Title: Compare Against PB and WR (1:50:31) Simultaneously Post by: reidenlightman on April 10, 2015, 04:32:26 AM I made a package for LiveSplit that will allow you to compare against your own personal best and the world record run by Gymnast86. You will have to use universal hotkeys since this requires two instances of LiveSplit to be open at the same time. Universal hotkeys will ensure that these are on sync. I got accurate splits from playing Gymnast's run frame by frame. There may be some splits you don't use, so just delete them.
My splitting method: Splitting occurs on the first frame the item/mask/remains appears floating over links head. This is usually when the fanfair for the item starts. For songs, it's when the last note is played by the player. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8FLBcRk6Sp6ZlFGSkR0Q3VTc2s/view?usp=sharing BenStephenson's Splitting method: Ben always splits at the time the textbox saying which item is received appears on screen. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8FLBcRk6Sp6eG5RSV9iVUY1bVE/view?usp=sharing "Reference" Split is something Gymnast used to track the timer for wrong warps and day 0 execution. These are the same and are split at the moment you see the digital button dimming from being pressed. (Gymnast perfectly split these too. Amazing.) Enter Stone Tower is split by when the loading icon disappears when entering Stone Tower Temple (re-entering, not entering from WW). I will always be ready to update these if a new world record is set. And, if you split differently, let me know so I can make accurate splits for you. Title: Re: Compare against your PB and Ben's WR Post by: gamestabled on April 10, 2015, 05:08:31 AM Livesplit has a built in feature to compare against multiple runs. You go to edit splits and add a comparison. You can switch between all of your comparisons at any time in a run.
Title: Re: Compare against your PB and Ben's WR Post by: reidenlightman on April 10, 2015, 05:42:43 AM Livesplit has a built in feature to compare against multiple runs. You go to edit splits and add a comparison. You can switch between all of your comparisons at any time in a run. That doesn't seem to give me a way to see both comparisons at the same time without a keystroke to switch between the two. In fact, I don't think that even compares against two different sets of splits. I simply didn't see a way to do anything like that. Putting both up in two different instances is easier. Title: Re: Compare against your PB and Ben's WR Post by: benstephens1000 on April 10, 2015, 06:45:39 AM Just for the record, I actually always split when the text for the item/remain appears, not necessarily the fanfare, for anyone who is planning on comparing against me