ZSR Forums

=> Spirit Tracks => Topic started by: ZFG on September 16, 2009, 03:35:39 AM

Title: Spirit Tracks pre-release discussion
Post by: ZFG on September 16, 2009, 03:35:39 AM


Coming out December 7th

Am I the only one that actually thinks it wont suck >_>

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Greenalink on September 16, 2009, 11:23:48 AM
I had a bit more fun playing Phantom Hourglass over Twilight Princess, so hopefully this game shouldn't disappoint me.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: SD2 on September 16, 2009, 08:41:58 PM
To be honest, I'm looking forward to this.  I don't think it'll be near as goos as any other 3D Zelda, but hopefully it's better than PH.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Blizzerk on September 16, 2009, 09:13:18 PM
how the game plays out with phantom + link mingling, it leads me to believe that there will be a 2-player option :3

Lets hope!

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: NintendoG8mer on September 16, 2009, 09:57:14 PM
I don't really look forward for this game, but maybe it'll amaze us with some cool glitches and a quite good story.
We'll see, but regardless if it's good or not, I'll buy it. ^^

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: LTTP on September 17, 2009, 02:53:12 AM
I hated Phantom Hour glass >_>
Ill probably hate this 1.
Using styles to move link wat made me hate it.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: ZFG on September 17, 2009, 02:59:57 AM
If you hate the stylus controls then ur doin it wrong.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: LTTP on September 18, 2009, 01:05:26 AM
NO I just don't like it -_-
And how can you do it wrong?

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: ZFG on September 18, 2009, 03:50:45 AM
Because the controls are very precise.  I've they're bad for you then you must be doing it wrong.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: MrSparkle on September 21, 2009, 01:26:43 PM
PH, from what I hear got very few things bad in the game, which is awesome considering how such a control situation was the first of it's kind really. Those few issues Nintendo learned from, and can fix in ST I bet. Looking forward to this game a lot. Some day I will get PH...

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Phazon on September 21, 2009, 02:04:33 PM
PH is pretty decent, but I wouldn't buy it. I'm not gunna buy this either.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: fiercelinkmaster on September 21, 2009, 02:32:47 PM
Phantom Hourglass was worth a playthrough but not much else to me.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Blizzerk on September 21, 2009, 07:19:32 PM
i got a japanese ROM dump, but I cannot play it because it freezes after the title screen :(

I would post pics but i'm not allowed to use my camera after "an incedent" i'm sure i've told you about on the IRC

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Greenalink on October 01, 2009, 04:28:24 PM
Spirit Tracks is has a release date for Europe now.

The game will be out on the 11th December. Only 4 days difference, holy crap, I won't miss out discovering the speed tricks :P.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Blizzerk on October 01, 2009, 08:20:52 PM
I don't think there will be that many speed tricks in all fairness. I mean, the only major break in PH is doing the dungeons in the wrong order, fucking up stuff and saving time...

there is a few in-dungeon speed tricks but nothing giant....

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Greenalink on October 02, 2009, 06:37:31 AM
There was one that skips bombs in the Temple of Winds but the con was that the normal bombs were required to get pass the blocks on the Temple of Courage. A huge overworld that requires a ship/train is the biggest barrier of sequence breaking.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: TSDA on October 18, 2009, 02:56:49 PM
I hope this game will be breakable, at least a little.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Swordless Link on October 18, 2009, 04:54:43 PM
Am I the only one that actually thinks it wont suck >_>


Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: ZFG on October 18, 2009, 06:34:15 PM

A special limited edition tin (http://www.gamestation.co.uk/DS/Adventure/~r417687/LegendofZeldaSpiritTracksExlcusiveTin/) for you Europeans.  Also notice the wi-fi circle on the box which was missing from the boxart posted a few weeks ago.

And Swordless, don't be such a hater :(.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Greenalink on October 18, 2009, 11:12:47 PM
Oh yes :)

Perhaps we could do a mini tournament with Wi-fi Multiplayer if it ends up like Phantom Hourglass.
And it's Gamestation exclusive so Amazon is a no no I guess :(.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Tompa on October 19, 2009, 08:58:14 AM
Hopefully the WiFi playing will be good compared to PH.
And hopefully the game itself will be better as well, but I kinda doubt it :P.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: gamekube64 on October 19, 2009, 01:02:10 PM
Am I the only one that actually thinks it wont suck >_>



Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Pokey on October 19, 2009, 09:29:32 PM
Hopefully the WiFi playing will be good compared to PH.

