Title: yoyoyo Post by: Porto881 on February 12, 2015, 02:24:48 PM Hey I'm Adrian aka Porto881. 21/f/US. I'm a fulltime artist who needed a new hobby, so I finally decided to buckle down and learn to speedrun after about a year of watching from the sidelines.
I'm currently learning the basics of breaking OoT, I'm also wanting to start MM and possibly SS eventually. I'm also excited to see what MM3D will soon bring to the community. Nice to meet ya. Title: Re: yoyoyo Post by: Jbop on February 12, 2015, 04:18:25 PM Welcome!
Title: Re: yoyoyo Post by: Otaku on February 12, 2015, 08:40:51 PM Welcome. This site is a great resource for learning any Zelda game, best of luck and have fun. :) Feel free to ask any question(s) about anything you may have, in the game on about the site / forums and I'm sure you'll get a good answer.