ZSR Forums

=> Everything Else => Topic started by: Matt23488 on December 16, 2011, 08:34:43 PM

Title: Virtual Piano Zelda (and others)
Post by: Matt23488 on December 16, 2011, 08:34:43 PM
So have you guys ever been to virtualpiano.net? It's pretty cool. Yes, you might as well just learn real piano at this point, but this takes less time :P.

Plus, you can figure out songs and post on forum sites exactly which keys you press, which is the purpose of this thread.

First, I'll mention a few rules for some pseudo-notation:

1. Spacing between notes usually determines how much time is between the notes. For example, four notes in a row such as "yipd" should be played in very quick succession.

2. Notes in brackets "[]" are chords, meaning they should be played at the same time. Note that sometimes this is impossible, because the way virtual piano handles sharps is if you're holding shift while pressing the key, so a chord such as [yP] will be hard to play, you just have to play them in quick succession.

3. This one's not really a rule, but it's important: Pay attention to capital letters, they determine if the note is sharp (as mentioned in rule 2).

Onto some songs!

Okay these songs I found on a /v/ archive, and the OoT one has like a few errors that I'm too lazy to fix:

Mad World (http://pastebin.com/Xbsji5n4)
OoT Title Theme (http://pastebin.com/iuPVy9Ca)

I found this one on /v/ but changed it a tad because it was slightly wrong:

Song of Healing (http://pastebin.com/pYCyw8C0)

And I figured this one out on my own:

Ballad of the Goddess (http://pastebin.com/mLfqCVZN)

So go try it out! It's really fun and addictive. Also I challenge you guys to come up with more! I know I'm not the only one on this forum who really enjoys music.