ZSR Forums

=> Ocarina of Time => Topic started by: ssbmproHRC on October 12, 2009, 08:48:11 PM

Title: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ssbmproHRC on October 12, 2009, 08:48:11 PM
This is the run im currently doing. Feel free to post possible improvements of the route.
(RingRush created this route. i just added some stuff so thanks to RingRush)

Segment 1
1. Intro
2. Save

Segment 2:
1. 21R
2. Kokiri Sword
3. Save

Segment 3:
1. 19R
2. Deku Shield
3. Equip items
4. Deku Sticks on way to Deku Tree
5. Save in tree

Segment 4:
1. Grab a deku nut
2. Break floor web
3. Save

Segment 5:
1. Megasidehop
2. To Gohma
3. Beat Ghoma (don't grab heart container)
4. Save

Segment 6:
1. Fairy Ocarina
2. Owl skip
3. Peahat superslide to valley
4. Cucco jump
5. Save in fortress

Segment 7:
1. Child gate skip
2. Quicksand backwalk
3. Haunted wasteland
4. Save in Spirit Temple

Segment 8:
1. Nabooru
2. Armos and Keese
3. Bubble slash trick / Megaflip off Stalfos
4. Anubis room
5. Rupees and key
6. Save

Segment 9:
1. Up the wall (deku stick first skulltula to make it easier)
2. Hover off of lizafoes for chus
3. Save

Segment 10:
1. Exit for requiem
2. Save

Segment 11:
1. Hyrule Field
2. Owl skip
3. Chu Superslide to market before night (9 chus)
4. Skulltulla from tree to damage yourself down to 1 heart
5. Chu castle moat skip (8 chus)
6. Lullaby with suicide skip (7 chus)

Segment 12:
1. Exit forest through Goron City (6 chus)
2. To DC
3. Blow open rock (5 chus)
4. Save

Segment 13:
1. Blow open wall (4 chus)
2. Ground jump switch (3 chus)
3. Chu stairs (2 chus)
4. Chu megaflip to bombs (1 chu)
5. Bomb eyes
6. To KD
7. Kill KD for Ruby (no HC)

Segment 14:
1. Hyrule Field
2. Owl skip
2. To Zora's river
3. Magic Beans
4. Megaflip past waterfall
5. KZ skip
6. Jabu jumpslash
7. Save

Segment 15:
1. Bomb first switch
2. Meet Ruto
3. Ruto second switch
4. To boomerang
5. Save

Segment 16:
1. Bring Ruto back to second room and throw her across
2. Megaflip after her
3. To boss
4. Barinade
5. Save

Segment 17.
1. Play requiem
2. Plant bean
3. Save

Segment 18:
1. Exit forest normal way
2. To castle
3. Dorf cutscene, don't grab oot
4. DoT skip
5. Save

Segment 19:
1. To graveyard
2. Hookshot and Hylian Shield
3. Shadow early (18 bombs)
4. Save

Segment 20:
1. Hookshot first gap
2. To dead hand
3. Hover boots
4. Save

Segment 21:
1. Backwalk hover first gap
2. Bird statue
3. To scythe room
4. Jumpslash SB
5. Onto the boat and start it
6. To boss key, redead clip
7. Superslide hover across the gap (17 bombs)
8. To Bongo Bongo
9. Shadow Medallion
10. Save

Segment 22:
1. To Forest (16 bombs)
2. To SFM (15 bombs)
3. Minuet with suicide skip (14 bombs)
4. Hookshot in and save

Segment 23:
1. Key outside
2. Stalfos key
3. OoB and mega jump to block room (13 bombs)
4. Block room trix (10 bombs)
5. Fairy bow and save

Segment 24:
1. Unreal's boss key skip
2. Phantom Ganon
3. To Goron city
4. Goron Tunic (9 bombs)
5. Up the mountain
6. Magic ( 8 bombs)
7. Megaflip to Fire Temple (7 bombs)
8. Save

Segment 25:
1. Talk to Darunia
2. Get key
3. Save

Segment 26:
1. Get 2 keys in the second room.
2. Push block down in the following room
3. Ground jump on block in next room (6 bombs)
4. Hookshot to activate switch
5. Get 2 keys from boulder maze
6. hover boost from map chest to the ledge
7. To fire maze room.
8. Hover over the fire maze and activate switch
9. Get 1 bomb drop from pot while waiting for the door to explode (10 bombs)
10. Kill the dancer and hope for another bomb drop. (If not get it from Lake Hylia)
11. Megaton Hammer and jump down.
12. Hammer down the Pillar and do the boss key skip (3 bombs)
13. Beat Volvagia
14. Save

Segment 27:
1. 2 Superslides to Lake Hylia (1 bomb)
2. Cut 2 places of grass and hope for 4 bomb drops (20 bombs)
3. Superslide teleport to OoB (19 bombs)
4. Enter Water Temple
5. Save

Segment 28:
1. To central platform
2. Superslide hover with tektite assistance (18 bombs)
3. Boss key skip (13 bombs)
4. Morpha
5. Fire Arrows
6. Save

Segment 29:
1. Play Requiem
2. To the Mirror Shield chest (11 bombs)
3. Enter and exit for mirror shield
4. Kill the Knight
6. Shine light on the sun and get key
5. Kill enemies in Anubis room (10 bombs)
6. Get onto the hand of the statue and activate ISG from triforce symbol
7. Get on the shoulder (8 bombs)
6. Hookshot clip into the head
7. Boss key skip (4 bombs)
8. Twinrova
9. Save

