ZSR Forums

=> Majora's Mask 3D => Topic started by: DAHgaming on February 27, 2015, 03:30:09 AM

Title: ocarina dive in majoras mask 3d?
Post by: DAHgaming on February 27, 2015, 03:30:09 AM
I was watching YouTube, when I heard a clallenge for majora's mask 3D; deemed "the Ben drowned" challenge. I know how to do everything in it, except for a ocarina dive I need to play the eligy of emptiness, underwater. After all the times I tried, I couldn't figure out how to do it. Please help me.

Title: Re: ocarina dive in majoras mask 3d?
Post by: gabyelnuevo on February 27, 2015, 03:57:35 AM
As of what we seen, they patched Ocarina Dive similar to how they patched "Storage" in Wind Waker HD, in that game when you use the wind waker and start falling down it cancels it, in this game they kinda did the same, you can do ocarina dive but just when Link is about to pull out the ocarina the game somehow detects you're about to fall off so it cancels it and you just fall off the ledge.
From what i've tried and some other people too :P

Title: Re: ocarina dive in majoras mask 3d?
Post by: DAHgaming on February 27, 2015, 04:03:02 AM
Well... I guess it just needs more time, and finding out which items are glitched. And also figuring out if glitches right now could do new glitches, like isg. From what I've heard, if you jump-slash at a enemy, or any item that causes damage, and it hits you in the middle of that jump-slash, then it makes isg turn on for some odd reason. Maybe that can work :) might now though. You can't fall when you have isg on :P