I hate the WiFi because everytime I beat someone they always quit. I only have 4 mor "Big Plays" left to do. Also it isn't really fun because it is nothing like the main game.

Also by the demo at E3 it shows me that their will be something like the Temple of the Ocean King. That is the one of the reasons that I have only played through Phantom Hourglass twice. I also hope that the dungeons are more challenging. I just played through the ame again and got stuck 1 time for about 20 minutes.

Last but not least I hope that it takes your drawings and stuff better. Sometimes you can draw something tat looks nothing like what you are suppose to (some of the drawings on the slate) and others have to draw it excactly perfect or it doesn't count it (Triforce on red door)

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: SD2 on October 19, 2009, 09:51:09 PM
Am I the only person that hopes there'll be a graphical improvement?  I though they were blocky and overall pretty bad in the first game.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Greenalink on October 21, 2009, 09:10:56 PM
I might beable to play this game very early..... like November 5th early.

There's a Nintendo House event going around the UK this Winter and there is one at Southampton on the 5th-> 8th November. It's one of the earlier events because the latest event happens in London, Westfield: 16th-24th December ... which by then the games will already be out.

I'm not sure if it is going to be the near final build or it will use the ones from E3, PAX, etc.

It will also be the same day when I'll be playing New Super Mario Bros Wii for the first time too.
*raise fist* GREAT.

There's Wii Fit Plus too but I'm sure that game will be out in the UK before November.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: ZFG on October 28, 2009, 05:38:10 AM
Euro boxart is here


Also some more info on the game


Takes place a century after PH (so I assume this is New Hyrule) and you can lay your own track later in the game for more exploration.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Greenalink on October 28, 2009, 10:15:59 AM
Hmm, no Wi-Fi logo on this boxart then. From Official Nintendo Magazine the Train can be upgradable throughout the quest (hopefully more depth than Phantom Hourglass in terms of powerups).  It will be hard to believe that this Link is different from the Wind Waker - Phantom Hourglass saga, he looks exactly the same  :o.

This also means that Zelda isn't Tetra in disguise unless she survived for over 100 years.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Pokey on October 28, 2009, 10:07:33 PM
I don't see the Phantom so maybe he won't be the "main" character in the game like I previously thought.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: MrSparkle on October 29, 2009, 09:36:43 AM
Euro cover looks much better than the NA cover, I think. I think i remember similar feeling about PH covers, it may have been japan / NA though...

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Blizzerk on October 29, 2009, 12:06:30 PM
Euro cover looks better, but raises the Phantom/wifi questions. I've never seen the euro PH boxart... What did it look like?

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Greenalink on October 29, 2009, 01:21:55 PM
Link and Linebeck are on a ship at the huge sea

Post by: Greenalink on November 04, 2009, 07:17:34 PM
Yep a double post because I'm a cool.

Anyway today you can see some small new footage of Zelda Spirit Tracks


It was shown today on Channel 4 at 6pm, so I went to Channel 4+1 to record it.

Check out tomorrow for more updates as I am going to try out the game at Southampton.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Blizzerk on November 04, 2009, 09:00:51 PM
Greenalink: so I went to channel 4+1

you mean you went to channel 5, right?


Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Greenalink on November 04, 2009, 09:29:36 PM
It's Channel 4 but 1 hour later.
So lets say you missed The Simpsons on Channel 4 at 6pm, you can get a 2nd chance by watching it on Channel 4+1 at 7pm.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: MrSparkle on November 05, 2009, 08:25:47 AM

Yeah, the ST Japan website. Not much going on there now, but worht checkout every so often, especially as the date draws near...

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Tompa on November 05, 2009, 09:49:12 AM
If they'll ever make another DS game that has that style, I'm going to sue Nintendo.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Greenalink on November 05, 2009, 06:04:52 PM
Unfortunately Spirit Tracks wasn't at the Nintendo House tour today, but I did get to play New Super Mario Bros Wii.

