Title: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on March 03, 2010, 10:59:24 PM After a long day of glitching, when your Kokiri cap is covered with the dung and feathers of the domesticated Cucco bird, your B Button is blank and the only item in your inventory is one last Deku Stick, where do you take shelter at night from the Stalchildren?
My favorite place to crack open an ice cold Lon Lon Milk is the Bottom of the Well. It's easy to get in and there is a meager 1 Deku Stick cover charge (free with Kokiri Sword). What's your favorite save location for a glitched-out character that ran away from the Kokiri Forest before the almighty Deku Tree gave permission? glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Elminster45 on March 04, 2010, 01:07:48 AM What's your favorite save location for a glitched-out character that ran away from the Kokiri Forest before the almighty Deku Tree gave permission? Can't beat the Spirit Temple. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: aleckermit on March 04, 2010, 03:03:30 AM Can't beat the Spirit Temple. Agreed. The Spirit Temple has an awesome theme song and feel to it. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on March 10, 2010, 04:25:19 AM Elminster45 and aleckermit,
In theory, I agree with you both 100%. In practice, my certainty diminishes. I must ask you both the following question: Have you done the Cucco Jump without the Kokiri Sword, with only the Deku Stick on a C-Button? It is much, much more difficult than a Cucco Jump with the Kokiri Sword on the B-Button (one of the tougher tricks) or even the Deku Stick on the B- Button (an even tougher trick that combines several glitches and tricks). If you've attempted it, you know that you have to hit the C-Button twice to activate a jumpslash. Easier said than than done when you can't even see what you're doing. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: aleckermit on March 10, 2010, 04:50:37 AM Elminster45 and aleckermit, In theory, I agree with you both 100%. In practice, my certainty diminishes. I must ask you both the following question: Have you done the Cucco Jump without the Kokiri Sword, with only the Deku Stick on a C-Button? It is much, much more difficult than a Cucco Jump with the Kokiri Sword on the B-Button (one of the tougher tricks) or even the Deku Stick on the B- Button (an even tougher trick that combines several glitches and tricks). If you've attempted it, you know that you have to hit the C-Button twice to activate a jumpslash. Easier said than than done when you can't even see what you're doing. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Well with pause buffering I'm sure it's easy, but without then ya that's pretty hard for sure. I've done the DoT Skip with a Deku Stick (no buffering) a few times on GCN. It's pretty tricky considering the GCN's sensitivity and the need to hit the deku stick button twice. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Elminster45 on March 10, 2010, 09:22:08 PM This is why I never do Zora Mask RBA, or save with a Deku Stick or a bottle on B as child.
Actually it's not, it's just that I've never had any reason to do either of the above. I didn't even know that Cucco jump with Deku Stick on C was even possible. Last time I checked, it takes more frames to pull out the Deku Stick and jumpslash with it than the number of frames that you are in the position to do the Cucco jump and can safely drop the Cucco. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: RingRush on March 10, 2010, 11:22:54 PM Elminster45 and aleckermit, In theory, I agree with you both 100%. In practice, my certainty diminishes. I must ask you both the following question: Have you done the Cucco Jump without the Kokiri Sword, with only the Deku Stick on a C-Button? It is much, much more difficult than a Cucco Jump with the Kokiri Sword on the B-Button (one of the tougher tricks) or even the Deku Stick on the B- Button (an even tougher trick that combines several glitches and tricks). If you've attempted it, you know that you have to hit the C-Button twice to activate a jumpslash. Easier said than than done when you can't even see what you're doing. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Wait WHAT Have you done cucco jump with a deku stick? As that is HUGE for low%...DoT Skip and the cucco jump are the only reason we need Kokiri Sword. For something like low% MST, this means the Kokiri Sword may be skippable completely. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Chimpas on April 19, 2010, 03:54:50 PM Wait WHAT Have you done cucco jump with a deku stick? As that is HUGE for low%...DoT Skip and the cucco jump are the only reason we need Kokiri Sword. For something like low% MST, this means the Kokiri Sword may be skippable completely. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: mzxrules on April 19, 2010, 06:16:38 PM If I recall correctly, Deku Sticks can be bought.
