Title: LA SS with screenwarping Post by: Maxx on August 31, 2009, 07:06:33 PM Not that it would be particularly entertaining, but since it's pretty clearly the fastest way to finish the game, I think a run should be done.
Has anybody thought about it? Title: Re: LA SS with screenwarping Post by: SD2 on October 31, 2009, 10:17:40 PM Just a note that I will be doing this run, and I've gotten very close on a couple attempts. My main problem is taking damage during the boss fight, but I think I can survive with full health.
Anyway, here is my route: -shield -exit house, move near the left side of the screen -screenwarp down 4 times -move down, Link should jump down the ledge to the left of the urchin -screenwarp left, grab sword -go right, kill urchin, up -screenwarp down (as far to the left as possible) -move down, enter Turtle Rock -move 1 screen right, kill yourself with the Gibdos (I cannot S&Q) -save and continue (faster then just continuing) -move 1 screen up -screenwarp down 4 times, move 1 screen down -screenwarp up 3 times -screenwarp down -beat boss, climb stairs, game over Overall, I screenwarp 14 times throughout the run. Ideally, I don't miss one, but I'm alright with missing 1 or 2 (to a certain extent). |