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Author Topic: Tricks/Glitches/Timesavers topic  (Read 833185 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 46

« Reply #825 on: March 16, 2015, 06:33:45 PM »

I never recommend to not slash the popo cause you could get hit or fall off and saving those .2 secs are defiantly not worth it imo

I am the Zeldo for you <3
Regular Guay

Posts: 194

« Reply #826 on: March 16, 2015, 10:12:34 PM »

Ya, slashing the popo is definitely worth it Tongue  I just wanted to post about it here for any future reference.
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Regular Guay

Posts: 107

« Reply #827 on: March 18, 2015, 04:40:34 AM »

You can skip opening that arrow door before EP by going to the Witch's Hut, bombing the wall and going through the tunnel. :x
Regular Guay

Posts: 194

« Reply #828 on: March 18, 2015, 05:46:11 AM »

You can skip opening that arrow door before EP by going to the Witch's Hut, bombing the wall and going through the tunnel. :x
LOL I realized that after I made my post  Tongue I was actually thinking about that for the route.

Would it be faster to skip going to Eastern Palace first, and go straight to the Witch's hut to activate the bird statue? Then from there, bomb the cave and grab the 50 rupees in it and go to EP?

Or am I missing some key factor
Regular Guay

Posts: 34

« Reply #829 on: March 18, 2015, 06:54:34 AM »

I don't see how it could be faster. If we already had the bell after EP, then I'd say it could be close, but we still need to walk to an Irene spot after EP to get the bell before flying to the vane.
The 50 extra rupees could help for the 100 rupees we need for Ice Rod, but I think the IR 300 gold chest would still be faster than doing this route =p
Now, if you plan on trying to get IR/QE before Lorule, then it may help. Personally, I think it's still slower, but who knows.
Regular Guay

Posts: 46

« Reply #830 on: March 19, 2015, 12:37:27 AM »

I actually just timed this according to a possible route thst can be taken, and it saves about a sec over the other one, or more if you get bad rng, plus you could skip the 8 ruppes in EP, and save another sec, so over all 2-4 secs can be saves in this route, so combined with my new route, this saves 22 secs over the old current route, good idea Cheesy

I am the Zeldo for you <3
Regular Guay

Posts: 194

« Reply #831 on: March 19, 2015, 03:14:13 AM »

I actually just timed this according to a possible route thst can be taken, and it saves about a sec over the other one, or more if you get bad rng, plus you could skip the 8 ruppes in EP, and save another sec, so over all 2-4 secs can be saves in this route, so combined with my new route, this saves 22 secs over the old current route, good idea Cheesy

That's great! Smiley What's the new route you came up with?
Regular Guay

Posts: 194

« Reply #832 on: March 19, 2015, 05:10:13 AM »

I figured out a way to grab those 5 red rupees (worth 100 all together) behind the wooden stakes outside Eastern Palace. It's surprisingly fast and requires the Tornado Rod and involves manipulating and understanding the Tektite's AI.

So, the way the Tektite's AI works is:

A Tektite will perform an animation cycle, where it stomps the ground a little bit then shakes its head back and forth. A Tektite will only attack once it's finished an animation cycle (so after shaking it's head), then it jumps twice at you with it's last jump being either towards you or back towards it's spawn position if it's too far away. Then it always takes a few steps towards your current position before going back into an animation cycle. After that, it will do 1-3 animation cycles before attacking again but can be forced to attack by either bumping into it or by attacking it. When first entering a Tektite's attack range, it will always attack after it's animation cycle finishes.

So using this knowledge, it's possible to get those rupees really fast. Before leaving the cave, equip the Tornado Rod. Then leave and head down to the wooden stakes. When you reach this spot:

Stop moving for about 10-15 milliseconds then continue walking. The reason to do that is because if you walk straight to the stakes, the Tektite in front of them will just have finished an animation cycle and will attack you right away. This will mess up it's position and make the upcoming clip a lot slower. So waiting for those 20 ms will allow you to enter it's attack range without it attacking you instantly, allowing you to get into position.

Anyways, get into this position:

Then when the Tektite jumps towards you, move north out of the way and then move back quickly to get hurt by it. Quickly run into it's body and T-rod before it jumps and you'll get pushed through the stakes. Also, the reason for this spot is because being too far left will attract another Tektite making this more difficult.

Then grab all the rupees and get back into position here:

The Tektite will perform it's 2nd jump towards you and when it's above your head, T-rod and it will fall on top of you, letting you clip through the stakes.

This may sound difficult but it's honestly really easy and fast!  Smiley
« Last Edit: March 19, 2015, 05:31:44 PM by Weegeechan » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 194

« Reply #833 on: March 20, 2015, 12:18:28 AM »

I should also note that it's possible to grab the 100 rupee chest outside EP pretty easily.

Just attract the Armos near that area, slash it twice towards this spot (just to speed things up) and T-Rod to get onto the ledge.
Regular Guay

Posts: 29

« Reply #834 on: March 20, 2015, 09:09:29 AM »

I have another useless but nonetheless interesting bee boost here.

