ZSR Forums

=> Everything Else => Topic started by: Chimpas on October 13, 2009, 04:46:51 PM

Title: How did you get your Nickname?
Post by: Chimpas on October 13, 2009, 04:46:51 PM
I got my nickname due to my hair, is rarely wavy, but when I was a baby my hair was blond, in the secondary I had it really long, and to the long haired people here at mexico are called Chimpas, a chimpa is a bit of long and messed hair, a teacher started to call me chimpas, then everybody started, but I have another nicks as Zapatito (little shoe), Ricitos de oro (golden wavys) and Greñuda (its like a way to say 'you long and bad combed hair') but that doesn't make me mad

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on October 13, 2009, 06:30:13 PM
Runnerguy for me was because of how much running I do in real life, but it of course applies well to speed running as well.

2489 is my birth date, 2/4/89.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Blizzerk on October 13, 2009, 08:30:50 PM



I dunno i saw some sign in niagra falls that said "Buzzirk" mobile or something and I was playing Final Fantasy on my DS (Blizzaraga is a spell or whatever)

shit happened

I dunno, Blizzerk was taken on youtube by some hick and hidetora was my name in Japanese (Chris) so i got Blizztora...

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: AniMeowzerz on October 13, 2009, 09:51:06 PM
My first username was Anime-tion when I was 13 cuz i liekd animu lawl
But people on a forum i regularly went to would constantly refer to me as Ani, so that part of my username always stuck with me.

As for the meowzerz bit, I have no clue. probably some huge furry outburst or some shit I dunno. I've always been able to use it wherever I go with no worries of it being taken, so yeah.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Lexkeeta on October 13, 2009, 09:59:56 PM
keeta is from mm

lex is just to make it sound less generic


Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: SD2 on October 13, 2009, 10:25:57 PM
Mine stands for my old NSider Screen Name, ShadowDude2.  I was called that quite a bit by the forum members there, so I guess it stuck.

I was...  I believe 12 at the time.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Jiano on October 14, 2009, 12:23:06 AM
Back in 96 or 97 when Diablo came out(this game owned btw) I had to come up with a name so I just came up with Jiano and have used that ever since. Goods hit me.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Chimpas on October 14, 2009, 03:19:41 PM
Back in 96 or 97 when Diablo came out(this game owned btw) I had to come up with a name so I just came up with Jiano and have used that ever since. Goods hit me.
I ever thought Jiano came from JIANUS, the god of two faces that was betrayed by his family, also can see it at 007 Goldeneye, Alec Trevelyan is Jianus

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: mzxrules on October 16, 2009, 05:11:00 AM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MegaZeux (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MegaZeux)

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Jer on October 16, 2009, 06:39:02 AM
My real name is Jeremy so i just shortened it.... yeah

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Acryte on October 16, 2009, 09:43:54 PM
Acryte Acres :P I fucked it up. Was typing and it came out Acry or somethin. I threw in the extra letter or 2 and then made it my name.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Unreal on October 19, 2009, 07:58:11 PM
I used to play a shit load of unreal tournament so I just wanted to call myself Unreal... <_< My old youtube account was unrealman704 btw. 704 being my date of birth.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Lexkeeta on October 19, 2009, 08:05:24 PM
July 2004?


Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: SD2 on October 19, 2009, 09:27:07 PM
July 2004?

That's July 4th...

Dates go 3/26/1993 (my birthday) in North America, and I'm assuming Unreal is from the US, I don't keep track of that stuff.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Unreal on October 20, 2009, 03:40:15 AM
Lol, yeah my birthday is July 4th 1992... Sorry for the confusion keeta.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: icebreaker007 on October 20, 2009, 08:33:06 AM
lol, i'd be pretty surprised to hear a 5 year old yell and scream the stuff Unreal does when he speedruns

anyway, i got my name cause i thought the word ice was cool so i added something to the end of that, then i added 007 to the end of that

I pretty much stuck with that for about 8 years.

Not taken from ice breakers gum though i do like eating them...