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Chimpas on April 20, 2010, 03:47:09 PM If I recall correctly, Deku Sticks can be bought. you're right lol!!!Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 12, 2010, 05:34:20 AM aleckermit, With pause buffering almost anything is possible. Please note that I only play the Ocarina of Time on an original Nintendo 64 console using an original gold cartridge - no Gameshark. Thanks for corroborating the extreme difficulty of what I am attempting to do. Elminster45, It is very possible, but also very difficult, to do a jumpslash while airborne holding a Cucco with only a Deku Stick on a C-Button (having never acquired the Kokiri Sword; having left the Forest early using the Crouch Stab Clip with a Deku Stick). I have never been able to complete a Cucco Jump over the gate in Gerudo Valley with only a Deku Stick on a C-Button. I have many times completed the Cucco Jump with only a Deku Stick on the B-Button (having acquired the Kokiri Sword, then blanking the B-Button by leaving the Fishing Pond with the fishing rod as Child Link, and then jumping in the lake). This sequence, however, is time consuming for speed runners, and moot to me. RingRush, As noted in my above reply, I have completed the Cucco Jump with a Deku Stick only on the B-Button, but I have not yet been able to complete the Cucco Jump with a Deku Stick only on a C-Button. Chimpas, To err is human, to admit it is divine. mzxrules, Good eye. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: AkiGrahamShitatsuchi on September 12, 2010, 12:11:58 PM My favorite place to rest is the Shadow Temple. More specifically, the entrance to the Shadow Temple.
Lol I was browsing ZU forums and I saw a few posts by this guy I thought was familiar, came on to ZSR forums, saw the same guy posting in this thread, then I couldn't work magnets. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 13, 2010, 12:28:10 AM AkiGrahamShitatsuchi,
Is it possible to enter the Shadow Temple as Child Link with only the Deku Shield and a Deku Stick in your inventory (no Kokiri Sword, no Bombchus, no Bombs) on an N64 console without a Gameshark? If it is possible, please explain the procedure. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Razor7581 on September 13, 2010, 01:04:33 AM But how are you thinking to scape the forest then?? WESS escape, I've done it before. this means the Kokiri Sword may be skippable completely. I guess so, but that would use up a lot of deku sticks. Get upgrade before leaving Kokiri forest. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 13, 2010, 02:47:03 AM Razor7581,
Your post insinuates that you believe that a Cucco Jump with only a Deku Stick on a C-Button is possible. Have you ever tried completing this task on an N64 console without a Gameshark? I have tried thousands of times to no avail. I've come very close, but no cigar. Of course, I obtained the Deku Stick Upgrade before leaving the Forest. Remember, quantity cannot compensate for quality. This is a one in a million trick - if you can't do this with one Deku Stick, then you can't do it. Major kudos and infinite respect to anyone who can complete the Cucco Jump with only a Deku Stick on a C-Button. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Enterim on September 13, 2010, 03:04:39 AM But you were able to do it with a stick on B? Logically you should be able to do it on C then. If timing is the issue, buffer it.
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 13, 2010, 03:27:18 AM Enterim,
Please note that I only play the Ocarina of Time on an original Nintendo 64 console with a gold cartridge - buffering is not an option with this antiquated equipment. With the Deku Stick on the B-Button, the B-Button only needs to be hit once to activate a jumplash while airborne with a Cucco. With the Deku Stick on a C-Button, the C-Button needs to be hit twice in rapid succession to activate a jumpslash while airborne with a Cucco. Easier said than done with an N64 controller. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Runnerguy2489 on September 13, 2010, 11:09:59 AM AkiGrahamShitatsuchi, Shadow Early is possible with just a deku stick and deku shield. ISG off anything with the stick and then lure a poe over to the grass and superslide teleport off it. Not easy, but it's possible. You would not be able to go anywhere in the first room of course with out an explosive. :PIs it possible to enter the Shadow Temple as Child Link with only the Deku Shield and a Deku Stick in your inventory (no Kokiri Sword, no Bombchus, no Bombs) on an N64 console without a Gameshark? If it is possible, please explain the procedure. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Enterim on September 13, 2010, 10:48:05 PM buffering is not an option with this antiquated equipment. Does your controller have a Start button? Then you can pause buffer, which is the only method of buffering I know of. I'm told that the frame delay in jumpslashing after taking out the stick makes it impossible though, so best of luck. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Razor7581 on September 14, 2010, 01:03:42 AM Razor7581, Mitjitsu doesn't believe it's possible, but I don't know. I was once going to start a deku stick any % of OoT, but quit after finding steeling the rod without a sword is impossible, for the rod acts as a replacement for the sword and you can't cast it.Your post insinuates that you believe that a Cucco Jump with only a Deku Stick on a C-Button is possible. Have you ever tried completing this task on an N64 console without a Gameshark? I have tried thousands of times to no avail. I've come very close, but no cigar. Of course, I obtained the Deku Stick Upgrade before leaving the Forest. Remember, quantity cannot compensate for quality. This is a one in a million trick - if you can't do this with one Deku Stick, then you can't do it. Major kudos and infinite respect to anyone who can complete the Cucco Jump with only a Deku Stick on a C-Button. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 14, 2010, 02:03:05 AM Runnerguy2489,
If getting to the Bottom of the Well Early wasn't so easy and fun, I would definitely consider the Shadow Temple. Enterim, I have never had any luck with pausing while performing the Cucco Jump. On your advice, however, I will give it a try. Razor7581, People once believed that it was impossible for a man to travel to the moon. The inability to Steal the Rod as Child Link without the Kokiri Sword is a real pain in the Armos. There must be a way... It has for a long time been a dream of mine to complete the game with only the Deku Shield and a Deku Stick as Child Link. It seems to me that completing the Cucco Jump with only a Deku Stick on a C-Button is the key to many doors. Is it possible to clip through the gate in Gerudo's Valley using the Gerudo Guard or the Cucco (make them attack?)? Is there a way through the gate by landing on the inclined ledge on the cliff below the Guard at end of the bridge? glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: gfox on September 14, 2010, 04:20:12 AM glitchiegoomie are you really a triforce hunter
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 14, 2010, 08:32:10 PM gfox,
No, I am not a "triforce hunter". I am, however, a Triforce Hunter. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Anavrin on September 14, 2010, 09:47:46 PM Wow, you're kidding right...