So this is South of the cave where you do the powerglove skip. Quite a difficult bee boost to do but still possible.

From there, you can walk south. Then east over to the sanctuary area. You can merge and walk in either direction but eventually get stopped by a barrier.

Something interesting to note is that you can screen transition and clip into the wall.

From here you can actually walk slightly then before you fall Oob you can T-rod up onto the higher platform. I've only managed to do this once; unfortunately I begun to walk around before posting something to miiverse. You can walk around up there but only along the very edge from what I could gather. Id be interested to know if you can dash onto the trees to the right but I have a feeling you cant.

In regards to the screen transition into a wall clip, I'm really interested in finding other areas in the game where this may happen so i'm going to work on that next. I feel that t-rodding from a wall clip up to a higher area may open up new options. I'm doubtful thy could be applied to a speed run but you never know eh?

Lastly, you can bee boost to a heartpiece south of eastern palace. whey!
Regular Guay

Posts: 81

« Reply #835 on: March 21, 2015, 12:01:07 AM »

While not helpful in the least, I do know one place where it can be done. When you do Roadskip (Or some other zany OoB trick) to reach the Hyrule Castle moat, you can swim to screen transitions in a few spots that let you inside the walls like that, and hopefull allow you to T-Rob back inbounds.I think it's the only way to get back without dying actually.

I think I know a trick that might need a Bee Boost tho. (Or at least a really good thrown bomb boost)
It'd be nice if you could boost yourself to the OoB section directly north of Turtle Rock. The only place I can think of you could probably pull it off is close to the spot where the Turtle is stuck on the wall.

If someone reached that area, I'd be interested to know.
Regular Guay

Posts: 29

« Reply #836 on: March 21, 2015, 06:48:16 AM »

I think I know a trick that might need a Bee Boost tho. (Or at least a really good thrown bomb boost)
It'd be nice if you could boost yourself to the OoB section directly north of Turtle Rock. The only place I can think of you could probably pull it off is close to the spot where the Turtle is stuck on the wall.

If someone reached that area, I'd be interested to know.

Is this the spot you mean? what do you have in mind? Ill post screens in a bit, found some interesting stuff up near the witches hut.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 06:53:49 AM by Wastedweek » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 194

« Reply #837 on: March 22, 2015, 07:14:47 PM »

Is this the spot you mean? what do you have in mind? Ill post screens in a bit, found some interesting stuff up near the witches hut.

Hey, how did you actually get up there with the turtle? I tried a fire rod boost, bomb boost, boost from the Dacto but none of them would get Link on the ledge. Did you use a Bee for it?
Regular Guay

Posts: 29

« Reply #838 on: March 23, 2015, 01:53:28 AM »

Hey, how did you actually get up there with the turtle? I tried a fire rod boost, bomb boost, boost from the Dacto but none of them would get Link on the ledge. Did you use a Bee for it?

Yes weegee, just grab a bee from the bushes near the shop. Its an easy boost with a bee. Not much to be done up there, you can walk around and screen transition. If you drop down towards the turtle you fall through it to the water.

Whilst on I will post some other stuff near the witches hut I found. So up past the area you merge/bee boost to get to Zora's domain you can bee boost up on to the top ledge.

From there you can either head north to Zora's domain or continue back towards the witches hut. There is a particularly interesting long piece of wall you can merge onto that runs north to south. Why is it interesting? Well, depending on the timing you can do some pretty weird stuff with the wall, in some cases you can Merge on to the wall and the camera pans 180 degrees, you're essentially viewing the game from the opposite direction.

This only lasts for a few seconds then you fall Oob.

The other scenario is that you merge, and just as the camera begins to pan around you can unmerge - you pop out on the other side of the wall! This is, from what I've seen so far, very tight to perform, and as soon as you unmerge the opposite side of the wall you fall Oob. I've never experiance this in game before so its pretty interesting to see happen. Maybe someone could grab a video of it?

Next, you can continue to walk further along the wall, here we find an interesting invisible wall that you can actually walk on/merge on (havnt seen this ingame before?)

I tried dropping down behind the wall to land on the ledge but it doesn't seem possible.

and finally you can walk south along the wall all the way towards the screen with the bridge, it seems impossible to progress any further without falling off.

Again, pretty useless finds, but seeing the way the game messes up in these areas in interesting nonetheless. Particularly that one section of wall.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 02:09:28 AM by Wastedweek » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 194

« Reply #839 on: March 23, 2015, 02:06:01 AM »

Did you try dash sliding to the floating platforms that are part of Turtle Rock? I always wanted to try dash sliding to them to see if it was possible to get in Turtle Rock that way

EDIT: Really awesome new finds! Cheesy Bee boosting definitely is different than all the other damage boosting types. I think I'm going to try and mess around with it myself too.

That reverse angle shot is so cool!

« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 02:19:43 AM by Weegeechan » Logged
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