Greenalink and Tompa would be interested in this TAS, helping or otherwise.
I haven't been on ZeldaSpeedruns IRC yet so it seems like I'm IRC raped.
IL's in MC
That reminds me:
The Temple of Droplets, test to see if the first key you find in the left half of the first set of rooms is faster than the dive underwater puzzle for the green lily pad. MrGrunz said this on my Youtube video nearly a year ago. I haven't properly timed the difference between them yet.
Dark Hyrule Castle: to look up on the fastest possible combinations keys by either using
*The colour tiles puzzle -> 4 Link guidance puzzle (1:40)
*The Ocarina glitch for a early key (2:52)
* Another Ocarina glitch for another early lkey & getting to the Red Warp Panel room by going through doors. (3:54)
* Keying a key from a Red Darknut route the intended way (6:36)
It could be faster if we replaced the colour tiles puzzle with a different darknut route, although the other 2 routes had keys collected early that were intended to be blocked by Darknuts. So there is only 1 more path left that leads to a key OR replace the Red Darknut with a Key that you can find before the Darknuts section.