Anyways, do you know that you can just write that in your sig instead? Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: gfox on September 14, 2010, 09:58:16 PM glitchiegoomie,
how are you going to hunt the Triforce Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Kaztalek on September 14, 2010, 10:54:45 PM glitchiegoomie,
I don't know how the H E Double Lizalfos I can solve your problem. However, after a long day of masturbating, I like to test things with a blank B and deku nuts on C-Right. I haven't found anything of relevant interest yet, so I guess I'll Leever you alone. Cheesy Kaztalek, Unicorn Fountain Searcher. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 15, 2010, 12:11:02 AM Anavrin,
I prefer to do things the difficult way. It helps to give me more headaches and anxiety (two commodities that are in short supply in my life). I like to keep my blood pressure as high as possible. gfox, I am going to hunt the Triforce with the Deku Shield and a Deku Stick. I may have to use Bombchus also. If you were going to hunt the Triforce, what weapons would you take? Kaztalek, You have a highly refined sense of Cheeze. My compliments to the chef. If you are shooting blank shots on the C-Right, perhaps you should try using your left hand instead. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: ING-X on September 15, 2010, 12:45:18 AM damn keeta you just got devastated
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Enterim on September 15, 2010, 12:48:51 AM glitchiegoomie,
Good luck, I tip my peahat to you. If you have trouble doing some tricks with luck, be sure to triforce. Are you using v1.0, 1.1, or 1.2? They aren't much different, but 1.0 has a few more glitches and Goron top of that. Enterim, Straw Grasper Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: ING-X on September 15, 2010, 02:10:27 AM pooped on
also those puns are pretty much amazing also beans Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 15, 2010, 02:44:18 AM Enterim,
I use a v1.0 OoT gold cartridge on an original N64 Console - no Gameshark, no Crooked Cartridge. V1.0 has all the glitches - don't leave the Kokiri Forest without it. ING-X, I thank you sincerely for praising my prose. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Exodus122 on September 15, 2010, 03:08:18 AM what is this topic i dont even
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 15, 2010, 05:01:32 AM Exodus122,
This thread was originally about the best place to save a character that has Escaped the Forest with only the Deku Shield and a Deku Stick. It evolved into a discussion of whether or not it is possible to complete the Cucco Jump with only a Deku Stick on a C-Button. Many ZSR members declared that it is impossible. I declared my belief that it is possible. Furthermore, I suggested other possible methods of getting past the gate in the Gerudo's Valley. Do you think it is possible to get past the gate in Gerudo's Valley with only the Deku Shield and a Deku Stick? glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Masterluigisw on September 15, 2010, 12:07:19 PM hey glitchiegoomie, sry to burst your bubble but there's no point in not getting the kokori sword in the first place because you definitly need it since you need to plug it in the master sword spot to get adult link. Or, maybe it's possible with a Deku stick on B ?
