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Author Topic: Tricks/Glitches/Timesavers topic  (Read 780792 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 46

« Reply #735 on: September 09, 2014, 05:43:15 AM »

Maybe a cool idea is dying where you are after you enter lorule( after the first lorule portal ) and dying there , would it bring you to hyrule with lorule portals open or nothing?  This could lead to a small route change if it does work :p also too lazy to test

I am the Zeldo for you <3
Regular Guay

Posts: 46

« Reply #736 on: September 09, 2014, 03:38:25 PM »

Ok thanks nick! Sucks that you can't abuse death there tho :/

I am the Zeldo for you <3
Regular Guay

Posts: 65

« Reply #737 on: September 10, 2014, 09:22:31 AM »

What I saw is that you can move, though not use any items(?), during the fade out between the door opening and Yuga talking and getting away.  You can't move during the door opening, but there seems to be a short window afterward where you can move, before Yuga starts talking.

As for the purpose of it, consider this theoretical--but plausible--sequence of events:

1. Beat Yuga 2, but escape out the door before the game sets the "Yuga 2 is Dead" flag.
2. Go to Lorule Castle through Zelda's office.
3. Go to Lorule Castle's northern tower, where you'll see Yuga become Yuganon and Hilda tell you lies by omission.
4. Walk out of the Lorule blacksmith's house to trigger Hilda's welcome message, which is believed to be the master trigger for the portals and very possibly for Yuganon as well.
5. Return to Hyrule Castle Tower.  Hmm, no warp portal.  Guess we'll have to climb again.
6. Yuga 2 is still there!  Beat him normally, after which the door opens.  Don't bother sneaking out the back.
7. Once again, go to Zelda's office.  (With any luck, there is no westward clipping on the closed door to Zelda's office; you're not supposed to be able to even see it from that side anyway).
8. Hmm, fairies in Zelda's office.
9. Go through the portal and to the northern tower of Lorule Castle again.
10. We saw Hilda's message outside the Lorule blacksmith's house, so plausibly, this is the Yuganon fight.
Regular Guay

Posts: 46

« Reply #738 on: September 10, 2014, 03:15:21 PM »

Well we believe the trigger for loading lorule castle loading zone is after the triforce cutscene plays out and collecting all the paintings, but doing this does make sonewhat sense much like skull woods boss skip, but lorule castle is still seperate from hyrule. And im not sure what cutscene your talking about, the one where yuga leaves and link nods? Or where the door opens?

I am the Zeldo for you <3
Regular Guay

Posts: 65

« Reply #739 on: September 10, 2014, 04:19:03 PM »

Well we believe the trigger for loading lorule castle loading zone is after the triforce cutscene plays out and collecting all the paintings, but doing this does make sonewhat sense much like skull woods boss skip, but lorule castle is still seperate from hyrule. And im not sure what cutscene your talking about, the one where yuga leaves and link nods? Or where the door opens?

The Triforce acquisition cutscene is irrelevant; I thought you would have remembered, since skipping the Triforce acquisition cutscene is part of the current any% route, hehe ❤️  It's having all 7 paintings that opens the seal on Lorule Castle's front door.  But we wouldn't be going through the front door...

Yes, the one after the battle where he leaves, saying he's already gotten from Hyrule what he needed anyway.
Special Guay

Posts: 222

« Reply #740 on: September 10, 2014, 06:11:54 PM »

All I see are "IFs"
Anyone even make a video showing them almost doing it?
I can't even imagine what you guys are even talking about at this point.
Regular Guay

Posts: 46

« Reply #741 on: September 10, 2014, 08:41:21 PM »

The triforce cutscene still plays with the sand rod cutscene they just overlap thus playing both at the same time, look at thieves hideout on zsr for evidence and going through the front is really the only way in :p

I am the Zeldo for you <3
Deku Scrub

Posts: 5

« Reply #742 on: September 10, 2014, 09:19:29 PM »

Is there an invisible wall in front of the technicolor door after it opens? If not, maybe a bomb or yuga could push us through as it opens.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 5

« Reply #743 on: September 10, 2014, 09:58:24 PM »

Ok, this may be a bit optimistic; but if you could somehow get into the desert early, maybe you could skip hyrule. If the programmmers were a bit lazy and left the portals to lorule in. There's also this weird wall on the edge of the map, that you could get to by fire rod boosting. I don't know what would happen, but it seems worth looking into.
Regular Guay

Posts: 46

« Reply #744 on: September 10, 2014, 10:08:26 PM »

Well I'm gonna sound pessimistic for a bit , but as said before if entering lorule via that cutscene after yuga "activates" the lorule portals that they could not even be spawned, and even could apply to the hot girls house :/, but I'm not sure of invisible wall after the yuga , cause there is almost no time to react to get near the wall, and let alone put a bomb down , but I believe yuga doesn't do damage after you defeat him.

