ZSR Forums

=> Ocarina of Time => Topic started by: NOKAUBURE on June 23, 2010, 12:42:50 PM

Title: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: NOKAUBURE on June 23, 2010, 12:42:50 PM
dont known if this is already done but i do it. Took me 2 hours. I do it for entretainment, but then i say: why dont post to zeldaspeedruns? The list contains HitPoints , atak and atak efect. I puted defense on freezard because is the only enemy that makes hurt animation when he takes 0 damage and he reduces damage. Probably in the future, I add drop chances to enemies (like like drops rupees 100%, spike enemy drops bombs 50%, etc)
NOTE: I used child link normal sword atak and slingshoot to determine enemy's HP. So, enemy HP is par (except 1 hit kill enemies)

deku baba (stick form): 1 HP 2 atk
deku baba (atak form): 2 HP 2 atk
[1]deku baba (atak form 2): ? HP 2 atk
[1]giant deku baba (atak form 2): ? HP 2 atk
skullwalltula: 1 HP 2 atk
keese: 1 HP 2 atk
fire keese: 1 HP 2 atk -burn-
ice keese: 1 HP 2 atk -freeze-
gohma larva: 2 HP 2 atk
gold skulltula: 2 HP 4 atk
deku salesman: 1 HP 2 atk
[2]deku scrub: ? HP 2 atk
[3]yellow deku scrub: ? HP 2 atk
big skulltula: 2 HP 2 atk
lizalfos: 6 HP 1-2 atk
baby dodongo: 1 HP 2 atk -explosion-
armos: 1 HP 2 atk -explosion-
poe: 8 HP 2 atk
dodongo: 4 HP 4 atk -burn- -explosion-
dinolfos: 12 HP 1-2 atk
iron knuckle: 14-15 HP 16 atk
BETA arwing: 3 HP 1 atk
stalfos: 10 HP 4-8 atk
stalchid: 2 HP 1 atk
[4]dead hand's hand: 8 HP 0 atk -paralisi-
dead hand: 10 HP 2 atk
[5]flare dancer: 31 HP 2 atk -burn- -explosion-
like-like: 4 HP 2 atk -steal- -paralisi-
cucco: 5 HP 0 atk
octorock: 1 HP 2 atk
red tektike: 2 HP 2 atk
blue tektike: 4 HP 2 atk
[6]peahat: 6 HP 4 atk
mini peahat: 1 HP 4 atk
shabom: 1 HP 1 atk
biri: 1 HP 2 atk -electrify-
stinger: 2 HP 2 atk
torch slug: 4 HP 2 atk -burn-
hammer moblin: 6 HP 2 atk
spear moblin: 1 HP 2 atk -paralisi-
beamos: 1-2 HP 2 atk
floormaster: 4 HP 4 atk
mini floormaster: 2 HP 2-6 atk
redead/gibdo: 8 HP 2-999 atk -paralisi-
shell blade: 1 HP 2 atk
spike enemy: 1 HP 2 atk
[7]freezard: 2-3 HP 2 atk 1 def -freeze-
[8]grey wolfos: 8 HP 1 atk
[8]white wolfos: 8 HP 2 atk
guay: 1 HP 2 atk
dark link: same as link? HP 2-4 atk
barinade 'unit': 1 HP 1 atk
[9]bongo bongo's hand: ? HP 4-8 atk
wallmaster: 4 HP 0 atk -warp-

[1]seems to be that he take always 1 HP (or all HP if he is in
stick form)
[2]in the flower, you always take him 1 HP. If he hides, he
restores these 1 HP.
[3]in the flower, you always take him 1 HP. If he hides, he
restores these 1 HP. Only targeting will beat him at the end.
[4]respawns after some seconds of dead. You need to kill dead
[5]only he takes damage if he is in 'heart' form.
[6]invincible at night, spawns 3 mini peahats if hited at night
[7]the only enemy in the entire game that takes minor damage per
[8]atak behind him and he takes x4 damage
[9]only dies if bongo bongo dies

bosses -incomplete-
gohma: 10 HP 2 atk
king dodongo: 12 HP 2 atk -burn-
barinade: 13 HP 1-2 atk -electrify-
[10]phantom ganon: 25? HP 4-12 atk -electrify-
[11]volvagia: 8-12 HP 4-8 atk -burn-
morpha: 20 HP 2-7 atk -paralisi-
twinroba (2 witches): 4 HP 8-9 atk -burn- -freeze-
twinroba: 24? HP 8-9 atk -burn- -freeze-
bongo bongo: 36 HP 12 atk

[10]needs 3 hits at the start to get out from his horse. His HP is very unknown
[11]is unknown what damage does hammer to him. He needs 8 kokiri sword slashes to die and 6 master sword slashes to die, so, hammer does him damage, probably more than sword (2?)