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Runnerguy2489 on September 15, 2010, 07:33:26 PM hey glitchiegoomie, sry to burst your bubble but there's no point in not getting the kokori sword in the first place because you definitly need it since you need to plug it in the master sword spot to get adult link. Or, maybe it's possible with a Deku stick on B ? You don't plug anything to become an adult, you simply pull the Master Sword. It can be done with nothing on B if you decide to beat the 3 child dungeons with just deku sticks. Also this is a key point a lot of people seem to forget: You cannot get Deku Stick on B without already having the Kokiri Sword. You can't cast the rod without the sword and therefore for stick on B you'd already have had the Kokiri Sword at some point. Anyway, I didn't hit my pun quota so I'll leever it at that. Runnerguy2489, Santa Claus Believer Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 15, 2010, 08:36:30 PM Runnerguy2489,
Is it possible to complete the Door of Time Skip with only a Deku Stick on a C-Button? Or does Link run into the same problem as with the Cucco Jump - not enough time to press the C-Button twice? If the Door of Time Skip can be performed with only the Deku Stick, can the Bottle Adventure be completed with only the Deku Stick on a C-Button? Also, do any of the Bottle-On-B tricks work with only the Deku Stick in Link's inventory? I will be investigating these issues tonight. If it is possible to get the Deku Stick on the B-Button after Escaping the Forest without the Kokiri Sword, then the Cucco Jump can be completed with ease and the gate in Gerudo's Valley can be passed without ever acquiring the Kokiri Sword. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Runnerguy2489 on September 15, 2010, 08:43:05 PM If it is possible to get the Deku Stick on the B-Button after Escaping the Forest without the Kokiri Sword Also this is a key point a lot of people seem to forget: You cannot get Deku Stick on B without already having the Kokiri Sword. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Razor7581 on September 15, 2010, 09:10:48 PM Is it possible to complete the Door of Time Skip with only a Deku Stick on a C-Button? Or does Link run into the same problem as with the Cucco Jump - not enough time to press the C-Button twice? No, because you can't use c-buttons besides the ocarina & a bottle in the ToT. Like Runnerguy and I have said, you can't steal the rod without the kokiri sword. For bottle on B you really couldn't do much of anything if you only had a deku stick because RBA requires trading quest items, and the cool effects of BA are with other items.If the Door of Time Skip can be performed with only the Deku Stick, can the Bottle Adventure be completed with only the Deku Stick on a C-Button? Also, do any of the Bottle-On-B tricks work with only the Deku Stick in Link's inventory? Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 15, 2010, 09:21:09 PM Runnerguy2489,
Should I infer from your last post that you have completely investigated any and all possible glitches / tricks and combinations thereof that may possibly result in getting the Deku Stick on the B-Button without acquiring the Kokiri Sword first? If your answer is yes, then have you completely investigated any and all possible glitches / tricks and combinations thereof that will get Link past the gate in the Gerudo's Valley without acquiring the Kokiri Sword first? Possible methods include: 1. Cucco Jump with Deku Stick only. 2. Clipping the gate by using either: a. Gerudo Guard outside the gate b. the Cucco 3. Going under the gate by jumping from the post and landing on the inclined ledge below the gate. 4. Seam-Walking with Cucco on the other side of the valley, then jumping from the right spot and gliding over the gate. (How does the Infinite Sword Glitch affect Seam-Walking and Cucco flights?) So many glitches, so little time on my Fire Temple Timer. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Razor7581 on September 15, 2010, 10:04:27 PM 4. Seam-Walking with Cucco on the other side of the valley, then jumping from the right spot and gliding over the gate. (How does the Infinite Sword Glitch affect Seam-Walking and Cucco flights?) Can't fly with a cucco with ISG. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 15, 2010, 10:11:41 PM No, because you can't use c-buttons besides the ocarina & a bottle in the ToT. Like Runnerguy and I have said, you can't steal the rod without the kokiri sword. For bottle on B you really couldn't do much of anything if you only had a deku stick because RBA requires trading quest items, and the cool effects of BA are with other items. Razor7581, Thank you for saving me the effort and time I would have wasted trying to Skip The Door Of Time with the Deku Stick only. Believe me, Princess Zelda shed three tears from her right eye at the exact moment that glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter finally realized after many, many attempts that Link cannot Steal The Fishing Rod As Child Link (http://forums.zelda-infinite.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=6240&sid=44d981ecb9609134115e1d98160173be) if the Kokiri Sword is not acquired first. I really wanted to get the Gold Scale first and then Steal The Fishing Rod. This glitch-within-a-glitch really sets my Deku Sticks on fire. Does the trading sequence as Child Link require the Kokiri Sword? Can the Bottle-On-B glitch somehow be used to get the Deku Stick on the B-Button, preferably without having to complete the Door of Time Skip and both trajectories of the Bottle Adventure? http://www.jaytheham.com/zcw/index.php5?title=Ocarina_of_Time:Miscellaneous_Glitches_Bottle_B glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 15, 2010, 10:33:03 PM Can't fly with a cucco with ISG. Razor7581, Oh well. How about Seam-Walking? Does Link fall? glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Enterim on September 16, 2010, 12:13:09 AM No, ISG prevents you from falling at all. It is possible to get stuck on a ledge with ISG if you try hard enough to fall off, so just seamwalk normally but a degree faster.