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Lexkeeta on October 20, 2009, 07:52:34 PM
i was kidding, lol

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Maxx on October 21, 2009, 12:02:32 AM
"Maxx Unlimited" is a song in DDR.  I got my handle from that.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Phazon on October 22, 2009, 02:30:00 PM
also can see it at 007 Goldeneye, Alec Trevelyan is Jianus

That's Janus. Anyway I stole my name right out of Metroid Prime.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Lexkeeta on October 22, 2009, 06:43:05 PM
What about lolilops?

Are you a pedophile?

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: TOES on November 26, 2009, 07:57:18 PM
A few years back I came up with the most amazing and original name.
Toes R Us.
Youtube and forums didn't allow spaces in names so I made it Toesrus.
People didn't know how to pronounce it, they kept saying Toesaurus like a dinosaur.
I shortened it to Toes.
A legend was born.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: gamekube64 on November 29, 2009, 12:47:56 AM
Uhm, you know where I got my username from.
I'm also known as Gazile. I got that name from a song called "Let's Play Some Tetris Motherfucker", there is a part of the song where he says "Can you feel it" and i thought he said "gaziley" and I took away the "y" because I like it like that. Weird story i guess. :P

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: MrGrunz on November 29, 2009, 12:28:52 PM
I was watching simpsons once and there was a pig called "Mr. Grunz" and I thought, that that's an awesome name :)

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: gamekube64 on November 29, 2009, 12:36:05 PM
I was watching simpsons once and there was a pig called "Mr. Grunz" and I thought, that that's an awesome name :)
I've always thought that "Grunz" was your name!

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Blizzerk on November 29, 2009, 02:36:06 PM
I was watching simpsons once and there was a pig called "Mr. Grunz" and I thought, that that's an awesome name :)

I thought it was his last name...

I seem to have overestimated my German friend :3

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: MrGrunz on November 29, 2009, 07:41:38 PM
just so you guys know

"Grunz" is a german verb

when a pig makes the noises, a pig usually do, he "grunzes" ;)

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Pokey on December 01, 2009, 02:43:38 AM
My name is pretty obvious to figure out. When creating a youtube account I was playing some Mario Party and one of my favorite minigames was "pokey pummel" Then the 17 was my lucky number. Also in 6th grade a person just came out of nowhere and said," I name you Pokey now"

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Lexkeeta on December 01, 2009, 10:52:09 PM
Considering how we are all avid Mario Party fans, that didn't even need to be explained

btw 17 is my lucky number get your own

edit: DrGrunz (http://westcountyradiology.com/grunz.htm)

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: UchihaSasuke on December 06, 2009, 08:03:19 AM
my old nickname that i used since 2000 up to last year was PiccoloCube and it was inspired by 2 things. my favorite Dragon Ball character was Piccolo and at the time the GC was being announced (i got this nick weeks after the announcement)
then i got bored of it and changed it in almost every forum but i had to keep it in youtube because they don't allow nickname changes and i didn't want to make a new account.
the current one is easy to guess.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: BlueStarReturns on December 16, 2009, 05:31:56 PM
Well, mine is a long story, but I'll shorten it... unless you like details, then oh well.

My very first online handle was BlueStar810 and it was on GameFAQs.com. As for choosing it, I like stars and of course, they look blue for the most part. The "810" part is my birthday, August 10th.

For two years, I had that account name. Then, I decided for some reason that I didn't want to be on GFAQs anymore so I deleted it. However, realizing I had made some acquaintances on the OoT Board, I decided six months later to come back to GFAQs.

Thus, BlueStarReturns was born. The name signifies my return to GameFAQs and has stuck ever since, except for the rare SDA and Ustream accounts, which fall back to BlueStar810 and BlueStar81089 (my full birthday, 8/10/89) respectively.

Finally, when I created a commentaries channel (mainly video games, some movies/shows) on Youtube, the name also became BlueStarCommentaries.

Whew! That was a lot of explaining!

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: MercuryZelda on January 02, 2010, 07:54:30 AM
Man, am I older than everyone on this board? o_O I'm only 22...

Anyway, I go by lots of different names but lately this one has stuck with me. It's really simple--Mercury for Sailor Mercury (I love the live action Sailor Moon) and Zelda for, um, Princess Zelda. Plain as that, really.

I also went by And40FeetRemain for a while, which is a reference to one of my favorite Franz Ferdinand songs, "40'".

