ZSR Forums

=> Ocarina of Time => Topic started by: Scarcity on March 29, 2011, 06:55:54 AM

Title: Video series? (introduction too!)
Post by: Scarcity on March 29, 2011, 06:55:54 AM
Hey guys, I'm new here and couldn't find an intro thread.  I have a few online alias' including Scarcity, Ska, Ytterbium, and Anonymousology if you've seen me around . . .

I'm not a speedrunner per se, more so a huge Zelda fan (cliche) who enjoys every facet of the game (especially exploits, glitches, and the likes).  I've only recently take these more difficult tricks seriously, and have taken quite a liking to them.  I was considering doing a (brief) video series on the more difficult tricks (except maybe ESS, fuck that). 

And I'm rambling.

Here's my video on megflipping:

Let me know what you think, how I can improve it etc.

Title: Re: Video series? (introduction too!)
Post by: Mitjitsu on March 29, 2011, 07:41:18 AM
The vast majority of the tricks can be understood just from watching the video. While others just need a description to go with it.

Title: Re: Video series? (introduction too!)
Post by: Bonooru on March 29, 2011, 10:55:43 PM
are you planning on doing how to videos for a bunch of zelda glitches?

Title: Re: Video series? (introduction too!)
Post by: Scarcity on March 29, 2011, 11:38:55 PM
are you planning on doing how to videos for a bunch of zelda glitches?
I might, depending on the reception. 

The vast majority of the tricks can be understood just from watching the video. While others just need a description to go with it.
Yes this is true, but some tricks have more specific requirements.  I feel like combining the explanation and example displays how the timing will work.  One could simply say, "Hold z+r and roll into the bombs explosion, then back flip".  That isn't wrong, but it isn't concise.  Ya feel me?

Title: Re: Video series? (introduction too!)
Post by: TimpZ on May 10, 2011, 09:18:09 PM
I was thinking of maybe doing a Glithfest run of some kind too, just for fun. I havn't thought about it much but it'd basically be a segmented run where you do everything out of order as much as you can. For example you'd do the adult temples as a kid and vice versa. Maybe doing them in the reverse order too in the biggest extent possible.

Something like:
Get sword and shield
Escape forest
Spirit Temple
Kakariko 'chus
DoT skip
Dodongo Cavern
Some of the trials
Jabu Jabu
Deku Tree
Adult DoT skip (possible?)
Ocarina of Time/Ganondorf clip
Adult Temples as Child
DoT skip again (just for the heck of it)
Get Light Arrows
The rest of Ganondorfs trials

...or something like that. The only ambition with it is that it should be really fun to watch.

Title: Re: Video series? (introduction too!)
Post by: Toolex on May 10, 2011, 11:11:33 PM
sounds like fun if a little ott :P that might take you a fair bit as well... make sure you post something if you plan anything :)

Title: Re: Video series? (introduction too!)
Post by: RingRush on May 11, 2011, 08:33:00 PM
Good luck beating Volvagia and Twinrova as a child, I'll be sure to watch if you can do it :)

I'd also be interested in seeing some trials done before Light Arrows, child Spirit without chus or bombs, Adult DoT skip without Hover Boots, and Jabu Jabu as adult without BA. Good luck!

Title: Re: Video series? (introduction too!)
Post by: TimpZ on May 11, 2011, 09:03:22 PM
Good luck beating Volvagia and Twinrova as a child, I'll be sure to watch if you can do it :)

I'd also be interested in seeing some trials done before Light Arrows, child Spirit without chus or bombs, Adult DoT skip without Hover Boots, and Jabu Jabu as adult without BA. Good luck!

Haha thanks ;), don't take me to seriously with the route though. It's just a rough sketch of what I'd like to do, I'll se how much of it that is possible when the summer comes, then I'm also gonna try some serious breaking of some of the parts you mentioned (although I probably won't try too seriously with e.g. trials w/o light arrows since that'd probably take some kind of scripting error)

Btw didn't Kazooie enter Jabu Jabu w/o BA?

Title: Re: Video series? (introduction too!)
Post by: Exodus122 on May 11, 2011, 09:37:09 PM
RingRush was talking about beating Jabu-Jabu as an adult, not just entering.

Title: Re: Video series? (introduction too!)
Post by: TimpZ on July 24, 2011, 08:42:24 PM
Hey guys, now I've started a TAS Glitchfest run. Remember, I only care about it being fun to watch so if you don't like it being TAS'd, I don't care.

Now, since I have no idea about probably 80% of the glitches or more in this game, I need you to suggest possible glitches along the way. E.g. right now I'm in the forest an I'm planning to do a water ISS out and then ISS of'f the plant-thingy to gerudo valley, cucco jump and then run to the spirit temple. Is there anything else I can squeeze in there? What are the possibilities when I get there?

Other than that, I have the route vaguely planned out to be a mixture of
and the überchallenge with as much glitches and fun as I can possibly squeeze in between. Ofcourse I'd change some aspects such as doing the deku tree as an adult instead etc. You get the picture.

Thanks for all the help I can get :).

Title: Re: Video series? (introduction too!)
Post by: mzxrules on July 25, 2011, 04:24:36 AM
Stupid question, but is it possible to hover from the bottom of Gerudo Valley (anywhere along the cow platform) to the top?

Title: Re: Video series? (introduction too!)
Post by: TimpZ on July 25, 2011, 11:26:51 AM
Well you could bomb hover from the piece of heart platform. Otherwise I only know of the OoB death method: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBwjwv4wNqY (1:00)