Segment 30:
1. Light Arrows
2. To Castle
3. Equip items
4. Save

Segment 31:
1. To Forest Trial
2. Light torchs w/ fire arrows
3. Silver rupee room
4. Destroy forest barrier
5. To Water Trial
6. Hookshot clip freezard
7. Bow clip second red ice (3 bombs)
8. Destroy water barrier
9. To Shadow Trial
10. Fire arrow the torch a few times, hit switch
11. Golden Gauntlets
12. Second part of Shadow w/o lens
13. Destroy shadow barrier
14. To Fire Trial
15. Collect rupees
16. Superslide w/ hover boots to get to end (2 bombs)
17. Destroy fire barrier
18. To Light Trial
19. Get keys, ZL
20. Silver rupees
21. Destroy light barrier
22. To Spirit Trial
23. Rupees in first room
24. Chu switch (0 chus)
25. Burn web w/ fire arrows or arrow through torch
26. Destroy spirit barrier

Segment 32:
1. Up the castle
2. Dorf
3. Escape
4. Superslide into Ganon (use both bombs at the same time to make it easier)
5. Send it to SDA!

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: Lexkeeta on October 13, 2009, 02:29:32 AM
People typically expect near-perfection out of segmented runs.

so...good luck

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: Unreal on October 13, 2009, 04:54:47 AM
People typically expect near-perfection out of segmented runs.

..And ssbmpro's segments are always near perfection so I don't think that will be a problem.  ;D Great run so far ssbm can't wait for the final product.  :)

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on October 13, 2009, 11:09:48 PM
...I didn't create this route. Though a lot of the stuff sounds like something I would say, some of it definitely doesn't. Plus I never remember formalizing the route I was thinking of.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ssbmproHRC on October 14, 2009, 03:53:13 PM
i copied it from this site: klick me (http://z6.invisionfree.com/The_Not_Sonic_Center/index.php?s=d7d1a942f9949f05f3e0579f3afaf807&showtopic=374&st=0&#entry1935765)

you posted it there so i assumed that you created it

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: Blizzerk on October 14, 2009, 07:52:26 PM
Constructive criticism:

some segments are amazing, while others you seem to post the 1st successful attempt...

if you want a game breaking time you may want to redo some of the segments... i know you allready have done a few...


not trying to be mean!

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ssbmproHRC on October 14, 2009, 08:31:48 PM
nah i totally agree with you. some segments really have poor playing quality and i will redo them...but probably later^^

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on October 15, 2009, 01:59:03 AM
Holy shit I -did- create it. That was unexpeceted :p

Probably some changes since then since it was a while ago, but it should be pretty solid (especially since you already started).

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ZFG on October 15, 2009, 11:46:39 PM
Ya, thats a pretty old route, it saves a few minutes to do deku as adult.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on October 16, 2009, 01:36:36 AM
Updated MST Route (Continue with your run if you want, the new route doesn't save THAT much time):
By RingRush, ZFG, and ssbmpro

Segment 1
1. Intro
2. Save

Segment 2:
1. 21R
2. Kokiri Sword
3. Save

Segment 3:
1. 29R
2. Deku Shield + Deku Stick
3. Save (Deku Stick C-right)

Segment 4:
1. Ess or crouch stab escape
2. Fairy Ocarina
3. Owl skip
4. Peahat superslide to valley
5. Cucco jump
6. Save in fortress

Segment 5:
1. Child gate skip
2. Quicksand backwalk
3. Haunted wasteland
4. Save in Spirit Temple

Segment 6:
1. Nabooru
2. Armos and Keese
3. Torch lighting
4. Bubble slash trick or Megaflip off Stalfos
5. Anubis room
6. Small Key
7. Save

Segment 7:
1. Through both crawlspaces
2. Break pot for nuts
3. Up the wall
4. Hover off of lizafoes for chus
5. Save

Segment 8:
1. Exit for requiem
2. Save (Deku Stick C-right, Bombchus C-left)

Segment 9:
1. Exit forest through Goron City (9 chus)
2. To DC
3. Blow open rock (8 chus)
4. Save

Segment 10:
1. Blow open wall (7 chus)
2. Ground jump switch (6 chus)
3. Chu stairs (5 chus)
4. Get 20 rupee pot in stairs room
5. Chu megaflip to bombs (4 chus)
6. Pause, Deku Stick C-Right, Bombchus C-Left, Bombs C-Down
7. Megaflip into skull (19 bombs)
8. OoB hover to boss room (12 bombs) (2 chus)
9. Drop bomb on weak floor (11 bombs)
10. Bomb chest above KD (16 bombs)
11. Kill KD for Ruby (no HC) (14 bombs)
12. Save

Segment 11:
1. Forest escape again
2. To Zora's river w/ SS (13 bombs)
3. Cut the grass for a bomb drop (18 bombs)
3. Blow up rock (17 bombs)
4. Magic Beans
5. Megaflip past waterfall (16 bombs)
6. KZ skip (15 bombs)
7. Jabu jumpslash
8. Save

Segment 12:
1. Bomb first switch (14 bombs)
2. Meet Ruto
3. Ruto second switch
4. To boomerang
5. Save (Deku Stick C right, Bombs C down, Boomerang C left

Segment 13:
1. Bring Ruto back to second room and throw her across
2. Megaflip after her (13 bombs)
3. To boss
4. Barinade
5. Save (Ocarina C right, Bombs C down, Magic Beans C left)