weapon damages

kokiri sword: 1 atk
master sword: 2 atk
giant knife/bigoron sword: 4 atk
giant knife (broken): 1 atk
jumpslash: (sword atk)x2
bomb: 1-2 atk
deku stick: 1-2 atk
bombchu: 1-2 atk
fairy slingshoot: 1 atk
boomerang: 0-1 atk / -paralisi-
deku nut: 0-1 atk / -paralisi-
megaton hammer: 2 atk
hookshoot/longshoot: 0-1 atk / -paralisi-
arrows: 2 atk
fire arrows: 2 atk 2 MP
ice arrows: 4 atk 2 MP-freeze-
light arrows: 2 atk 4 MP
din's fire: 4 atk 6 MP
farore's wind: 0 atk 6 MP-warp-
NOTE: The best weapons are biggoron sword and ice arrows ( :o fire/light arrows has the same atk as a normal arrow)

Link HP/MP
1 heart: 4 HP
1 heart double defense: 8 HP
max hearts: 80 HP
max hearts double defence: 160 HP
max hearts double defence RBA 3 extra hearts: 184 HP
short magic meter: 24 MP
long magic meter: 48 MP

-explosion- : the enemy makes a bomb explosion after dead
-burn- : burn takes you damage if you dont do anything. Burns
the kokiri shield
-freeze- : freeze takes damage until you unfreeze. Is the efect
that takes more damage.
-paralisi- : cant move for few seconds
-steal- : can steal kokiri/hylian shield, goron/zora tunic. You
restore the equipments killing him
-electrify- 1:touching him makes him to die, but you take damage
2: you get damage and you cant move for a few seconds
-warp- : you are warped to the entrance of the temple

If you dont find an enemy tell me and I add. If you arent agree with an enemy stat, i can recheck and update if i was wrong.

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Exodus122 on June 23, 2010, 02:35:13 PM
Cool, this could be useful. We could put this on the OoT site under General Knowledge.

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: ZFG on June 23, 2010, 04:58:16 PM
This is great, thanks a lot :D.  I was gonna do this and put it on ZSR but I was just too lazy.

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Cosmo on June 23, 2010, 06:57:27 PM
great job!

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: NOKAUBURE on June 23, 2010, 07:09:42 PM
I updated with all link weapons :P the best weapons are: BIGORON SWORD and ICE ARROWS!  ;D

How can i make the ZSR page? i think, is only for mods. I see the enemy health in majoras mask. I dont known why says kokiri sword has 1 atk and guilded 3, i think, is 2 and 6... maybe diferent points of view.
Another comparision is that in MM the enemies are more weak than OoT:
Lizalfos in OoT has 12 HP
Lizalfos in MM has 8 HP (if we consider that kokiri takes 2 HP)
this means lizalfos in OoT die with 6 kokiri swings and in MM die with 4. Is 100% true, i tested it

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Jecko on June 23, 2010, 07:31:57 PM
If you dont find an enemy tell me and I add.

I don't think you have tailsparan (i think that's how you spell it) or WALLmaster.

Good job on the list!

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Cosmo on June 23, 2010, 08:16:45 PM
one of link's hearts is actually 8hp, I think. things like freezzard's ice breath can do 1/8th heart damage

how are you getting 2 damage for kokiri sword? what enemy takes 2 deku nuts to damage it the same as 1 kokiri slash?

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Jiano on June 23, 2010, 08:43:30 PM
Yeah, if you look at the enemies damage table in the rom, it has 01 for kokiri sword.

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: NOKAUBURE on June 23, 2010, 08:58:36 PM
well, doesnt mather. I dont want to change all the things. Leave it as 2 damage. Deku nut can take 1 HP to some 1 hit to kill enemies (i putted 0-1 atk because of this). If you arent agree, divide enemy HP by 2, and link weapon atk by 2. In legend of zelda NES, kokiri sword has 2 atak, so i probably get my point of view with this.

i see, talisparan is a jabujabu enemy. Wallmaster is the hand that warps you to entry, so, i think, it has 8 HP, 0 atk -warp-

freezard takes 1/8 heart? how do you known? well, i asume 0,5 HP, but freeze efect is another story, because it depends if you touch alot of buttons to unfreeze i think.

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on June 23, 2010, 10:14:51 PM
This is a great start and I would love to see a page made for ZSR with all of this information, we just need to all get on the same page with some things. Mostly, I would say it should match up with these attacks: Click (http://zeldaspeedruns.com/site/index.php?link=oot/generalknowledge/linksattacks)

There are definitely some things that need ironed out. I know for a fact King Dodongo has 12 HP (using the model kokiri sword slash does 1 HP, it's jumpslash does 2 HP, and a bomb inside his mouth does 2 HP damage as well). This has been tested extensively; one of the few that has.

