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Author Topic: ZSR Mumble  (Read 14265 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 146

Skyward Sword Editor

« on: August 27, 2013, 12:15:50 AM »

This is a guide on how to setup mumble to connect to the zsr server. Please connect as soon as you have the chance to make sure you don't have problems and audio settings work out.

First, download and install the Mumble Client from http://www.mumble.com/mumble-download.php

When you run Mumble the first time, it will prompt you with a wizard to setup your audio settings, just skip that for now.

Now, you should be prompted with a "Mumble Server Connect" window. Start by adding the zsr mumble info to your list by choosing "Add New..."

Enter the info:
Label: [Doesn't matter]
Address: "zsr.mumble.com"
Port: 9011
Username: [Your username]

Now select the zsr server you just added and click connect. You will be asked to turn on push to talk, we'll go over settings in a minute. The server should look like the following:

Don't idle in the sever root, notice that there's a green mute icon to the right of my name. This means that the server is forbidding me to speak in that room. Here's a summary of the rooms:

  • "Admins and Logistics": This is a room for mods and organizers can talk about stuff, don't worry about it too much, you probably don't have permissions to enter.
  • "AFK": The server will mute everyone in this channel, so you can move here if you don't want to be disturbed or if you are aren't around, but don't want to disconnect.
  • "Chat Warriors": This is a channel for chat moderators to talk to each other.
  • "Chilling Sauna": This is a free purpose set of rooms. Anyone can enter, and you can do whatever or make new rooms.
  • "Practice Rooms": You must be a registered user to enter the practice rooms. Generally, a more serious set of rooms.
  • "Streaming Rooms": These are the live rooms used for streaming in the Marathon. There are three sub-streams, so the runners should be get in their sub-channel and be ready for when the main re-streamer enters. Ask a moderator to be moved in.

To move between rooms, simply drag your name, or double click on the room you want to enter.

To register your name, Click on "self->Register". Registered users are tied to the computer, so you won't have imposters using your account. Registered users have the "A+" symbol to the right of their name. It is highly recommended to register your name as soon as you connect.

Ok, let's go through the options now, found under "Configure->Settings". In the bottom left, check "Advanced":

"Audio Input":
Make sure you set the right mic as the device, and set "Echo" to "Mixed" to reduce echo. Please set "Transmit" type to "Push-to-talk". If you can can get "voice activity" to pick yourself up but not pick up other people talking, then you can get away with it, but please be careful. Do not do "continuous".

"Audio Output"
Make sure the balance is good between mumble and your game if you are doing a streaming, and avoid setting volume above "100%" or the quality will drop a lot. Set "Attenuate Applications By..." to 0%.

Add a button for the function "Push-to-Talk", if you are using it (which you really should be).

Turn off everything in the "Text-to-Speech" and "Soundfile" columns. Just take my work on it.

That should be it. Feel free to mess around with anything else to suit your desires. Please ask if you have any problems. Also, make sure you connect as soon as you get the chance to test and make sure you can. I will be available a lot, so if you want help messing with audio settings, I should be around on mumble.

ps. Currently, I have this mumble paid for just the upcoming month. If it ends up being popular and used, I'll keep it running. It's currently a 50 person server, but I can upgrade it if needed.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 12:35:04 AM by TestRunner » Logged

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Deku Scrub

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« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2013, 04:22:43 AM »

Looks good, sounds good  Smiley
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