I also got to see some DS games actually connected to a seperate screen, it had a thick cable and by the end it had 2 seperate cables, 1 red and 1 white. They were connected by the middle of the DSi unit (near by the DS card Slot).


Official Nintendo Magazine UK is going to answer some questions by posting comments to the blog update.


My questions were:

Does Link get dizzy at all for performing too many spin attacks or rolling?

Is there an temple you have to return to once in a while like The Temple of the Ocean King on Phantom Hourglass.

Does the game contains any Guays (Raven birds)?


Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Blizzerk on November 05, 2009, 08:13:57 PM
Interesting. where did this black cable come from on the DS? also, was this a DS lite or a DSi?

Maybe someday we could construct one :D

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Greenalink on November 05, 2009, 09:05:58 PM
It was on some kind of kiosk thingy. The seperate screen is probably one of these "pointless to steal tvs" as I doubt it would beable to connect to a DVD recorder etc. So I didn't really get to see the cables on the back of the seperate screen.

It was connected to a DSi but the setup looks so minimal it can be done on any DS model.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Blizzerk on November 05, 2009, 09:51:36 PM
Even more interesting...

The only reason I asked about the DS model was because of the DSi's new security features...

Wether or not this is possible on a in-home basis is yet to come, as I've only (now) heard of/seen 3 types of DS recording styles (other than camera + DS)

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: ZFG on November 06, 2009, 04:55:10 AM
17 leaked ST pics from Gametrailers


Gametrailers TV will show more of ST later tonight at 12:30 EST.

New info from GameTrailers

Zelda *dies* and becomes a spirit and she controls the phantom.  The big tower we've seen in the background it the tower of spirits where you control the phantom (zelda) to collect tablets.  The new trailer should be up on youtube within a few minutes.

Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZpVYFxHDJ0)

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Greenalink on November 06, 2009, 09:00:39 AM
Looks like you get a sword from the train conductor according to the 4th screen shot.
On the screen shot that has the new villain uses the same sky background when facing Bellum. The Trailer seems to improve the "grapple" mechanics as you can grab the hooktounge from anywhere now.

More screenshots revealed! From ONM:


* The new enemy seems to have a cunning behaviour like Vatti (Minish Cap) if you look at one the screenshots that has him wearing 2 hats to cover his pointy ears.
* Zelda is playable too according to one of screenshots.
* There will be other Phantoms other than your ally known for months now.
* Remember the old trailers that the Phantom just goes through the flames, on the latest trailer it can now block the flames for Link to go through but it is scared of rats. Ally Phantom seems to be immume to spikes too.

Edit 2:

www.spirittracks.co.uk (the UK version of the official site should work for .com too).

It reveals the story abit and some of the new characters. The villian is likely Chancellor Cole (get the hint Cole and Coal)_ Most of the gameplay requires teamwork lets hope it's not as bad as the last 2 temples on Wind Waker.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Blizzerk on November 06, 2009, 05:03:36 PM
Lays down the story a whole lot more. that Iron phantom you control is actually princess Zelda :D

This somewhat reminds me of FullMetal Alchemist

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Cosmo on November 09, 2009, 05:33:25 AM
petrie posted a link in the IRC that said this game would be more difficult than PH (which probably isnt saying much, although I never played it)

that made me a bit more interested in getting this.... I'm on the fence

I like this artwork

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: ZFG on November 09, 2009, 06:04:02 AM
So far I'm pretty sure this will be better than PH.  Hopefully it can go higher up than just better than PH but I'm not quite sure yet.  If the evil train isn't ganon then thats some bonus points.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: fiercelinkmaster on November 09, 2009, 05:33:40 PM
This game will be disappointing if some old guy doesn't turn into a whale at the end.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Greenalink on November 09, 2009, 08:35:34 PM

Link plays a new instrument (click the link to know what it is).