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Runnerguy2489 on September 16, 2010, 12:25:00 AM Runnerguy2489, Yes.Should I infer from your last post that you have completely investigated any and all possible glitches / tricks and combinations thereof that may possibly result in getting the Deku Stick on the B-Button without acquiring the Kokiri Sword first? If your answer is yes, then have you completely investigated any and all possible glitches / tricks and combinations thereof that will get Link past the gate in the Gerudo's Valley without acquiring the Kokiri Sword first? As for getting past the gate without the sword, that's easy. Just go get botw chus with deku sticks. Then ISG off a stick and hover over. It's so easy a Goron can do it. Runnerguy2489, Sky Temple Searcher Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Razor7581 on September 16, 2010, 12:54:45 AM As for getting past the gate without the sword, that's easy. Just go get botw chus with deku sticks. Then ISG off a stick and hover over. It's so easy a Goron can do it. You can also do a chu megaflip over the gate as well. It's more difficult than hovering though.Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 16, 2010, 12:56:32 AM No, ISG prevents you from falling at all. It is possible to get stuck on a ledge with ISG if you try hard enough to fall off, so just seamwalk normally but a degree faster. Enterim, So with the Infinite Sword Glitch activated, Link can climb seams, but not fall. Is there a way to deactivate ISG while holding a Cucco on a seam without falling or losing hold of the fowl? Yes. As for getting past the gate without the sword, that's easy. Just go get botw chus with deku sticks. Then ISG off a stick and hover over. It's so easy a Goron can do it. Runnerguy2489, Sky Temple Searcher Runnerguy2489, How on Hyrule does one get the Bombchus at the Bottom of the Well with only the Deku Stick? Please explain. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 16, 2010, 01:01:27 AM You can also do a chu megaflip over the gate as well. It's more difficult than hovering though. Razor7581, As I just asked Runnerguy2489, how the Hylia do you get the Bombchus at the Bottom of the Well with only the Deku Stick and the Deku Shield? Please explain in excruciating detail. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: ZFG on September 16, 2010, 01:37:43 AM If you do the actor glitch method for botw chus you don't need a perfectly timed jumpslash so you can do it with deku.
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 16, 2010, 01:49:15 AM If you do the actor glitch method for botw chus you don't need a perfectly timed jumpslash so you can do it with deku. ZFG, I am utterly unfamiliar with the "actor glitch method for botw chus". Please edify this Kokiri green Anoobis. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: ZFG on September 16, 2010, 01:56:04 AM Look at the early bombchus page on ZSR.
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: bluemarth on September 16, 2010, 01:58:32 AM glitchiegoomie i used to look up to you
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 16, 2010, 02:55:37 AM ZFG,
Holy Shell Blade! Thank you greatly for the information. This will not allow me to fulfill my dream - to complete the game with only the Deku Shield and a Deku Stick - but it will certainly allow me to progress beyond a quagmire that had me stymied for quite some time. Much thanks. bluemarth, I am glad to see that you have rejoined the quest. Let water that has passed under the bridge flow. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: ING-X on September 16, 2010, 11:07:25 AM this is the greatest topic in the history of mankind
i keep running out of popcorn Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Kaztalek on September 16, 2010, 04:24:15 PM glitchiegoomie,
How big is your dinalfos? Kaztalek, Unicorn Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 16, 2010, 07:40:04 PM this is the greatest topic in the history of mankind i keep running out of popcorn ING-X, Proving you wrong would be more difficult than Bombchu Hovering to the Chamber of Sages. glitchiegoomie, How big is your dinalfos? Kaztalek, Unicorn Kaztalek, I thought you'd never ask. My dinalfos is bigger than Biggoron's Sword, thicker than a tumescent Volvagia, with articulated joints much like Dead Hand's Hands' arms and an explosive power equal to the detonation of 69,000 Bombchus simultaneously. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: ING-X on September 16, 2010, 10:47:06 PM /me popcorn
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 16, 2010, 11:05:55 PM /me popcorn ING-X, You are speaking in tongues. Please translate. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Kaztalek on September 16, 2010, 11:57:08 PM glitchiegoomie,
Oh wow, I'm getting wetter than a tektite drowning in Lake Hylia. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to nut hover off my deku scrub until I drip 23 bottles worth of lon lon milk. Kaztalek, Unicorn Fountain Searcher Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 17, 2010, 12:28:18 AM Kaztalek,
You're a dirty little Kokiri Forest Child, aren't you? As far as the secretions are concerned, I tend to have that effect on all the girls. Try taking a dip in Lake Hylia - it's very cold this time of the year. Please try to control your emotions and stay focused - is it possible to complete the Cucco Jump with only the Deku Shield and a Deku Stick? If not, is there another way past the gate without getting the Bombchus? glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Kaztalek on September 17, 2010, 12:38:25 AM glitchiegoomie,
Sorry to burst your Blue Bubble, but I'm a man. Hopefully that's what you like like ;). Kaztalek, Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 17, 2010, 01:30:13 AM Kaztalek,
Isn't "hermaphrodite" the correct term for a "man" that has both male and female sets of genitalia? How interesting. You are the first hermaphrodite that I ever met in my life. Does it bother you to talk about it? Tell ZSR all about it. Who do you dream about at night? Do you stand or sit? Can you do "it" to yourself? Does ZSR provide a gender dropdown option for "Hermaphrodite"? If you would rather not talk about it, I understand - it must be quite embarrassing. My condolences. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Enterim on September 17, 2010, 02:00:18 AM This topic took a turn for the amazing rather quickly.