Segment 14:
1. Play requiem
2. SS to bean patch (12 bombs)
3. Plant bean
4. Save

Segment 15:
1. Forest escape one last time
2. SS to market (11 bombs)
3. To Castle grounds
4. Skulltulla from tree to damage yourself down to 1 heart
5. To moat w/ SS included (10 bombs)
6. Chu castle moat skip (1 chu)
7. Lullaby with suicide skip (9 bombs)
8. Re-enter market
9. DoT skip
10. Save

Segment 16:
1. To graveyard
2. Hylian Shield
3. Hookshot and bomb drop from Dampe's Grave (14 bombs)
4. Pause, Hookshot C-left, Bombs C-down, Ocarina C-right
5. One bomb drop from grass (19 bombs)
6. Shadow early w/ SS warp (18 bombs)
7. Save

Segment 17:
1. Hookshot first gap
2. To dead hand
3. Hover boots
4. Save, equip Hover Boots

Segment 18:
1. Backwalk hover first gap
2. Bird statue
3. To scythe room
4. Jumpslash SB
5. Onto the boat and start it
6. To boss key, redead clip
7. Superslide hover across the gap (17 bombs)
8. To Bongo Bongo
9. Shadow Medallion
10. Save

Segment 19:
1. SS to Forest (16 bombs)
2. To SFM (one bomb drop on the way, lay a bomb for ESS right before getting it) (20 bombs)
3. Minuet with suicide skip (19 bombs)
4. Hookshot in and save

Segment 20:
1. Key outside
2. Stalfos key
3. OoB and mega jump to block room (18 bombs)
4. Block room trix (15 bombs)
5. Fairy bow and save

Segment 21:
1. Unreal's boss key skip
2. Phantom Ganon w/ Hookshot
3. Megajump OoB in house near Mido (14 bombs)
4. Enter Deku Tree
5. Save, Hookshot C-left, Bombs C-down, Deku Nuts C-right

Segment 22:
1. Hookshots to the top
2. Web break
3. Megasidehop off baba to clip web two
4. Put your nuts in Gohma’s face (Deku nuts you pervs)
5. Back to Lost Woods
6. Bomb drop from grass (19 bombs)
7. Through Goron City warp
8. Goron Tunic (18 bombs)
9. Exit and climb the mountain (16 bombs)
10. Pause, Hookshot C-left, Bombs C-down, Ocarina C-right
10. Magic (15 bombs)
11. Megaflip to fire temple (14 bombs)
12. Long awaited save

Segment 23:
1. Talk to Darunia
2. Get key
3. Save, equip Goron Tunic

Segment 24:
1. Get two keys in the second room (13 bombs)
2. Push block down in the following room
3. Ground jump on block in next room (12 bombs)
4. Hookshot to activate switch
5. Get two keys from boulder maze
6. Hover boost from map chest to the ledge (11 bombs)
7. To fire maze room
8. Hover over the fire maze and activate switch
9. Get bomb drop from pot while waiting for door to explode (15 bombs)
10. Kill the dancer and hope for a bomb drop (if not you need an extra one from Lake Hylia) (20 bombs)
11. Megaton Hammer and jump down
12. Pause, Bow C-left, Bombs C-down, Megaton Hammer C-right
12. Hammer down the Pillar and do the boss key skip (13 bombs)
13. Beat Volvagia
14. Save

Segment 25:
1. Superslides to Lake Hylia (11 bombs)
2. One or two bomb drops, depending on if you got one from flare dancer or not (16 bombs)
3. Acute house, then OoB
4. Enter Water Temple
5. Save, Bow C-left, Bombs C-down, Hookshot C-right

Segment 26:
1. To central platform
2. Superslide hover (15 bombs)
3. Boss key skip (8 bombs)
4. Morpha
5. Fire Arrows
6. Save, Ocarina C-left, Bombs C-down, Hookshot C-right

Segment 27:
1. Play Requiem
2. To the Mirror Shield chest (6 bombs)
3. Forwards and back for Mirror Shield
4. Pause, equip Mirror Shield
5. Kill the Knight
6. Shine light on the sun and get key
7. Kill enemies in Anubis room (5 bombs)
8. Get onto the hand of the statue and activate ISG from triforce symbol
9. Get on the shoulder (4 bombs)
10. Hookshot clip into the head
11. Boss key skip (1 bomb)
12. Twinrova
13. Save

Segment 28:
1. Light Arrows
2. To Castle
3. Save, Fire Arrows C-left, Bombs C-Down, Hookshot C-Right

Segment 29:
1. Use bomb to blow up Beamos for bomb drop (5 bombs)
2. To Forest Trial
3. Light torchs w/ fire arrows
4. Pause, Light Arrows C-left, Megaton Hammer C-Down, Hookshot C-Right
5. Silver rupee room
6. Destroy forest barrier
7. To Water Trial
8. Hookshot clip freezard
9. Bow clip second red ice
10. Destroy water barrier
11. Pause, Fire Arrows C-left, Megaton Hammer C-Down, Hookshot C-Right
12. To Shadow Trial
13. Fire arrow the torch, hit switch
14. Golden Gauntlets
15. Pause, Light Arrows C-left, Bombs C-Down, Ocarina C-Right
16. Second part of Shadow w/o lens
17. Destroy shadow barrier
18. To Fire Trial
19. Collect rupees
20. Superslide w/ hover boots to get to end (4 bombs)
21. Destroy fire barrier
22. To Light Trial
23. Get keys, ZL
24. Pause, Light Arrows C-left, Bombchus C-Down, Hookshot C-Right
25. Silver rupees
26. Destroy light barrier
27. To Spirit Trial
28. Rupees in first room
29. Chu switch (0 chus)
30. Pause, Fire Arrows C-left, Bombs C-Down, Deku Nuts C-Right
31. Burn web w/ fire arrows or arrow through torch
32. Pause, Light Arrows C-left, Bombs C-Down, Deku Nuts C-Right
33. Destroy spirit barrier
34. Enter upper castle and save

Segment 30:
1. Up the castle (with a Superslide) (3 bombs)
2. Dorf (Use ISG to make it easier) (2 bombs)
3. Escape
4. Superslide into Ganon (1 bomb)
5. Send it to SDA!