% of dropping item X (bombs, rupees, etc) would be pretty sexy as well. Especially bombs.  ;D

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: NOKAUBURE on June 24, 2010, 09:34:34 AM
ops big fail with king dodongo xD so, when you put a bomb in his mouth he takes damage. I need to recheck again :P

EDIT: This is very dificult to calculate. The only thing i discover is dodongo has more than 8 HP, I bet for 12, so I edit puting 12? HP. Now my theory works, in this case, bombs take 1 damage and sword 2. I can be wrong of course. Added morpha and wallmaster (wtf, i forgot where is tailsparan), and the atak efect -warp-, wallmaster/farore's wind exclusive. Added farore's wind. Added magic meter relations and a new stat, MP, only used in link weapons

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Cosmo on June 24, 2010, 11:25:43 AM
Kokiri sword does 1, bomb does 2. KD has 12 HP

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: NOKAUBURE on June 24, 2010, 11:30:51 AM
well, atleast i was good when i put 12 HP xd. You can beat KD with only breath bombs? i didnt tested it

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on June 24, 2010, 11:37:42 AM
As I said, this was tested extensively (one of the few that was). Try 5 bombs (10 HP) and 1 kokiri jumpslash (2 HP) = death. 5 bombs + 1 kokiri slash = 11 HP he gets up. You must end on a deku stick or sword swing though...bombs alone cannot kill him. If you do 8 bombs (16 HP) he will not die until you deliver a sword attack.

If you want to get on the same page with us, the kokiri sword is going to have to be a good base and it's going to have to be set to 1. It's too confusing to have things doubled.

Additionally, things like, deku nut: (0-1 atk) and arrows (4 atk) doesn't make sense against, say, Ganon first cycle, where it would take 10 of both to knock him down. Or it would take two master sword jumpslashes + a regular slash to knock him in the first cycle (4 + 4 + 2 = 10). Using your model, it's 20 HP to knock him down and for two MS jumpslases + regular slash (8 + 8 + 4 = 20) it works. But arrows (4 * 10 = 40) and nuts (1 * 10 = 10) both are not equal to what it actually takes to get him down (20).

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: NOKAUBURE on June 24, 2010, 12:27:05 PM
if you want to set kokiri sword to 1 damage, divide all enemy HP per 2, and all link weapon atk per 2. I can do for you.

I do it a drop % test now:


15 rupees
15 rupees
15 rupees
20 rupees
20 rupees
20 rupees
15 rupees
20 rupees
20 rupees
20 rupees
40% 15 rupees
60% 20 rupees
0% 60 rupees

15 rupees
20 rupees
20 rupees
60 rupees
15 rupees
20 rupees
20 rupees
15 rupees
15 rupees
15 rupees
50% 15 rupees
40% 20 rupees
10% 60 rupees

60 rupees
20 rupees
60 rupees
60 rupees
15 rupees
15 rupees
20 rupees
15 rupees
15 rupees
15 rupees
50% 15 rupees
20% 20 rupees
30% 60 rupees

20 rupees
20 rupees
20 rupees
20 rupees
60 rupees
20 rupees
20 rupees
15 rupees
60 rupees
60 rupees
10% 15 rupees
60% 20 rupees
30% 60 rupees

20 rupees
15 rupees
15 rupees
20 rupees
60 rupees
20 rupees
20 rupees
20 rupees
20 rupees
20 rupees
20% 15 rupees
70% 20 rupees
10% 60 rupees

34% 15 rupees
50% 20 rupees
16% 60 rupees

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Cosmo on June 24, 2010, 10:06:31 PM
Great job so far with the drop testing :)

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: petrie911 on June 24, 2010, 11:03:13 PM
I've checked out a few of these things wiht MHS before.  In memory, Link's health is kept track of down to the 1/16th of a heart, and the regular magic meter actually has 48 points in it (And Din's Fire takes 12 of those points, so everything is just sort of doubled).

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Yuggles on June 25, 2010, 12:31:10 AM
Is there nobody to hack into the game to check the actual drop percentages, instead of repetitive, annoying estimations?

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: SD2 on June 25, 2010, 02:11:21 AM
If we were to find the actual code, it would be possible to do that, though we wouldn't know where to look for the specific drop chance.

Now, if we looked at the location in memory, it's more than likely there would be nothing more than a random number between 0 and 63, inclusive.  If we were to monitor the proper variable, we could get drop chances with a bit of effort.  But again, the issue comes up in that we have no idea where exactly we are looking.

