ZSR Marathon Scheduling

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MC Gamer:
I'm set for anytime, but as it is a CDi game, I don't mind a graveyard shift run. Just give us fair notice. :)

Could I possibly get either friday or saturday night, starting sometime around 7pm pst - 10pm pst?

I could do 9th or 10th from 12pm-8 or 9pm, preferably 10th.

Also, if it helps scheduling at all, you could probably cut 20 minutes off of my estimate for OoT 100%, there's no way I'll get anything worse than 5:10.

I've gotten responses from about half the runners. I'll prob start making the schedule now, but please let me know soon, or might get a shit spot >_>

Hi guys,

I am in the UK so am on British Summer Time (BST) which is GMT+1. I will be working Friday - so Saturday or Sunday evening would be preferable for me, although I can be flexible on these days.

The weekly ALTTP race is Sunday 3PM EST so this could be a potential slot for it I guess... but otherwise I'm pretty much looking at Saturday or Sunday 7PM - 11PM BST.

Hope this helps!


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