Me and ZFG discussed a lot on the section after Shadow and before Water, and we found this to be the best way. We talked a lot more complicated things like Shadow-->Magic-->Bolero w/ cutscene skip --> Goron City --> Goron Tunic --> Lost Woods --> Minuet Cutscene Skip --> Forest Temple --> Deku --> Bolero back to fire temple, but there always seems to be time wasting and backtracking.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ING-X on November 22, 2009, 04:57:06 PM
8. Get on the shoulder (-1 bombs)


Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on November 22, 2009, 08:41:18 PM
I was in the middle of a bomb route and stopped lol. You'll notice there are other things, such as KD bombs not being included and some superslides not added. I'll finish that up sometime soon.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on November 24, 2009, 02:13:27 AM
Route updated, everything but pauses for Hover Boots on/off are included, meaning Rupees, Bombs, and Equipment. Look up a few posts.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ING-X on February 18, 2010, 02:37:05 AM
Ing, can you test the MST segged route before you go along with it? I already know of a minor bomb-route mistake in it (forgetting to allocate bombs for ground jumps in SFM), but I want to hear if there is more before fixing it. My route is near the bottom of the MST segged topic.

Also keep in mind that you have to play on GC, since without bottle, the DC oob hover saves a significant ammount of time. If you don't play on GC, just tell me and I can fix up the route and use those bombs/chus elsewhere.

wait, doesn't the oob hover only use 2 chus and 7 bombs? if so couldn't it still be done with 9 bombs and only lose a few seconds compared to gc?

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ING-X on February 20, 2010, 07:05:56 PM
well, after trying these bomb hovers as child and realizing how ridiculously hard they are i'm seriously considering splitting segment 10 into 2 segments for the void hover. doing just a few of these bomb hovers in a row is hard enough; asking me to do 9 of them after doing the entire dungeon all in one segment is just too much.


Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ZFG on February 20, 2010, 08:08:23 PM
well, after trying these bomb hovers as child and realizing how ridiculously hard they are i'm seriously considering splitting segment 10 into 2 segments for the void hover. doing just a few of these bomb hovers in a row is hard enough; asking me to do 9 of them after doing the entire dungeon all in one segment is just too much.

Where exactly would you split the segment?

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ING-X on February 20, 2010, 08:19:06 PM
Where exactly would you split the segment?

basically, right after getting bombs i would hit the switch to raise the platform and save, then next seg i'd ride the platform up and megaflip into the skull, then oob hover, kd, etc.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: Pokey on February 24, 2010, 11:16:06 PM

Segment 2 in 1:12.8

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ING-X on February 24, 2010, 11:30:54 PM
pokey is a butt

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: aleckermit on April 08, 2010, 02:23:58 AM
Where is ssbmproHRC?

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ssbmproHRC on April 11, 2010, 10:42:04 PM
im right here lol

so the new route is faster by some frames, yes, but i guess its not too much of a deal if go ahead with the old one. i probably start working on it next week again.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on April 14, 2010, 12:28:14 AM
The new route is faster by at least five minutes...more when we incorporate the new well chus and Odd Mush cutscene skip for Forest Temple (we get requiem as child so we can plant bean...but now we already have explosives by the fortress). It is hardly "frames".

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: MrGrunz on April 14, 2010, 05:47:34 AM
Edit: SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT I, RingRush, hit the wrong button and edited your post instead of posting my own reply :X. If someone still has the page open, can they send me the text so I can restore this post. IIRC, his post talked about how requiem was a long cutscene and TASers found out that collosus is faster as adult. Furthermore, he posted a dummy route of the child section that the TAS would use, and maybe console.

The following is what I responded:
Grunz - a while ago we agreed that console should do DC as child for bombs. Furthermore, this makes it so child is slightly faster, or at least equivalent to adult in getting to the collosus. The associated time loss from requiem cutscene, bean planting, bean buying, and playing requiem should more than make up for the faster Spirit Temple.

I didn't realize Odd Mushroom timer warp required a bottle...I thought you could just wait the time down normally. If it requires a bottle, then yes, skip it. If not, I definitely think it would be faster, and give more of a reason for child to head to Gerudo Valley.

The only complication may be day/night cycles. Until someone tests, we can't accurately account for these.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ING-X on July 15, 2010, 12:32:41 PM
someone write a new route for this shit

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on July 15, 2010, 07:19:02 PM
Yeah this route is way outdated with the new well chus. I might fix it up later...unless I see any new changes or there were other tricks discovered since then, the only changes would be in the child route.

Edit: Oh yeah, SS into tree was also found after this route, and maybe more tricks. I'll evaluate it more closely later.