My real name is Emily and I have about 50 nicknames which correspond to that. I don't try to come up with anything based on it for websites, though, as there's been an explosion of people named Emily within the last decade. I used to be unique :'(

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Maxx on January 02, 2010, 08:02:39 AM
My real name is

This sounds like a good thread.

Title: Fishbulb
Post by: MrSparkle on January 02, 2010, 10:07:27 AM
MrSparkle came from some weird online forum software that had a really strange name that sounded like sparkle. After far too long of not noticing this, i realized it was a perfect new nick (I had been really not liking the old LinkTetra one for weeks). Shortly after someone said I should use MrSparkle instead, I did not know why, but went with it. Not until later did I learn of this Mista Sparkulu thing :/

100x better than the old one, what was I thinking when i thought it up...

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: aleckermit on January 02, 2010, 06:14:04 PM
My first name is Alec and I've always loved oldschool Sesame Street's when Kermit was on there.

Here's a really funny Sesame Street skit with Kermit and Cookie Monster:


Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Phazon on January 18, 2010, 02:02:29 PM
What about lolilops?

Are you a pedophile?

Lolilops is a Jerry Jackson quote and 54 was a random number. I used to think Jerry Jackson was hilarious x_X

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Will0 on February 02, 2010, 02:36:18 AM
Will is my middle name, and one day in electronics, one of my mates carved Will into my project box, followed by a huge 0, and it stuck.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: MarcusSDA on February 03, 2010, 06:41:25 PM
My current name isn't much of a nickname as you can see. But my old ZeldaTPrunner name I had because I practiced TP alot before I joined YT and did my speed run. MarcusSDA, it was because I didn't like ZeldaTPrunner anymore and I didn't know what to call myself either. So I chosed MarcusSDA because my name is Marcus (obviously) and I only had an SDA acc at that time.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Cosmo on February 03, 2010, 11:55:12 PM
my first name

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: mysticremen11 on February 04, 2010, 12:24:15 AM
my remen11 i got because i couldn't think of a good name for YT. my mysticanimal42 is a long but very funny story that all started during a day i was playing halo 2 with some friends (this was before halo 3 was even close to coming out). if anyone wants to hear the story ill tell it.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Ænlgån on February 06, 2010, 04:34:49 PM
My actually username is Nin10Gamer. I came up with it because I wanted something original and unique that showed who I am, basically a Nintendo freak.

Ænlgån, however, was made when I made a Mii with a similar name. The name actually comes from "Anglo" as in "Anglo-Saxon", a Germantic tribe that invaded England sometime after the collapse of the Roman Empire (476AD).  However, it was the Anglos that invaded; Saxons are in Germany (If I am correct). The Æ and å are Norwegian/Danish letters. The Æ is pronounced like A as in apple and the å is pronounced like O as in over. There is also a reference to the Greek alphabet in my name. Alpha and Omega- the sounds they make are the same as the Norwegian/Danish letters. This was completely unintentional, though.  ;)

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Freshmilk980 on April 22, 2010, 07:28:41 PM
kai (MrGrunz)'s sir name is günder and not grunz^^

kai günder

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: ssbmproHRC on April 22, 2010, 08:19:58 PM
super smash bros melee prefessional homeruncontest = ssbmproHRC

longest abbreviation ever

i got it cuz melee is nice and i was a homerun player at the beginning (hrc is controller destryoing though)

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: PMIT on April 24, 2010, 03:11:16 AM
When I first wandered into the world of internet forums, specifically the NSider forums, I had to come up with a random name that reflected my interests at the time. I considered myself more of a Pokemon enthusiast than any other specific franchise, so I came up with the nickname PokeMasterInTraining. Over time that got shortened down into PMIT, and I've never seen any need to change that.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Glitched! on May 24, 2010, 04:02:19 AM
When i was little (6,7) i glitched on oot so much without even knowing and when my cousin saw a glitch he yelled out "Glitched!" thus my nickname was formed

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: pivotguyDC1 on July 28, 2011, 01:36:47 AM
I was interested in Pivot Stick Figure Animations at the time. I wanted to make an account on Youtube after the famous PivotMasterDX Animator, So I put in something like GuyofPivotDX or whatever. But youtube said the name was taken and it suggested PivotguyDC1, "DC" being my initials and I don't know where the fuck YT got "1" from.