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: NOKAUBURE on June 25, 2010, 07:07:59 AM
I want to change kokiri sword atak to 1 , divide all enemy HP per 2 etc. Probably I do today. I need to recheck iron knuckle, dark link and calculate phantom ganon, volvagia, twin roba, ganondorf, ganon.
1 heart 16 HP? is more good to keep 4, more logic. Doesnt mather how the hex says. And in the game, din's fire says 6 MP. And you can use 4 din fire's with medium magic meter, so short magic meter has 24 MP and thats it. Is more easy to understand.

Yeah, a good thing that we need to search with hex is the drop things. Im not very happy with my like like drop test, it can be wrong. We known the cheat to replace bombs, song of storms and spin atak with something. Another thing interesting: the drop is set when the area is loaded. Try to make a TAS, and after kill like like, save. Kill him, reload, kill him again etc... he always drop the same. You need to save BEFORE enter the area.

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on June 25, 2010, 11:17:58 AM
Dark Link has the same HP you have. If you enter that room with 2 hearts, he will be dead in 2 or 3 hits. Not sure what happens if you enter the room and then use a fairy.

Interesting about the drops being set at the room loading. That's certainly not the case with drops from bushes.

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Jecko on June 26, 2010, 12:46:23 AM
wtf, i forgot where is tailsparan
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e2C4QH2vqk 3:08 left side of the screen is a Tailpasaran.


Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: UchihaSasuke on June 26, 2010, 06:40:25 PM
another thing is that when i played Dodongo's Cavern as adult link, a biggoron sword jumpslash didn't kill KD in 1 hit. he must have 12 HP to survive that.

there's something that doesn't add up here i believe....

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on June 26, 2010, 06:56:49 PM
Another thing interesting: the drop is set when the area is loaded. Try to make a TAS, and after kill like like, save. Kill him, reload, kill him again etc... he always drop the same. You need to save BEFORE enter the area.
This is incorrect. I entered a room (in Shadow Temple, invisible spinning blade thing, skulltula behind a locked gate that has a likelike). Used a savestate inside this room and was able to get different drops from the likelike.

EDIT: In fact, I killed the likelike, then made a savestate as he was dying. The movements I made during his death animation were also a factor in what came out.

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Jecko on June 27, 2010, 02:01:43 AM
Dark Link's health is determined by how many hearts you have, according to GameFAQs. The guy said you have to use the master sword for this to be true, I don't know if the goron sword does more damage though...apparently jumpslashes and normal swings of the sword do the same damage.

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: NOKAUBURE on June 27, 2010, 10:12:37 AM
im here again. I was brb for 2 days. I keep dark link with ? HP because there are alot of debate.

Runnerguy says that it depends of what are you doing while like like is dying.  Is stange what happens to me. I need to make a video. Everytime i kill a likelike and restart and save etc... while he is dying, he drops The same thing in the same direction (lol?). Probably is because im using the debug version. I try it with the normal. I go to do the other bosses now. Is dificult to calculate HP of them.

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on June 27, 2010, 11:17:49 AM
Depends how far along in the dying animation...and if you continue to add different inputs or just stand there. Obviously the same input would give the same result. I was mashing buttons, MrGrunz style, during the death animation, to get a more truly "random" event.

Here are my results so far:

344 total deaths from this likelike:

-159 times he dropped 15 rupees
-149 times he dropped 20 rupees
-36 times he dropped 60 rupees

15 rupee percent: 46.22%
20 rupee percent: 43.31%
60 rupee percent: 10.47%

I would be willing to hypothesis right now that it's 45-45-10, but need more than 344 in the sample size to conclude this for sure.

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: NOKAUBURE on June 28, 2010, 10:45:45 AM
lol runner guy, how do you test alot of times? im trying to search enemy drops throw hex, but i didnt got good things for now

well, another update: Phantom ganon, volvagia, twin roba. Im not sure with the HP of these bosses. I need a help of a person that knowns exacly what amount of damage takes a phantom ganon ball, a hammer hit to volvagia and when you throw magic with mirror shield to big twinroba

NOTE: Now kokiri sword has 1 atak! I divided all enemy HP per 2! except KD, he has 12 HP

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: mzxrules on July 06, 2010, 05:55:14 PM
Did a quick test, and Dark Link's health is relative to the number of Full Heart Containers you have.

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: AniMeowzerz on July 07, 2010, 04:02:05 AM
So you mean if you go in battle with just 2 hearts, D.Link will also have 2 hearts?

Title: Re: Entire OoT enemy list with atk and HP
Post by: NOKAUBURE on July 07, 2010, 10:04:29 AM
now i understand why some people beat dark link faster... because they fight with 3 hearts lol. So, 23 double magic hearts = large battle