Edit2: And now that we get chus before desert, it may be worth timing getting the odd mush chest so we can skip the Forest Temple completion cutscene like in 100%. Ah, so many new possibilities!

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: LinuzDk on September 09, 2010, 07:03:56 AM
Okay, so i've decided to take HRC's place and start this MST segmented run.

I'm messing with the route at the time, but i'm haveing some trouble filling out the blanks, i hope some of you out there can help me


  ---= Ocarina of Time MST segmented Speedrun =---


Segment 1:
- Pause #1 Just save

Segment 2:
- 21 Rupees (21R)
- Kokiri sword
- Pause #2 Save

Segment 3:
- 29 Rupees (50R)
- Buy Deku shield (10R)
- Buy Deku Stick (0R)
- Pause #3 Eguip Sword, Shield and Deku stick
- Grunz escape (Pokey escape if to difficult)
- Fairy Ocarina
- Skip owl
- WESS to Kakariko
- Gather 4Cuccos
- Cucco ISG dive
- Enter Well
- Pause #4 Save

Segment 4:
- Pokey strats past Skulltula
- Get Deku stick (2DS)
- get 1 key
- Actor glitch
- Kill Dead hand 1 cycle
- skulltula vine clip
- Chu's
- Pause #5 equip chu's| save

Segment 5:
- Exit well
- Rest of the Cucco's
- Get Cucco bottle
- Get bugs under rock
- Exit Kakariko
- Hylian field
- Zora's River
- Blow up boulder (9Chu)
- Grab Cucco
- Buy a bean (89R)
- enter Zora's Domine
- Break jar for Nuts (5DN)
- Break jar for Stick (3DS)
- Megasidehop past KZ (8Chu)
- Jabu Early
- Pause #6 equip Nuts and Bugs| Save

Segment 6:
- Chu switch (7Chu)
- Ruto CS
- Normal to boomerang
- Use 2 Nuts boomerang room
- Pause #7: equip Boomerang over Nuts| Save / if you chu switch in next segment just save

Segment 7:
- Boomerang switch
- Chu megaflip to Switch (6Chu)
- IO switch
- Boomerang switch  _ / _   if have spare chu, then Chu switch
- Pause #8: equip Nuts, Stick and boomerang
- Barrinade pick up HC: (4 hearts)
- pause #9: Save

Segment 8:
- Pokey escape
- Skip owl
- Peahat superslide to GV
- Cucco jump
- Go in fortress
- Pause #10: Equip beans| Save

Segment 9:
- Gate skip
- Backwalk over Quicksand
- Cross haunted wasteland
- Desert Colosses
- Plant bean
- Go in Spirit Temple
- Leave again
- Get requiem
- Pause #11 Equip Chu| Save

Segment 10:
- Pokey Escape
- Peahat superslide to Market
- Buy shield (9R)
- Enter Castle
- Talk to owl
- take damage from Skulltula (1 heart left)
- Seam walk to Talon
- Chu damage boost over moat (5Chu)
- Avoid cheating guards
- Zelda
- ZL cutscene skip (4Chu)
- talk to imba
- enter Market
- to ToT
- DoT skip
- Adult Cs
- Pause #12 Save

this is just a portion of my Route, but i'm haveing some trouble getting to Castle in the last segment becouse it's turned nighttime when i tested my route.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on September 09, 2010, 06:03:30 PM
Okay, so i've decided to take HRC's place and start this MST segmented run.
Cool. I like this category so seeing a run of it would be nice.

Segment 3:
- 29 Rupees (50R)
- Buy Deku shield (10R)
- Buy Deku Stick (0R)
- Pause #3 Eguip Sword, Shield and Deku stick
- Grunz escape (Pokey escape if to difficult)
- Fairy Ocarina
- Skip owl
- WESS to Kakariko
- Gather 4Cuccos
- Cucco ISG dive
- Enter Well
- Pause #4 Save
You buy a stick and owl skip; and then get another stick in botw. Do you need 2? You also skip the owl again later (and would have to do it a 3rd time) so I'm not sure it's worth it to get the extra 10 rupees and watch the deku stick text.

You may also want to entertain the idea of deku shield from botw if you plan to Grunz escape. I'd at least test it.

this is just a portion of my Route, but i'm haveing some trouble getting to Castle in the last segment becouse it's turned nighttime when i tested my route.
It is possible, both with peahat superslide and with a chuslide. If you can spare a chu it might be worth using one.


Good luck! I don't know too much about this route so maybe someone more knowledgeable can work out some other route issues with you.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on September 09, 2010, 06:05:05 PM
I actually wouldn't suggest going to Spirit as child. With the new hover tricks, it is possible to skip planting the bean and still be faster. Furthermore, the Requiem cutscene lasts around a minute, so skipping that saves time. Last but not least, adult has bombs to superslide around the desert, outweighing any time saved because child has a faster gate skip.

There are more things I would suggest changing in this route, but instead of listing them all, I'm just going to write a route later today. If I'm in IRC and not writing the route, someone bug me until I start.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: Elminster on September 10, 2010, 03:35:27 AM
- Break jar for Stick (3DS)

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on September 10, 2010, 03:59:58 AM
Okay, I retooled the route as follows. Some things that need discussion/timing
1) Hylian Shield from market or graveyard
2) Deku Shield from shop or well
3) Any better places for bomb drops? Better places to add tricks like Superslides?

