ZSR Forums

=> Ocarina of Time => Topic started by: Jiano on February 07, 2011, 02:01:46 PM

Title: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Jiano on February 07, 2011, 02:01:46 PM
Apparently there are a lot of Japanese OOT players, and they even know some tricks we've never seen before. Cosmo raced one of them in child dungeons and he did pretty well.

http://www.stickam.jp/profile/zero7634 (http://www.stickam.jp/profile/zero7634) - This guy is the guy Cosmo raced. He seems like he knows a lot.

http://www.stickam.jp/profile/xadada (http://www.stickam.jp/profile/xadada) - Dada is really good but he only plays glitchless.

http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co263839 (http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co263839) - This guy seemed interested in learning a lot of tricks but he couldn't do them.

Here's their RTA record page: http://www21.atwiki.jp/zeldarta/pages/17.html

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on February 07, 2011, 02:43:21 PM
They have ZFG's 3:15 MST on their page, as well as Pokey's SS run and that bad RTA run I did that's been on ZSR. They said Pokey and I used Wii VC though.

I got that page translated and it looks like they have a "5 boss" category which is no RBA no DoT skip, get the 3 stones and shadow and spirit medallions, the category I always thought was the coolest.

The biggest problem is the times are tough to compare because their text is so much faster. I have no idea what an any% in 1:11:15 would be on the US version but it's probably still a decent time.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: ZFG on February 07, 2011, 04:48:21 PM
The biggest problem is the times are tough to compare because their text is so much faster. I have no idea what an any% in 1:11:15 would be on the US version but it's probably still a decent time.
When bloob was doing the tas he said the jp text saved about 6 minutes, though I'm not sure if that includes fairy ocarina cs since that's skipped in the tas

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: mzxrules on February 07, 2011, 07:19:14 PM
...and they even know some tricks we've never seen before.

Hrm? Like what?

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: thundrio on February 07, 2011, 08:18:25 PM
on the rta page, what is the difference between the first catagory with lots of players with 4+ hrs, and the second that just has zfgs time. they both look like mst to me, although my translater might be weird.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on February 07, 2011, 10:42:33 PM
Ah it looks like dada signed up here today. And I only just noticed they have an IL page for the temples/dungeons. Most of them seem to be a non-glitch category but it's still pretty cool.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Cosmo on February 07, 2011, 11:29:14 PM
zero7634 is quite good, I want to get JP-VC version to do more races with them :)

they had some new strategies for Gerudo fortress as adult (including a strategy to kill the gerudo guards extremely fast), also Fire temple flame wall without ss/megaflip. some other small things.

one thing I want to know is exactly what their rules are for the popular category that dada is 1st in. it seems power crouch stab is allowed but I think most techs are not. it's somewhat weird because they still skip deku tree B1 using a jumpslash instead of a megasidehop because I think megasidehop is banned (perhaps all roll invincibility tricks are banned?)

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: RingRush on February 08, 2011, 12:24:27 AM
Can any of them speak english (or can one of us speak fluent japanese)? We really need a way to document any independent tricks they've discovered. The fire wall trick without megaflip/superslide, for instance, saves an explosive and would be really helpful in lowmst or any division that wants to conserve bombs.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: dada on February 08, 2011, 06:55:55 PM
hi. i'm dada. nice to meet you ;)

They said Pokey and I used Wii VC though.
oh sorry.  I misunderstood. You and Pokey played in N64? I will fix later.

one thing I want to know is exactly what their rules are for the popular category that dada is 1st in. it seems power crouch stab is allowed but I think most techs are not. it's somewhat weird because they still skip deku tree B1 using a jumpslash instead of a megasidehop because I think megasidehop is banned (perhaps all roll invincibility tricks are banned?)
This run is called "limit glitch all-dungeon speedrun".
this is most popular speedrun in japan.
This run's rule is like MST speedrun but limit glitches.
timer start in power on at N64 , select vibration option at GC, reset at wii.
timer end in ganon kill.