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: ING-X on September 17, 2010, 02:51:43 AM yeah that happened quick and it just keeps getting better
/me prepares moar popcorn Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Cosmo on September 17, 2010, 03:08:00 AM glitchiegoomie.. I think i love you
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: AxonZin on September 17, 2010, 03:13:15 AM Someone sticky this thread, please.
Cheesy Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 17, 2010, 03:32:12 AM Enterim,
This topic has turned more secret passages than Dampe's Ghost trying to hang onto his last fireball. ING-X, Could you please share some of that popcorn? glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Kaztalek on September 17, 2010, 08:26:28 PM glitchiegoomie,
I'm sorry, but what you thought was my grotto was actually my Armos; it appears that you must've taken a wrong warp and was confused by the red potion flowing from it. Your theory is about as likely as rescuing Zelda without Light Arrows. Kaztalek, Pegasus Reservoir Seeker Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 18, 2010, 12:28:20 AM Kaztalek,
Your sense of humor violates my sense of sensibility. Are you sure that you are at the right forum? Pardon my French, but are you a Chicken Hawk? I get a very bad vibe from you. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 19, 2010, 02:23:13 AM To All Good ZSR Members,
It seems wise to devote this thread exclusively to the discussion of glitches/tricks/sequence breaks/knowledge/jokes/etc. related directly to the Bottom of the Well. For example, I recently intitiated the following exchange of information in the "OoT / MQ - Question & Answer / Trick Help Thread" in the "Ocarina of Time" Forum. Eventually this exchange will be buried deep behind pages of dialogue. If this thread becomes the water cooler of conversation about the Bottom of the Well, fellow ZSR Members will be able to more quickly and accurately find information about the Bottom of the Well. from "OoT / MQ - Question & Answer / Trick Help Thread": Quote from: glitchiegoomie When performing the Actor Overwrite Glitch in the Bottom of the Well to get the Bombchus early, how do you initiate the Walking While Talking trick? Is there some way to get Navi to fly to the message on the wall in the main room, or do I just sit there like a chump until she wants to talk to me? glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Quote from: mzxrules , Moderator ZSR writes: "There is a crawlspace here, crawl through it, and perform the Walking While Talking trick, only instead of talking, open the locked door." On that note, there isn't another way to activate Walking While Talking that we know of. Navi won't talk to you while your in a dungeon, and I believe the message on the wall/green bubble is too far away from the tunnel to Z-Target and read Quote from: ZFG, Moderator That part is worded badly. What it means is you need to quickly run over to the door and open it before the camera goes back to link instead of looking at the crawlspace. You actually can do WWT with the sign on the wall, but it doesn't unload part of the room, its opening the door that does that. Quote from: glitchiegoomie mzxrules and ZFG, Thank you both for your sage advice. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: bluemarth on September 19, 2010, 02:25:08 AM botw doesn't deserve it's own topic
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 19, 2010, 03:18:05 AM botw doesn't deserve it's own topic bluemarth, When I was a wee little lad back in elementary school, one of my teachers told us about his PhD thesis in philosophy. The thesis question was: "Why?" His answer was: "Why not?" Needless to say he scored an A and got the degree. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Kaztalek on September 19, 2010, 04:31:53 AM glitchiegoomie,
I assure you I'm on the right website. I have a confession to make; I joined here because I am drawn to you with a burning passion. You are utter perfection. I wrote a poem as a futile attempt to put my thoughts into words: Shall I compare thee to the dawn of a new day? Thou art more lovely and more textured: Rough winds do shake the darling slopes of Snowhead, And Din's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of the Light Temple shines, And oft' is her gold dust dimm'd; And every fairy fountain from fairy fountain sometime declines, By chance or RingRush's changing routes untrimm'd: But thy extended superslide shall not fade Nor lose possession of the fishing rod fair thou owest; Nor shall Ganon brag thou wanderest in his Shadow Temple, When in wall clipping to the pedestal of time thou growest: So long as Zoras can breathe underwater, or the eye of truth can see, So long lives this, and this gives a fairy to thee. glitchiegoomie, I love you. Kaztalek, Unicorn Fountain Searcher Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: AxonZin on September 19, 2010, 04:35:24 AM glitchiegoomie,Shall I compare thee to the dawn of a new day? That was... beautiful.Thou art more lovely and more textured: Rough winds do shake the darling slopes of Snowhead, And Din's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of the Light Temple shines, And oft' is her gold dust dimm'd; And every fairy fountain from fairy fountain sometime declines, By chance or RingRush's changing routes untrimm'd: But thy extended superslide shall not fade Nor lose possession of the fishing rod fair thou owest; Nor shall Ganon brag thou wanderest in his Shadow Temple, When in wall clipping to the pedestal of time thou growest: So long as Zoras can breathe underwater, or the eye of truth can see, So long lives this, and this gives a fairy to thee. glitchiegoomie, I love you. Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 19, 2010, 05:39:10 AM glitchiegoomie, I assure you I'm on the right website. I have a confession to make; I joined here because I am drawn to you with a burning passion. You are utter perfection. I wrote a poem as a futile attempt to put my thoughts into words: Shall I compare thee to the dawn of a new day? Thou art more lovely and more textured: Rough winds do shake the darling slopes of Snowhead, And Din's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of the Light Temple shines, And oft' is her gold dust dimm'd; And every fairy fountain from fairy fountain sometime declines, By chance or RingRush's changing routes untrimm'd: But thy extended superslide shall not fade Nor lose possession of the fishing rod fair thou owest; Nor shall Ganon brag thou wanderest in his Shadow Temple, When in wall clipping to the pedestal of time thou growest: So long as Zoras can breathe underwater, or the eye of truth can see, So long lives this, and this gives a fairy to thee. glitchiegoomie, I love you. Kaztalek, Unicorn Fountain Searcher Kaztalek, Keats would blush. Yeats would faint. Wilde would probably shoot a load. Regardless of your sexual agenda, you have a way with the English language that would make the Bard himself dunk his head in the river. You are forgiven. Look, but don't touch. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Kaztalek on September 21, 2010, 01:46:31 AM If magic is all we've ever know
Then it's easy to miss what really goes on But I've seen miracles in every way And I see miracles everyday Oceans spanning beyond my sight And a million stars way above em at night We don't have to be high to look in the sky And know that's a miracle opened wide Look at the mountains, trees, the seven seas And everything chilling underwater, please Hot lava, snow, rain and fog Long neck giraffes, and pet cats and dogs And I've seen eighty-five thousand people All in one room, together as equals Pure magic is the birth of my kids I've seen shit that'll shock your eyelids The sun and the moon, and even Mars The Milky Way and fucking shooting stars UFOs, a river flows Plant a little seed and nature grows Niagara falls and the pyramids Everything you believed in as kids Fucking rainbows after it rains there's enough miracles here to blow your brains I fed a fish to a pelican at Frisco bay It tried to eat my cell phone, he ran away And music is magic, pure and clean You can feel it and hear it but it can't be seen Music is all magic (Are you a believer in miracles) You can't even hold it (Do you notice and recognize miracles) it's just there in the air (Are you a believer in miracles) Pure motherfucking magic Right? This shit'll blow your fucking mind (Do you notice and recognize miracles) Music is a lot like love, it's all a feeling And it fills the room, from the floor to the ceiling I see miracles all around me Stop and look around, it's all astounding Water, fire, air and dirt Fucking magnets, how do they work? And I don't wanna talk to a scientist Y'all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed Solar eclipse, and vicious weather Fifteen thousand Juggalos together And I love my mom for giving me this Time on this planet, taking nothing for granted I seen a caterpillar turn into a butterfly Miracles ain't nothing to lie Shaggy's little boys look just like Shaggy And my little boy looks just like daddy Miracles each and every where you look And nobody has to stay where they put This world is yours for you to explore there's nothing but miracles beyond your door The Dark Carnival is your invitation To witness that without explanation Take a look at this fine creation And enjoy it better with appreciation Crows, ghosts, the midnight coast The wonders of the world, mysteries the most Just open your mind, and it ain't no way To ignore the miracles of every day (Are you a believer in miracles) Magic everywhere in this bitch (Do you notice and recognize miracles) it's all around you, you don't even know it (Are you a believer in miracles) Shit's crazy (Do you notice and recognize miracles, So many miracles, the magic miracles) Are you a believer in miracles Do you have time for the miracles Do you notice and recognize miracles So many miracles, the magic miracles Are you a believer in miracles Do you have time for the miracles Do you notice and recognize miracles So many miracles, the magic miracles Are you a believer in miracles Do you have time for the miracles Do you notice and recognize miracles So many miracles, the magic miracles Are you a believer in miracles Do you have time for the miracles Do you notice and recognize miracles So many miracles, the magic miracles Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Runnerguy2489 on September 21, 2010, 01:48:18 AM glitchiegoomie,
I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but the triforce is not real. Runnerguy2489, The Runner Guy Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: ING-X on September 21, 2010, 01:54:12 AM fuckin triforces
how do they work *SPOILERS* they don't Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: AniMeowzerz on September 21, 2010, 01:57:59 AM fuckin triforces, Fixed c:how do they work *SPOILERS*, they don't Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: ING-X on September 21, 2010, 02:02:05 AM ani is a god tier zsr user