Before it comes up, I'm fairly certain Forest Temple CS skip is not worth it. The full cutscene is about 3:14, but to CS skip it would require A] Watching the minuet CS, B] Getting a bottle, C] Performing the CS skip trick, D] Getting Sun's Song, E] Doing the trading quest (Odd Mush as child is -not- faster, I thought that over a fair ammount before starting), F] Sacrificing the warp to the Deku Tree after the cutscene. The time loss from all of those combined is just too much.

MST Segmented Route v 5.0 (?)

Segment 1:
Sword + Rupees
Save, equip sword

Segment 2:
To shop + rupees
Pause: Equip Deku Shield
WESS escape
Fairy Ocarina
WESS in Hyrule Field
Cucco dive to well

Segment 3:
Past skulltula with pokey strats
Deku Stick from pot
Actor glitch
Dead Hand + 99 Rupee chest (99 R)
Vine clip to Bombchus (10 C)
Equip bombchus on C-Right,Save

Segment 4:
Exit well
To Zora’s River
Knock down GS and HESS past rocks
Keep on ascendin’
Cucco past waterfall
Pot o’ nuts
Megasidehop past Fatass (9 C)
Jabu early jumpslash
Equip Deku Nuts on C-left, Save

Segment 5:
Chu first switch (8 C)
Back up to the entry level, using Ruto on switchs
To Boomerang
Pause, equip boomerang on C-down
Bring Ruto back to second room
Ruto throw
Megaflip after her (7 C)
Place Ruto on switch, to next room
Chu switch and enter boss room (6 C)
Pause, equip Deku Sticks on C-right
Stick it to the man (also boomerang it to him)
Get HC, take blue warp (4 H)
Equip Chu on C-right, Save

Segment 6:
WESS escape again
Peahat SS to market
To castle
Damage self thrice with GS
Get over the moat with damage boostin’ (5 C)
Get past the TSDA clones
Lullaby with cutscene skip (4 C)
Re-enter market
Hylian Shield from bazaar [19 R]
To Temple of Time
DoT skipz
Hit puberty
Equip chus on C-down, equip Hylian Shield, Save

Segment 7:
To Hyrule Field
To Kakariko Village
To Graveyard
To Hookshot
To Chu SS warp to seam (3 C)
Equip Hookshot on C-left, Save in Shadow Temple

Segment 8:
Hookshot first gap
Truth Spinner
To Hover Boots
Equip Hover Boots, Save

Segment 9:
Backwalk hover past the first two gaps
Pause, equip Kokiri Boots
Acute angle Jslash
Small Key & Boss Key
Chu Pillar (2 C)
Hover Boot across the invisible floor room
Get lucky and kill Bongo Bongo + HC (5 H) [Skip this HC if you can 2 cycle Volvagia w/ bk skip using only 8 hearts]
Back to Kakriko
Up to DM, enter DC

Segment 10:
Blow up first wall (1 C)
Jump to first switch
Chu staircase (0 C)
Pause, equip bombs on C-down
To Bomb bag (20 B)
Bomb eyes (18 B)
Enter mouth
Jump to block, push it into hole
Bomb floor above KD  (17 B)
Two-cycle KD (15 B)
Goron’s Ruby, get HC (6 H)
Up DM to magic (use seam + superslide, use Ocarina bomb trick while blowing up rock before fountain) (12 B)
Megaflip down, Bolero CS skip (10 B)
Megaflip again, head to Goron City (9 B)
Hookshot up, blow up rocks (Ocarina trick to take 5.5 H damage) (8 B)
Through Lost Woods, megaflip or HESS somewhere (7 B)
GJ to of maze (6 B)
Minuet CS skip (5 B)
Play Minuet
Hookshot up to Forest

Segment 11:
Typical Forest route to bow (someone flesh this out, I’m lazy) (2 B)

Segment 12:
BK skip
Phanton Gantom
Get Heart Container and blue warp (7 H)
SS clip into Deku tree (1 B)
Equip Deku Nuts on C-right, Save

Segment 13:
Hook to the top
Jump down + jslash reflection + web clip
Kill all scrubs
Now that you are an adult, show Gohma your nuts
HC and blue warp (8 H)

Segment 14:
Exit market
SS to Hylia (0 B)
One spinslash, 3 bomb drops (15 B)
House clip and to Water
Equip Hover Boots, Bow on C-right, Save

Segment 15:
Hoverslide to far edge (14 B)
Water BK skp (9 B)
Heart Container and Water Medallin (9 H)
Superswim to Fire Arrows (8 B)
Superswim back to shore (7 B)
Three bomb drops from grass (20 B)
To field
SS --> ESS to desert (19 B)
Hoverslide across bridge (18 B)
Save in fortress

Segment 16:
Get caught, Hoverslide gateskip (17 B)
Through the desert (add in an ESS somewhere(16 B)
Hover up to Seam outside of Spirit Temple (3 B)
Hookshot up to Silver Gauntlets chest
SS across to Mirror Shield (2 B)
Pause, equip Fire Arrows on C-right and Mirror Shield
Anubis + Beamos room [bomb drop from beamos] (6 B)
Hookshot clip face (5 B)
Spirit BK skip (2 B)
Twinrova + no HC
Equip Ocarina on C-right, Save

Segment 17:
Play Bolero
Bomb drop from rocks outside temple (7 B)
Enter Fire Temple
Darunia small key

Segment 18:
Small keys in lava room (5 B)
Ride that block
Bomb push through wall (4 B)
Small key from nearby jail, climb up wall
Small key from other upper jail
SS through fire wall room (3 B)
Blow up door in front of flare dancer, break one bomb pot while waiting (7 B)
Kill Flare Dancer
Up to Megaton Hammer
Pause, equip Megaton Hammer on C-right, bow on C-left
Fire Temple BK skip (3 B)
Two cycle Volvagia
Fire Medallion and save