11/10 if the enables to attract Guays.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: TSDA on November 10, 2009, 02:52:27 AM
This game will be disappointing if some old guy doesn't turn into a whale at the end.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: MrSparkle on November 12, 2009, 08:17:57 AM

Also, could that be THE Niko from ww in that poster thing you also see in ph? At this point I think its becoming a lot less news and a lot more spoilers? What does someone say to making a new thread for spoilers junk, or renaming this one?


Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Greenalink on November 13, 2009, 05:15:24 PM

Contains a Youtube video taken from the Japanese Spirit Tracks site, all of the clips combined into 3 minutes.

If you want to know the spoiler content (characters, how the early game looks like go and see the video).

Not so major spoilers here:
Link has a new voice set, probably to avoid confusion with WW/PH Link.
1 Background Music returns from Phantom Hourglass which is the caves theme.
The dungeon has a new background music.
An engine update is that pure dark rooms are added.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: ZFG on November 13, 2009, 11:28:28 PM
I think I'm gonna stay away from any more info on ST.  I already feel like I know too much.

Cosmo get the spoiler tags up!

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: Blizzerk on November 20, 2009, 11:33:00 PM
In about 5 days my friend who works at EB games gets his shipment of Spirit Tracks in. I'll go over hopefully that day, and dump the rom from the cart on the display DS. nobody is ever in there, so he doesn't mind opening up the display ds to get the game out...


Title: Re: Spirit Tracks release date and boxart
Post by: ZFG on November 21, 2009, 02:23:21 AM
More info


I didn't look at it because I don't want anymore spoilers but you guys might.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks pre-release discussion
Post by: ZFG on November 25, 2009, 04:20:19 AM
Another ST commercial. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy9GINv79vA)  Shows off a pretty big boss.  Also look at 0:10, it looks like we're going back under the ocean again.

Also some multiplayer footage (http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=105509).  Looks like its just a bunch of bomb throwing though....

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks pre-release discussion
Post by: Blizzerk on November 25, 2009, 01:05:58 PM
Going to eb games today. my friend gave be the backdoor key :D

If I don't edit the post above by today, it's probably because I am having epic struggles dumping the rom from the cart... or it has anti-piracy measures.

EDIT: If you weren't in the IRC when I got home a couple days ago, I'll retell my story here.

I went to my friend's eb games on nov 25th. he gave me a key to the backdoor. I go to the back door to open it, and on the door it says on a scrap of paper: "Chris is a twat" so I tried unlocking the door. natrully the key didn't work. my friend fucked me over, but I'll get a proper dump ASAP.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks pre-release discussion
Post by: TSDA on November 25, 2009, 11:48:54 PM
Going to eb games today. my friend gave be the backdoor key :D

If I don't edit the post above by today, it's probably because I am having epic struggles dumping the rom from the cart... or it has anti-piracy measures.
i hope its dumpable...really looking forward to it :D

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks pre-release discussion
Post by: ZFG on November 26, 2009, 05:30:14 AM
Its been confirmed theres only 6 items :(.  They are bow, boomerang, spirit pipes, whirlwind, whip and another item not yet known (90% chance its bombs).

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks pre-release discussion
Post by: ZFG on November 27, 2009, 07:23:17 AM
More ST videos


Title: Re: Spirit Tracks pre-release discussion
Post by: ZFG on December 03, 2009, 12:38:11 AM
Gameplay video


Link has a new voice (makes him sound like a baby >_>)

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks pre-release discussion
Post by: Tompa on December 03, 2009, 12:44:38 PM
Link has sounded awful since he first got a voice to begin with. And the baby voice came from Wind Waker.

I have ordered the game at least, don't expect anything at all from it. I might get disappointed because it was even worse than I thought however. Hopefully there will be one more to the DS that is actually awesome.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks pre-release discussion
Post by: ZFG on December 04, 2009, 12:28:38 AM
We made a new irc room for ST discussion, #spirittracks (same server, irc.speeddemoarchive.com)

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks pre-release discussion
Post by: Blizzerk on December 04, 2009, 01:13:11 PM
Can't crack the anti piracy on the rom. this is butts.

Title: Re: Spirit Tracks pre-release discussion
Post by: ZFG on December 06, 2009, 04:57:23 PM
Final trailer before release