I am the Zeldo for you <3
Regular Guay

Posts: 65

« Reply #745 on: September 11, 2014, 09:37:19 AM »

If I stop getting home from work so late soon, I'll be able to start reverse engineering the save file format--I've got them decrypted now.  Your save location is the first thing I've identified, since it's in ASCII at the top of the file =^-^=

What I'm going to try is the following:
1. Play through the game until I get the Master Sword.
2. Without going to Hyrule Castle afterward, hack my save file to place me at the Village of Outcasts weathervane.
3. Load the save file.  See whether Hilda's message triggers in the Village of Outcasts.
4. See whether the smooch lady's portal is open from the Lorule side.  If it is, see what happens when using it, etc.
5. Reload save file if so.
6. See whether Hilda's message triggers if I get near the Lorule blacksmith's house.  If not, whether it triggers upon exiting the house for the first time, or similar.

So a completion route with a hack would be as follows:
1. Play normally through to Master Sword.
2. Hack save to load at Village of Outcasts weathervane.
3. Trigger Hilda's message at the Lorule blacksmith.
4. Use any portal to return to Hyrule.
5. Unlock and play through Hyrule Castle Tower.
6. Beat Yuga 2, who should open the Technicolor Door upon losing.  Don't leave the room, because the event flags with this state suggest that it'd seal--it's a one-time opportunity.
7. Go to Zelda's office, where there should be fairies.
8. Go to Hilda's office, then to her tower.
9. Yuganon final boss.

This is one possible sequence of events.  Or it could just not work.  This is why I need to figure out more of the save format. =^-^=
Regular Guay

Posts: 46

« Reply #746 on: September 11, 2014, 11:50:56 PM »

I don't understand how defeating yuga 2 would make you go to an entirely different map and end up at the last level , but its a crazy idea, also it would be helpful to identify how it can be implemented into a speedrun with your hacks Smiley ( cause we can't really do all that :p )

I am the Zeldo for you <3
Regular Guay

Posts: 65

« Reply #747 on: September 12, 2014, 09:32:16 AM »

The hacking part is really about checking theories regarding the game logic.  It would let me confirm or eliminate avenues for attack.  For example, let's say that I find out that even by hacking my way through the Technicolor Door after unlocking the Lorule portals, Yuganon still doesn't want to fight, we can put to rest any theories for good.

But if, say, I use hacks to get the Big Bomb into the Village of Outcasts, and I show that it can be used to get the Sand Rod without completing a certain dungeon spawned by the demons of speed run Hell, we could put concentrated effort into breaking that.
Special Guay

Posts: 222

« Reply #748 on: September 12, 2014, 09:48:07 AM »

Got some hacking skill?
Heard anything for action replay for the 3ds yet?
Regular Guay

Posts: 65

« Reply #749 on: September 12, 2014, 03:23:28 PM »

Got some hacking skill?
Heard anything for action replay for the 3ds yet?

Things have just exploded for 3DS in the last week.  A ROM decrypter was released publicly, allowing anyone with a DS flash cart to decrypt 3DS ROM files.  We now have the contents of this game's filesystem, for example.  (Before a name was decided upon, it appears that Yuga was simply called "Medium", probably in the psychic sense, as an example of the stuff that can be found.)

If you have a Gateway 3DS and the ability to use it, you can load hacked ROM files.  One thing that this lets you do is turn off version 6.x save encryption.  The pre-6.x save encryption was a joke, and there are tools to read and write such save files.  When you run a ROM file on a Gateway 3DS, it saves saves to SD card, so just grab that, use the PC tools, and decrypt away.

I already have seen a decrypted save for ALBW from my 3DS.  The first thing in the file is an ASCII NUL-terminated string with the name of where you saved.  I just haven't had time to mess with it due to work.

I do have "hacking skill" in the sense you mean.  I'm not someone who can break into the NSA or Google or whatever--not that kind of hacking skill, hehe.  I'm a reverse engineer, someone who knows how to take apart programs without source code to figure out how they work.  I did the Final Fantasy 5 unauthorized hack-translation with my friend in 1997 as "RPGe"; I did most of the reverse engineering and he did the translation (since I don't know Japanese).

Oh, and no; Action Replay still sucks =^-^=
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