being able to knock enemies down pits, that just kind of terrifies me.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 04:39:57 PM by Rdy » Logged
zT DeFuZeD
Deku Scrub

Posts: 18

Hero of the Triforce

« Reply #44 on: December 03, 2013, 05:27:13 PM »

In terms of returning to area later for maiamais and whatnot, potentially just skipping bosses and returning to them might be faster in some cases. With butter blade sword and great spin from all maiamais, ive killed almost every boss within 30 seconds. The great spin has so much range and damage with butter blade, most bosses go to critical health in one hit. So if there was a time efficient way to skip the bosses until after great spin and butter blade is gotten, time in boss fights would be incredibly lowered from the testing ive done.

"May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce"
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