ZSR Forums

=> Ocarina of Time => Topic started by: RainingChain on August 26, 2014, 10:03:05 PM

Title: Zelda Glitch Database
Post by: RainingChain on August 26, 2014, 10:03:05 PM

I'm RacingChu also known as IdkWhatsRc in the Runescape community or RainingChain in the Game Dev community. Over the last weeks, I've been working on a Zelda Glitch Database.

As of right now, the database has over 300 glitches with each of them having a video, a downloadable savestate and the categories where that glitch is useful.

You can check the database here: http://rainingchain.com/zelda/

Title: Re: Zelda Glitch Database
Post by: nathanisbored on August 26, 2014, 10:31:09 PM
This is a pretty amazing resource, good job. Very useful since ZSR is never up to date with these sorts of tricks/strategies.

Title: Re: Zelda Glitch Database
Post by: mrmicky on August 27, 2014, 12:02:20 AM
This is awesome, learnt a few tricks from it !

Title: Re: Zelda Glitch Database
Post by: Apasher on August 28, 2014, 06:16:59 PM
This is amazing. Good work.

Title: Re: Zelda Glitch Database
Post by: Zamiel on August 31, 2014, 07:18:44 PM

Title: Re: Zelda Glitch Database
Post by: Edacaf on September 09, 2014, 09:20:11 PM
This truly is amazing. I especially like how you can click on a category's name and it appears to order the glitches according to the order they would be preformed in the route. Awesome job :)

Title: Re: Zelda Glitch Database
Post by: RainingChain on June 14, 2015, 05:24:40 PM
- I've added a bunch of new tricks to the database.
- I've also added the option to let visitors submit their own glitches.
- I've also released a Bingo Helper and an online Ess Viewer.