banned glitch is..
ISG, MegaFlip, megasidehop ,GroundJump ,Hoverboost ,SuperSlide ,MegaJump ,BombHover ,Crossing the Haunted Wasteland as child
go out the map(ex. get into the Shadow Temple without the Nocturne of Shadow), through wall(ex. Block Skip in shadow temple),
trespass(ex. get into Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly without fish), Cutscene Diving, Flame Storage
RBA, Golden Scale as child, Cutscene  cut by the death, Vine clipping

allow glitch is...
PCS, Shield Drop ,trap jump(ex. on the giant spike in shadow temple)

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: thundrio on February 08, 2011, 08:07:28 PM
so, its like mst with all the glitches banned that radix would have banned 5-7 years ago(i dont expect dada to know this)? interesting, i have been wondering what a route for this would be.


Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on February 08, 2011, 08:18:38 PM
Yes, Pokey and I played on N64 V1.0 US version. Thanks.

Also, what about a trick like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iusnomRxUIU

Would this be allowed? Damage Boosting isn't listed but it's done in the shadow temple trap jump.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: RingRush on February 08, 2011, 10:30:20 PM
I'm wondering what can be skipped with these rules.

- Gerudo Card seems skippable using the the old style gate skip, unless that counts as "trespass".

- Saria's Song is technically skippable if you get 40 GS (edit: actually probably not...without other tricks 40 GS probably aren't available then), but that obviously isn't an option for a run. Are you allowed to skip playing Saria's Song to Mido as adult though, as that would still save time.

- Are you allowed to skip fighting the poes by using the bottle trick in the Forest Temple to stop the elevator from ever lowering? It doesn't seem to violate any of the other rules.

- Is OI on switches allowed? Wouldn't skip anything, but would save time.

- I'm assuming the through-the-fire-opening trick for the Spirit Temple BK is allowed.

Really, I can think of a ton of things that aren't obvious whether you allow them or the japanese community just doesn't know about them. I'm not interested in this kind of run, but it is an interesting case study about what people consider a glitch.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Razor7581 on February 09, 2011, 01:14:31 AM
It would be nice if someone could get some videos of these new tricks up. Youtube is preferred.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Cosmo on February 27, 2011, 02:48:17 AM
Japanese players:

I have the VC-J version now so we could race fairly :)

As you may know we allow save + reset in all races. This is because it is easy to mess up and waste bombchus or get in a bad spot. Also it is so we can do Door of Time skip in races.

We have a rating system for races. Here are the current standings:
1. cosmo 1432
2. Runnerguy2489 1390
3. ZFG 1385
4. Kazooie 1378
5. SD2 1247
6. maxx 1231
7. Librari 1216
8. Elminster 1196
9. Siglemic 1152
10. jiano 1116
and 40 more people below this. :)

We use the IRC client to do the races to record the results. If any of the japanese players want to come to the IRC then please use:
server: irc.speeddemosarchive.com
channel: #speedrunslive

I will be there :) I like racing OoT so stop by!

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: ZFG on May 17, 2011, 02:56:01 AM
Just found a really good 5 boss run by a Japanese player on YT http://www.youtube.com/user/izu529

I sent him a PM and he said he looks at ZSR sometimes (so he might be lurking right now) but his english isn't too good.  I was thinking maybe we could add a Japanese forum section to attract  more Japanese players here.  It would help merge the communities and we could share each others strats, since we both seem to know strats that the other community doesn't, which will benefit everyone.  We would be at the mercy of google translate but we could probably understand most of what each other is saying.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: stonenot on May 17, 2011, 03:29:30 AM
Just found a really good 5 boss run by a Japanese player on YT http://www.youtube.com/user/izu529

I sent him a PM and he said he looks at ZSR sometimes (so he might be lurking right now) but his english isn't too good.  I was thinking maybe we could add a Japanese forum section to attract  more Japanese players here.  It would help merge the communities and we could share each others strats, since we both seem to know strats that the other community doesn't, which will benefit everyone.  We would be at the mercy of google translate but we could probably understand most of what each other is saying.

