Lex, goal was to get each dungeon's main item (slingshot, bomb bag, boomerang, bow, hamer, longshot, hover boots, miror shield). And then end by the sign outside your house.
I placed 5th...and I think I'm the only one that had to start over? LOL fail on route planning.
Here's how it went down:
-Sword Shield
-pokey escape
-gold scale
-ruto bottle
-Jabu jabu
-fail at cucco jump 15 minutes fml give up
-Dot skip
-set up RBA stuff
-Deku stick on B
-WTF MY GAME FREEZES WHEN ATTEMPTING BOTTLE ON B...because I got deku stick at kid figuring "I might need this". lol epic fail.
-Game is essentially screwed, can't get bombs, can't get bow, can't get hover boots, could beat FT and get 10 skulltulas and buy broken knife but still don't have enough to get back through DoT.
-fuck that shit, I restart.
-Lose of like 1 hour 15 minutes or so
-Same but this time I get cucco jump
-Epic wasteland fails
-Learn requiem
-RBA stuff works this time
-Bombs from DC
-Shadow early and hover boots
-Bow goes well
-Go for longshot
-enter Water temple with ocarina dive because god damn my dive meter went to 1 (mp had this problem too)
-fish dive like a pro
-more RBA stuff
-Getting lullaby deletes Requiem...GOD DAMN RBA SUCKS BALLS
-Finally get back to water temple and get longshot
-Get red tunic
-Hammer time
-Off to spirit
-Can't do hammer boost whatev get card
-mirror shield
Most of my fail was from route planning, I actually had some pro superslides and crap but my stream got eaten twice so I probably don't have the recording.