It stuck.

P.S. and I never made a Pivot Animation. Balls to it

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: mzxrules on July 28, 2011, 06:51:53 PM
youtube ... suggested PivotguyDC1, "DC" being my initials and I don't know where the fuck YT got "1" from.


That's where the one comes from. If a website suggests a name with a number after, it usually means that the original and lower numbered names have already been taken.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Marcus on July 28, 2011, 07:05:37 PM
Since a little while back, I've been having the name MacMan17 sometimes. Mac, since my name is Marcus I randomly thought it would be cool to call myself Mac. I actually didn't get it from the computers Mac. However, then I added Man to it to make it sound cooler and then 17 since I'm 17 and that is somewhat my lucky number and the one I though was the best.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: TimpZ on August 06, 2011, 01:41:24 PM
When I was like 9 or 10 or something I started to play a MMO called Pristontale. They wanted me to have a nick but I didn't have any good ideas so I just put something that I was; a primate. But I spelled it in Swedish and added my d.o.b. 91 and Primat91 was born.

A couple years later, I was unsatisfied with the name but didn't have the energy or will to create new youtube accounts etc. My neighbour called himself ZampraZ so I called myself TimpZ to associate our accounts in some way :p. But then I just started to name every new account to TimpZ so it's a bit mixed out there on the web :p.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: triforce hunter on August 10, 2011, 09:44:09 PM
Mines is obvious. it's cause I hunt for the triforce and.....stuff.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: DannyCorvus on August 16, 2011, 01:10:35 PM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crow_T._Robot <-- This

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corvus_(genus) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corvus_(genus)) <-- Led to this

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Large_Dildo on August 19, 2011, 04:38:19 AM
my current nickname comes from being a dumbass who listened to too much blink 182 while growing up and didn't take time in picking a username.

the nickname that i used a lot before my current one was ZibaLaZiba. i originally came up with it for my troll shamen in WoW (got to lvl 17!) while trying to make a "mexican-sounding" name. i guess Z's are cool too  :P i had to change it one day though because i pissed off axon or something and dropped out of following speedrunning for a month before i came back with a new identity.

I wish i picked a decent username at some point in my life though   :'(

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Blazing Factor on August 19, 2011, 07:10:57 AM
I thought of making a cool name instead of putting "ferny" or "burnindriver900" on everything that has a username. I first got my username from playing burnout paradise on the 360 while looking at my showtime scores. I beaten all offline scores with 8,000,000 points then came up "blaze factor". Thought it was a little dull so I added "blazing". Now I use it where ever I do.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: TimpZ on August 20, 2011, 10:32:11 AM
I first used Blazing Factor for my xbox 360 username. I've been using it all the time. Blaze for short.

That's not how, that's when ;)

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Blazing Factor on August 20, 2011, 10:15:50 PM
That's not how, that's when ;)
whoops gonna edit it :P

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: SnowMan on August 21, 2011, 04:54:33 PM
Started with Snowmanthatknows back in '04 for FlashFlashRevolution, stuck with it till about '08 when I got sick of it and used my real name. But then when I started hanging out with some new friends I met through Melee they all called me Snowman, so I stuck with that.

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: cloudzack117 on August 22, 2011, 03:40:22 PM
I got xbox live and halo3 around the same time that crisis core came out.  If anyone has ever played either of those then its really obvious what my username is

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: V92ify on September 11, 2011, 05:59:59 PM
I didn't choose it, it's my best friend and because he named my youtube account "v92ify" (very bad choice)...