That guy is really good. I used to watch him a lot before everyone went to JTV and he was always pulling good times. He used to stream quite often too so i'm guessing he still does.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: thundrio on May 21, 2011, 11:26:26 PM
izu is good, he has a ustream.


he also has a twitter (as does dada)

trying to use google translate and then read what their twitter posts are is fun!

something that seems interesting from trying to read their twitters is that izu (and i think dada) attempted at least the first of runnerguys tasks, but neither of them entered. we should try to get them into the irc, especialy as it seems more people are starting to race oot again, it would help get more races going (especially since dada primarily does glitchless, and people who have never raced before are more likely to join a glitchless child dungeons race than a normal one, at least in my opinion)

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Cosmo on June 28, 2011, 12:54:13 PM
sva is very good, watched a live RTA for any% (rule where you could not press reset on console, used death OoB to get past DoT). he got a 1:01 and did the megaflip bridge skip without ISG. learned a couple new strategies :)

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Maxx on June 28, 2011, 01:25:20 PM
sva is very good, watched a live RTA for any% (rule where you could not press reset on console, used death OoB to get past DoT). he got a 1:01 and did the megaflip bridge skip without ISG. learned a couple new strategies :)

This time sounds pretty good and the bridge trick sounds amazing. Is there a link to a recording?

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Cosmo on July 05, 2011, 12:42:05 PM
sva got 59:57 oot, JP from reset to final kill, with resetting allowed

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: RingRush on July 05, 2011, 09:31:06 PM
Is this Japanese or English text? If it is English, then that is absolutely amazing.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: ING-X on July 05, 2011, 11:44:08 PM
It's Japanese text, presumably (as Cosmo said it was "JP" in the previous post).

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Link98 on July 05, 2011, 11:53:13 PM
Roughly what time would that translate to for English text?

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: fleshweasel on July 06, 2011, 06:03:50 AM
Izu's dead hand strat is amazing, catching him on the 200 rupee chest.

oh, and that ledge grab clip through the spiderweb in the basement of the deku tree. that would save time in our mst route because you wouldn't have to jump on top of the treasure chest and carefully fire an arrow as an adult. If it's possible to do that ledge grab as an adult anyway.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: ZFG on July 06, 2011, 06:51:30 AM
oh, and that ledge grab clip through the spiderweb in the basement of the deku tree. that would save time in our mst route because you wouldn't have to jump on top of the treasure chest and carefully fire an arrow as an adult. If it's possible to do that ledge grab as an adult anyway.

Well the problem is if you do the 2nd web skip you cant do the 1st web skip as adult by ladder clipping, which I'm pretty sure saves more time.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: fleshweasel on July 07, 2011, 04:49:17 AM
feel a little dumb for asking but why is that?

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: ZFG on July 07, 2011, 08:42:35 AM
For the firs web skip, you clip into the unloaded basement, climb up the wall about half way to load the basement, then drop back down.  The first web needs to be broken in order to skip the 2nd web, and that would require climbing all the way to the top.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: fleshweasel on July 07, 2011, 03:10:50 PM
I don't understand why the first web would have to be broken. I don't know if I understand how the second web clip works.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Razor7581 on July 07, 2011, 09:09:52 PM
I don't understand why the first web would have to be broken. I don't know if I understand how the second web clip works.
It works because the second web is somewhat unloaded, which is why you clip through it. If you're skipping the first web, as is faster for an MST as ZFG pointed out, and have to hookshot halfway up the vines to load the second basement, the second web would be loaded.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Cosmo on August 05, 2011, 04:45:12 AM
new MST world record by ろみ.


Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Enterim on August 05, 2011, 06:27:13 PM
Is it uploaded anywhere? That's wacky.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: darkeye14 on August 06, 2011, 07:26:48 PM
Part 1: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15216133
Part 2: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15216957

If you go to http://www.mmcafe.com/nico.html and enter those links, you don't need a Nico account.

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: Toolex on August 07, 2011, 04:36:04 PM
no part 3 been uploaded yet?

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: darkeye14 on August 07, 2011, 04:46:16 PM
I missed the link before. Here it is: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15217508

Title: Re: Japanese OOT players
Post by: ZFG on August 08, 2011, 06:19:49 AM
Its on youtube too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UgRNxZkzBM