For those of you who don't know, there is a way to get Epona to any owl statue by using savewarping. For an example look for Epona in Clock Town on YouTube. Imagine the potential sequence breaks this trick could bring. We could load up in Ikana Canyon instead of wasting explosives in FFWW. Hell, we could reach the top of Stone Tower instantly! Ride Epona up to Snowhead Temple, then put Link back on before the loading zone; no need for worry about getting knocked off by boulders or wasting time with repeated deaths by trying to Goron roll. Let's hope this cuts off some massive time!
I always thought this trick was not allowed in runs, but thinking about SS findings recently, I guess that makes no sense. But anyway, you can't ride epona up to snowhead temple since she can't cope with the first slope, I already tried this a while ago. The only other use for this would be that wrong warp from snowhead temple to pirate's fortress, but that isn't useful in the current any% route atleast since egg stuff and GBT comes before you complete snowhead. I have no idea about the routes for low% or 100% though, but I remember once people were trying to get into pirate's fortress sewers without goron mask in 100%... I'm sure whatever workaround they have is much faster than saving and running up to snowhead temple.