Segment 19:
Light Arrow CS
Rainbow Bridge CS
Equip Fire Arrows on C-left, Save

Segment 20:
To Forest Trial
Light torchs w/ fire arrows
Pause, Equip Light Arrows on C-left, Hookshot on C-down
Silver rupee room
Destroy forest barrier
To Water Trial
Hookshot clip freezard
Bow clip second red ice
Destroy water barrier
Pause, Equip Fire Arrows C-left
To Shadow Trial
Fire arrow the torch, hit switch
Hookshot chest, Golden Gauntlets
Second part of Shadow w/o lens
Pause, Equip Light Arrows C-left, Bombs C-Down, Ocarina C-Right
Destroy shadow barrier
To Fire Trial
Collect rupees
Superslide w/ hover boots to get to end (2 B)
Destroy fire barrier
To Light Trial
Get keys, ZL
Pause, Equip Hookshot on C-Right
Silver rupees
Destroy light barrier
To Spirit Trial
Rupees in first room
Chu chest, Equip Chus on C-Right, Fire Arrows on C-left, chu switch
Burn web w/ fire arrows
Equip Light Arrows on C-left, Deku Nuts on C-right
Destroy spirit barrier
Enter upper castle and save

Segment 21:
Various enemy samplings
SS up spiral staircase (1 B)
LA SKIPZ (or use LA)
Crumbling castle
SS into Ganon to keep MS (0 B)
Prepare for the finishing blow and...
Game crash, internal battery runs dry, hahahahahahahahaha

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ZFG on September 10, 2010, 04:05:02 AM
I was thinking about this today.  I wanted to think of a route that could use fire arrows in deku and do fire last, but getting magic any time before fire seems to waste more time than fire arrows save in deku.  I think the best route would be:

escape - chus - zr - jabu - zl - adult - dc - shadow - forest to bow and sw out - water - spirit - finish forest - deku - fire - light arrows - gc

By doing fire last you can have 9 hearts by volvagia.  This is important because with 9 hearts you can do bk skip and 2 cycle volvagia without dieing which skips bk, bottle and goron tunic.  Of course it would make the fire temple seg a bitch, but too bad, the oot metagame is advancing (I get 2 cycle volvagia about 5-7%, bleh).

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on September 10, 2010, 04:10:24 AM
ZFG, the time spent savewarping out and playing MInuet to get back to Forest is far more than the time Fire Arrows save in Deku Tree. I wanted FA's before the tree too, but it just doesn't work out :(.

And why DC before Shadow? That is just roundabout. Look at my route above. And unlike yours, it gets magic ;)

Sig said something about only needing 7 hearts for Volv, but I don't particularly think he is a trustworthy source. Are you sure nine is the minimum? Fire is already last in my route anyways, so we'd just add HCs to Shadow and Spirit (not DC, because you need to be at low health to bolero cs skip).

Also come to IRC :(

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ZFG on September 10, 2010, 04:13:49 AM
The sw out of forest is for fire last, not FA for deku.  You wouldnt get magic until right before fire in my route anyway.  I put dc before shadow because of chu limitations.  Also, no one has been able to do chuslide to seam shadow early as adult.  You wont go up the grave.  Also zr hess is butts.

And I cant get on IRC because my dumbass little brother got a virus on the only working comp and I'm stuck using shitty wii internet.

And I'm 99% sure 9 is minimum.  I tried a lot with 8 while doing mst practice and even with full health when starting bk skip and a very fast bk skip I could never kill him before dieing.

Also spirit HC takes forever and DC hc loses no more than 1 sec, and bolero cs skip sounds slower even with low health.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on September 10, 2010, 04:19:20 AM
Are you sure you chuslide as adult is impossible? I think you might just need to modify the angle a bit. Even if not, you could do chuslide to the slope nearby + 1 chu hover, just skip a chu use somewhere else (see next sentence). And HESS in ZR is perfectly console doable, and can be skipped if need be by using the boomerang in the penultimate room of JJB. Spirit Temple is by far the hardest part of that route, not ZR ;)

Bolero CS skip isn't slower because you -have- to do the temples in this order: Forest - Deku - Water - Spirit. After Magic (which is best after DC), you are already right next to the crater. The crater is a good way to get to GC for the LW warp anyways, so you lose very little time making a quick stop for Bolero so you can get back quickly later, since in an optimal route, you won't be anywhere near the woods.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ZFG on September 10, 2010, 04:27:53 AM
Well bloob did the SS warp in his tas, but he used a differend bush that doesnt look possible with a chu.  It doesnt matter though because segd mst is dumb and ss mst is pro ;)

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ING-X on September 10, 2010, 11:06:21 AM
Quote from: ZFG
Also zr hess is butts.

Ask Runnerguy2489 about my ZR HESS rock clip skills :)

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on September 10, 2010, 02:47:23 PM
Segment 10:
Blow up first wall (1 C)
Jump to first switch
Chu staircase [take 1/2 heart damage] (0 C)
Pause, equip bombs on C-down
To Bomb bag (20 B)
Bomb eyes (18 B)
Enter mouth
Jump to block, push it into hole
Bomb floor above KD [take 1/2 heart damage] (17 B)
Two-cycle KD (15 B) [take 2 heart damage from lava in fight]
Goron’s Ruby, no HC
Up DM to magic (use seam + superslide, take 1/2 heart damage blowing up rock) (12 B)
You are taking damage and then getting magic; that fairy refills your hearts iirc. So all damage previous to getting magic is not needed and would need to be placed afterward.

