Recently I made a video showing what happened if you got both the Triforce and the Master Sword before beating Tower of the Gods. You can watch it
here if you want. I heard it sparked a tiny bit of interest so I decided to document some of how it's done and such.
First, I pondered: is it possible to get the Triforce before the Master Sword? I tested a few things, and, sure enough, it was. Unfortunately, getting Triforce before Master Sword resulted in a dead end at the Master Sword, much like Early Master Sword on its own. The Dark Nut fight started and I killed them, but couldn't pick up the Master Sword or leave Hyrule at all.
So I then thought: what if I combine EMS with Early Triforce? Maybe that could resolve the dead ends. As evidenced by the video, it did, but only up to a point. I was able to progress through the entire game having not killed Gohdan up until I entered Hyrule for what would usually be the final time. It wasn't Hyrule 3, though; it was still black and white and the statue of Link wasn't destroyed. What wasn't shown in the video is that defeating Gohdan and ringing the bell gives you nothing. The bell rings and the warp to Hyrule doesn't appear (it's already there, after all). I believe there is more the discover about combining EMS with Early Triforce, but haven't gotten around to experimenting with storage shenanigans.
Some people were more interested in how I got the Triforce early as opposed to the effects of it, so yeah. Considering you don't have the Hookshot yet and I wasn't willing to zombie hover to do some things, there was a lot of door storage involved.
To get into Overlook (NE of DRI), I got chest storage and sidehopped up one of the pillars, the leafed my way across to the platform with the hole in it. I had to leaf pump iirc.
To get into the Cabana (S of ToG), I just got door storage from Windfall and sailed there. Jumped through the door, then used the low% route for the sewers wherein you don't use the Skull Hammer.
To get into Stonewatcher (SE of Greatfish) I had to get door storage from Windfall, sail to it, do some bomb boosts to get up, and then I jump slashed through the big stone head. Doing anything but jump slashing got me crushed every time.
To get into Savage Labyrinth I just got door storage on Outset and leafed through the island until I landed by the stone head there. For whatever reason I had to land really close to it or I fell through the island.
To get into Diamond Steppe I got chest storage and sailed to the part of the island that's higher up. I jumped out of the boat and used the leaf to land on part of its structure. Walking around a tiny bit made me clip through, so I swam beneath the water and, naturally, it put me up there by the hole.
Unless I'm forgetting something I did everything else normally and just collected the Triforce after that.
Then I of course got EMS using the low%'s route for FF2. Look that up if you don't know it.
If you've got any questions, feel free to ask!