"First Dungeon" in 10:31 Part 1:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUpTrEIgwsQ"First Dungeon" in 10:31 Part 2:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ximVw43fEIkIce Cavern "2nd Dungeon" in 4:37 :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6ybPnZvdh8Bottom of Hell (Level Only):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INlWGRVn38wBottom of Hell (Boss Only):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH_p_g_0lpYBottom of Hell Early:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krLaUUX-dPwYouTube playlist:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC5X7P74sv6_ZIZAwRtAksYnBnkzH07MABottom of Hell is THE WORST. Since I didn't care about perfection, I got 12:05 on this dungeon, 30 seconds slower than my pb. The run's terrible overall, but I show off some neat stuff.
Bottom of Hell key points from the vid:
1. Come in with Deku Stick, Nuts, and Slingshot on C Buttons
2. Try not to lose Deku Shield before the Moblin room. Do what I do in the video. Tactics here might be questionable, though.
3. Deku nuts are obsolete after you kill all the enemies in the first room of the dungeon, so just switch them out with Boomerang.
4. Sticks are obsolete after getting the hammer, so switch out with that
5. If you manage to get the key and get back to the main room w/o losing your shield, you're pretty good, but you'll probably lose it on your way to the Stalfos room
6. Stalfos room is terrible. Just disgusting. I don't know what to say about it.
7. In the hole taking you to the hammer switch, you can just jump slash down with the hammer at around a 110-130 angle and you'll hit the switch
8. If you lost your shield, buy it from the Business scrubs. You'll need it for the boss fight and onward
9. The boomerang is effective against Volvagia's flying state. Try to power crouch stab it when it comes up and when it goes down for additional damage.
RNG sucks in the Bottom of Hell, so brace yourself for that. Total urn killer for sure.
What and Why:
So if you don't know, Zelda's Birthday is the first official hack of Ocarina of Time, and it's a very good one. The plot, the dungeons, and the overworld layout are almost completely redone which leads to some very interesting sequence breaks and glitches. I'm not gonna put up how to get the hack or how to run it because you all are smart enough to use Google and figure everything out. I had to go through all that trouble to get the game to work, so you should, too.

What I am going to put up are some of the individual segments of the game like the dungeons and such. I'm aiming to eventually do a run that beats the game while doing all the dungeons and getting the "best ending" (finding the master sword and beating Ganon).The tricks and glitches I exploit are explained in the video descriptions. I'm doing this because I did a YouTube search of the speedruns for the game, and only about 10 videos popped up showing you how to beat it in less than 3 minutes. I thought "That's it? No dungeon runs or anything like that?" I then decided I needed to show that the game is a whole lot more interesting and broken than just a couple simple-but-major sequence breaks.
Lemme know if you are interested in doing this "All Dungeons% Best Ending" category so that we can collaborate and make this game as optimized as possible.