I'd try to find another angle with adult chuslide teleport; I think that should be possible. And I'd probably just use a chu to blow up the rocks in ZR and skip the one in Jabu for the last switch but that's up to the runner I suppose.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ING-X on September 10, 2010, 07:08:49 PM
I say if the runner is on n64 he should use the rock clip, otherwise use the chu to blow up the boulder

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: Siglemic on September 10, 2010, 08:08:34 PM
i'm pretty sure i did it with 7 using a fairy

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on September 10, 2010, 08:39:31 PM
Sig: >_> We don't have a bottle to put a fairy in. I'm going with ZFG's 9 then, all that means is adding the HC to Shadow and DC. Since the fairy heals us, this means we'll just use the bomb-ocarina trick, so losing an extra 2 hearts won't be so bad (although, would it be faster to take 4 damage from the bomb/ocarina trick or simply get the spirit HC instead of the shadow one?)

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: ZFG on September 10, 2010, 09:34:59 PM
4 hits from the bomb ocarina trick it much faster than the spirit HC.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: LinuzDk on September 11, 2010, 08:50:08 AM
Okay i took a look at RingRush's Route.
And yeah he pretty much thought of everything

Today i will start my testings:
- Day/Nighttime
- Deku shield from Botw or Shop
- Hylian shield from Shop / Gravyard or maybe Botw (only if i get Deku shield there)
- Adult SS chu warp gravyard, i'm not sure if it's possible whit chu's but i will try out some diffrent strats
- Wess escape / Crouch stab escape (Segment 6)

i think i will add in some bomb drops for SuperSlides and such. Need to find the best spot though.

And another thing is if i should get Stick from shop (50Rupees) to skip owl, the only downside is a have to skip owl twice, and maybe that wouldn't really save any time. But more testing needs to be done

I will start this MST speedrun Segmented, when i get my Dazzle to work, Kazooie pointed something out for my that should be usefull, since he's playing on Pal aswell. I'm still trying to figure out if i should be playing on GC (There is no void hovereing in the route) or i should play in VC, i wont be able to play on N64 since i only have Pal version, and pal version sucks :S

Thanks to RingRush for the route ;)

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on September 11, 2010, 06:25:41 PM
You're playing on PAL? Double check to make sure you can megaflip off of Golden Skulltulas...I think you can.

WESS escape vs crouch stab escape has been tested by RG in the past: WESS is faster.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on September 11, 2010, 07:24:14 PM
I think most of my tests involved bridge clip vs wess escape (shield vs no shield). Seems like crouch stab escape could be faster from the house.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: LinuzDk on September 13, 2010, 09:40:47 PM
Okay, so i tested Segment 6

i spend like 3-4hours on just finding out that it's impossible to get in Castle drain hole before nighttime.
And yeah everything is counted in, Peahat SS, Owl skip and Seamwalk. (plus i took damage from skulltula in Market *rupee room* to save daypassing time)
but no way it's possible,  i did it with many savestats and a perfect segment would still be about 5-10secs short...

Any idea's on an alternate child section?

I also tested stuff about deku shield and hylian shield.
Conclusion: in segment 3 i will get Deku shield and Hylian shield in Botw. skiping all rupees

I'm still haveing trouble to change angle on ESS and HESS so RG told me that i didn't have to change angle, i went tried it

I will put up a better video when i get my dazzle.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: RingRush on September 14, 2010, 01:20:31 AM
You could get Lullaby in between Kakriko and ZR. You'ld have to wait for day time, but the waiting won't be as long (you'll barely make the market before night, so the time spent getting damage / heading to the castle from the market is time that counts against the ~1:40 of waiting. You'll have to do a bit more traveling through Hyrule Field, but there will be less time waiting doing nothing.

I can't really think of much anything else to do during this time. Requiem takes too long and resets daylight anyways, DC resets daylight, magic consumes too many chus, etc. Like I said, waiting is only ~1:40 at max, and thats only if you don't find a way to squeeze out more seconds. How close were you to the castle when it turned night? Do you have any videos, since I have no idea how good you are and thus how much further it can be improved.

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: LinuzDk on September 14, 2010, 08:09:18 PM
Yeah, but since it's 12:00 it's like getting to castle before dark when you first leave the forest
and then you have to go all the way to Drain hole :O

i maybe trying to make some video's on my strats, but well unless there's anything we can get some Speed boost, of we're pretty much stuck

i will be going on a class trip tomorrow, so can't put up any video of it here the next few days and i have to pack now

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: KlydeStorm on September 17, 2010, 04:16:24 PM
Guards gone
06:30 - 17:17

Guards there
17:18 - 06:29

Title: Re: OoT MST segmented speedrun
Post by: LinuzDk on September 17, 2010, 07:21:17 PM
Okay, so i went and made a video of the impossibleness


Basicly read the description. And as KlydeStorm pointed out; i have 5:17 ingame hours. I can't remember how the ingametime / Real Time goes.

And as shown in the video, even if i use L to Levitate, i'm still not going to make it.
(When i get to Castle its 14:11)
So unless someone finds a new strat on how to get to hyrule castle drainhole, i'm either going to wait to daytime or go and get ZL before going to Zora's River

More testing is needed