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: DJS on September 12, 2011, 02:26:43 PM
DJS = so when i joined sda in 2006, i was a huge fan of TSA, because of his 4:57, and stupid as i was, i thought TSA was his initials (i didnt see his real name for some reason i cannot remember), so i thought "oh, it must be cool to have your initials as name"
lambdaN = when i played cs actively a few years ago & i was like 10 or something like that, it was cool (i thought atleast) with names that ended with a big N so i just took the lambda symbol and put a N after it. i hate this name now i might add, but some sites dont allow 3 letters only so i use that then ;)

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: oligi3008 on November 11, 2011, 11:04:57 PM
My mother called me oligi as kid. With a hard g (like in game).
Later i used the name as a portmanteau of Oliver (my first name) and Luigi (Mario's Brother), now pronounced with a soft g (like in giant).
3008 is the birthday of my mother written in day/month form 30/08.
3008 is also the year 3008, 1000 years after I made my youtube account. I like to watch out for the future. Also a slight reference to Futurama.  ;)

Title: Re: How did you got your Nickname?
Post by: Fenrikaz on November 28, 2011, 03:59:58 PM
Well, my first online username would have to be Nooz. I'm not completely sure how I had gotten it. I guess sine my in real life name is Nick, my friends always said i was cool, so thats Noo, and  always liked the letter z since I grew up, not knowing many words that contained it. I think I adapted from Nooz to Nooz_1 when i was maybe 11 Years old and I was registering for a forum. Then, just june or july of this year, I started playing World of Warcraft. As I never was truely creative, I decided to use the random name generator. At first I was quite skeptical if the RNG could give good names since it gave me wierd names such as Yuwidenar, and Guenthar. Then it gave me Fenrikaz. And thats how I got my usernames. Oh, and MY FIRST POST ON ZSR! :D

Title: Re: How did you get your Nickname?
Post by: bluephantom340 on December 02, 2011, 12:43:35 AM
TwilightSDA: Used to play tons of TP back then and added SDA on it.
Prince0fHyrule: idk
zero: coke zero
bluephantom340: suggested by jiano

Title: Re: How did you get your Nickname?
Post by: Mitjitsu on January 11, 2012, 05:30:27 AM
When I was thinking up a name whilst registering I accidently puked on my keyboard, and thats how the legend came to be...

Title: Re: How did you get your Nickname?
Post by: Warchamp7 on January 11, 2012, 05:55:21 PM
Command & Conquer was one of my favourite series for a while. Tiberian Sun had online multiplayer so I ended up making an online account to play. Being the arrogant 7 year old I was, I decided upon the name War Champ, though spaces were not allowed. So I settled for Warchamp and tacked on my age to show the world the cool cat that I was.

13 years later here we are :)

Title: Re: How did you get your Nickname?
Post by: Norkix on March 25, 2012, 09:55:42 AM
Contrary to popular belief, I DON'T believe Samus and Link should have a relationship. My brother's friend's name for just about everything is LokiXRiddle (Loki is the Norse god of mishief or something, pretty sure he just thought the name was badass. Riddle as in Tom Riddle). My brother then made a YouTube account called CloudXMuad'Dib (cungratzes if you know what Muad'Dib is from). So following the trend, I made my name consist of my two favorite videogame characters. Unfortunately, I didn't know that X means 'loves' when I was 10...

Title: Re: How did you get your Nickname?
Post by: Kzar5678 on March 26, 2012, 08:57:59 PM
I'm not entirely sure. I was originally Nightrider5678 on Youtube until I lose the account password (lol) So I started a new account called Kzar5678. I have no idea where it came from, but it came from the monstrosity that is my brain. And thus, Kzar was born. (It is pronounced, "Kay-zar" by the way)

Title: Re: How did you get your Nickname?
Post by: Amphorce on March 29, 2012, 12:32:22 AM
Ok, I used to go by alknight87 when i first made my runescape account (name is alex irl, and i wanted to be a knight, 87 was a random number to use the name). I was watching Xplay one day and i saw a review for god of war, and it looked bad ass. So i started using the name Wargod87. My brother logan was making an account for runescape, and he needed help coming up with a name. I told him to call his character Logburner, He added 99 to the end of it cause he is obsessed with having the number 99 in all sports games he makes a character in. Now i was allowed to make my first youtube account (mum was nazi bout it for a while saying i was "too young") and logan wanted to have a youtube account as well, but couldnt have one. so i made a shared account with the name warburner (it sounded better than loggod) we stuck with 87 cause it sounded cooler than 99. after a while, logan got his own youtube account and that name has become mine :)

Title: Re: How did you get your Nickname?
Post by: Webster on March 29, 2012, 03:36:49 PM
Mine is very simple. I stole it from my cat.  ;D Hopefully he doesn't mind that I'm parading around Zelda forums using his name.  ;)