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Kaztalek on September 21, 2010, 02:10:20 AM glitchiegoomie, Runnerguy2489, let me add on to that.I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but the triforce is not real. Runnerguy2489, The Runner Guy Existence is a relatively simple concept -- it is defined as that which consists of either matter or energy. Therefore if the Triforce exists, it must be composed of either matter or energy. The opposite must also be true. If the Triforce is not composed of matter or energy, then it, by definition, does not exist. Thus to argue that the Triforce does exist, despite a total absence of matter or energy, is to argue, existence equals non-existence, which is a complete contradiction. If the Triforce exists, then physical evidence is really the only methodology by which we can ascertain that it exists. Of course, this does not require direct physical evidence -- we cannot perceive ISG directly, but we know that it exists due to the effects of its chopping on surrounding matter, as well as the flashes of white lines that are released as captured matter crosses the sword. But since "existence" is defined as that which is composed of matter or energy, the proof of existence must be some evidence of that matter or energy. Evidence is defined as that which impacts our physical senses in some manner, either directly, or through some translating device such as a pictograph box or an observatory telescope. Since our sensory organs are designed to perceive the effects of matter and energy, it is through the evidence of the senses that we can determine the existence or nonexistence of things. If I argue that something exists, but then claim there is no way to detect it, my argument contradicts itself. Let's say I tell a deaf man that I hear a deep, loud sound coming from a speaker. If he lays his hand on it and feels no vibrations, he has every right to be skeptical. If I say that this loud sound does not have vibrations, he may then pull out his trusty microphone or other sound wave detector. If this instrument detects no sound in the vicinity, can I still tell him that this loud sound is occurring? At some point, if my definition of "loud sound" basically boils down to "that which is the opposite of any evidence that a loud sound is occurring," then clearly my approach to truth needs a little work. This approach helps clarify the truth value of the proposition that the Triforce does not exist. If it exists, then sensual evidence of some sort is required to determine the existence of it. If the Triforce is not made up of matter or energy, then it does not exist, since that which is not composed of matter or energy -- does not exist. If the Triforce is made up of matter and energy, then it is subject to physical laws. Since it is bound by physical laws, miracles are impossible, because miracles are, by definition, violations of physical laws. Likewise, the Triforce cannot be all knowing and all-powerful, since both attributes would violate the basic tenets of physical laws. All knowing would require instantaneous knowledge of all matter, past, present and future, which is clearly impossible, while all powerful would require the ability to break the bounds of physical laws, which brings us back to the realm of nonexistence. If the Triforce is subject to physical laws, then praying to the Triforce makes about as much sense as worshipping a cucco, begging the Random Number Generator to grant you bomb drops, or circumcising your son to appease Dampe. If the Triforce is not subject to physical laws, then the concept of it is synonymous with the concept of non-existence. Why is there such resistance to the fact that the Triforce does not exist? Many people redefine "Triforce" within their own minds as "a potential form of matter or energy that has not been discovered yet," or "that which could exist in an alternate universe," or something to that effect. However, either a criterion for determining truth exists, or it does not. If such a criterion exists, then it must be objective, and based on the evidence of the senses and reason, which precludes the existence of any sacred triangles. If no such criterion exists, then both everything and nothing is true, and lizalfocism, leeverism, superslidestition, and the belief of the arwing without gameshark are all equally valid. If an objective criterion for truth exists, then it cannot logically be applied according to whim, or only in situations that feel emotionally comfortable. Through this logical method we can determine no Triforce exists. Actions are more important than beliefs. Kaztalek, Unicorn Fountain Searcher Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 21, 2010, 02:40:05 AM Kaztalek,
If I didn't trust you implicitly (which I do), then I might suspect that you were filibustering. However, I can see through your subterfuge and realize that you are indeed a "man" of intellect attempting to appease the masses by appearing slightly antagonistic to me while simultaneously mollycoddling me with verse (both very readable, by the way). The problem with sitting on the fence is that eventually you get tired and fall one way or the other - and the side you fall on will NEVER believe you that fell on their side on purpose. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: ING-X on September 21, 2010, 07:42:39 PM keeta is amazing
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: Kaztalek on September 21, 2010, 11:14:33 PM glitchiegoomie,
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King's horses, And all the King's men Didn't give a shit because Kaztalek hovered over it with a Triforce Megaflip. Kaztalek, Unicorn Fountain Searcher Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 22, 2010, 01:36:28 AM Kaztalek,
How did you find out about the Triforce Megaflip? Only two other Triforce Hunters know about it, and both were sworn to secrecy. glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: ING-X on September 22, 2010, 02:25:49 AM triforce megaflip is for nubs
Title: Re: Bottom of the Well Post by: glitchiegoomie on September 22, 2010, 02:47:54 AM ING-X,
Have you ever attempted the Triforce Megaflip with only the Deku Shield and a Deku Stick on a C-Button, without first acquiring the Kokiri Sword? glitchiegoomie, Triforce Hunter |