Title: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: ItsTenchy on February 18, 2015, 10:35:53 AM After wanting to run this game, thinking I would have to sink a good 5 hours into an Any% run this early on in the game's life, I did a little digging around on the internet, and have found a route for Any%. The person who wrote this route (Gymnast86/zeldafreak943) is also the person who found the Magic Bean skip in the Deku Palace, I think. Anyway, if anyone wants to run this, without having to dig around for a good hour to find the route, go for it.
http://pastebin.com/xrr21VfN Gymnast: https://www.youtube.com/user/zeldafreak943 https://twitter.com/MrGymnast86 http://www.twitch.tv/gymnast86 Me: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6zJ9I7tYbl_DVQS3cclLgQ https://twitter.com/ItsTenchy Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: benstephens1000 on February 18, 2015, 01:01:49 PM This route is slower than mine currently. I make better use of my trips to ikana. Also the well can be done in one trip with a bottle duped over lens of truth.
Even if my route is faster, it had been obsolete by the new gyorg warp. Whether we figure it out or not, the new warp will change the fastest route. Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: benstephens1000 on February 19, 2015, 12:44:31 PM As good as it's gonna get for now. Very good route for the time being imo. 2 cycles, no ISoT. Everything works out perfectly as far as I can see.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: hcbboyhammer12 on February 19, 2015, 10:43:47 PM As good as it's gonna get for now. Very good route for the time being imo. 2 cycles, no ISoT. Everything works out perfectly as far as I can see. I believe that Ben's route has been added to the website. Category Routes, page Any%. Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Slowking on February 23, 2015, 03:01:17 PM So why isn't the WW to STT from milk bar used so far? As far as I know that worked, right?
I assume there are a few problems with not having elegy and mirror shield, but we should be able to fix that, right? Assuming the block clip does in fact not work, the switch room seems a bit problematic without elegy. But this should still work, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW7Ixk2kvjQ Getting the key isn't a problem if you aim a chu well to destroy the statues behind the sun block. The room with the two sun blocks is problematic again, but I think if you knock one of the slabs under the sky light away you should be able to gainer up, then long jump over to the sun block, from there long jump to the next one or clip through the slanted ceiling. That is assuming you can't just weird shot off the little black things which names I have forgotten at the moment. So that would be it right? Alternatively we could hope that GIM is still the same as in normal MM and get light arrows that way. Would still mean going through the switch room, though. Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: benstephens1000 on February 23, 2015, 04:02:59 PM That switch trick doesn't work, block clip doesn't work, GIM doesn't give light arrows.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Slowking on February 23, 2015, 05:14:05 PM Weird that that would not work.
Guess that's the problem then? So if the switch room was solved the WW would be a thing? Also wondering if there are temp-flags in the milk bar we could carry over. For example opening the bared doors in the first room would help a lot, or removing the sun block. Thinking about it, we should be able to hit some with HSW timers. They are in that area, or at least they were in normal MM and I think the part before where the picto image used to be hasn't changed much. Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Amateseru on February 23, 2015, 06:15:11 PM I just leave this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEHSbvVXFOA casual player found a way to be giant and keep the sword (He probably ran out of magic at the same time he touched a magic jar, well it's my theory)
By the way if the idea of Slowking works (with the temp-flags) I will probably masturbate on it for the rest of my life. Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Slowking on February 23, 2015, 08:34:05 PM Although sun blocks are perm falgs. Don't really know where those are. I guess they have to be in that region somewhere, but if HSW can hit them, no clue.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Amateseru on February 26, 2015, 06:10:59 PM About the elegy and mirror shield skip:
Let's consider we cannot enter in milk bar without Romani's mask I think the fastest thing to do is after getting the gibo mask: -go into the well -give red potion to the gibdo -catch a fish and give it to the gibdo on the left -dupe with HSW -inverted sot -double sot to 5am -sos to clock town -go to the ranch, inside the room where the cows are supposed to be -wait until you ww into ikana's graveyard, and will fall and get back into the ranch -go out and double sot to 3am -kill the aliens -double sot to 2nd day 6pm -http://dampe.org/cremia/ -and then you have Romani's mask -probably go to snowhead is the best thing to do right after (and catch a fairy after sos to mountain village) by the way it's written "Warp to Mounatin Village" in the any% route on zsr. if someone can correct it ^^ EDIT: forgot some stuff here and there (just like "buy chus") but that should not cost a lot of time Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Slowking on March 01, 2015, 09:56:38 AM So might what Amateseru suggested still be faster than getting the powder keg for getting epona?
Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Amateseru on March 03, 2015, 12:15:24 PM Well since it's now possible to clip thanks to epona, the route may be different, this is probably good to do the powder keg quest during the set up of the gyorg warp
Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: benstephens1000 on March 03, 2015, 04:07:59 PM I updated the current route on the ZSR page. Please proofread.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Masterluigisw on March 03, 2015, 05:25:21 PM I updated the current route on the ZSR page. Please proofread. You put twice the same thing, Longjump to switch and Key from switch in the hallway... pretty sure you can put them together. Other than that looks good to me. Route looks amazing and so unique. ;D Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: benstephens1000 on March 03, 2015, 06:11:59 PM Nope, both too different keys, two different switches. Thanks for looking over it though.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Jeville on March 04, 2015, 12:18:44 AM Oh, so the significance of Bombchus is enough to dismiss the proposed 50r first cycle route from the other thread.
Deku Flower RI also requires nuts unlocked. If you do Zora sword instead of Deku, you will not have to fix human Link's B. That doesn't make up for the inability to use nuts without switching? I'm assuming the inferior range isn't a problem. Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: benstephens1000 on March 04, 2015, 12:43:22 AM I thought you needed razor/gilded sword to get zora sword? I attempted to get a Zora sword without the razor/gilded sword and never got a sword.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Jeville on March 04, 2015, 01:01:48 AM Yes, I goofed.
Edit: So how about this for the Powder Keg skip: 1. Save at feather statue in Snowhead Temple. 2. Reset and start a timer. 3. Beat Goht. 4. Soar to Mountain Village. 5. Gibdo mask to a bottle. 6. Catch HSW when timer is at 8:45 minutes. 7. Inverted, etc. 7. Beat Gyorg. 8. Soar to Clock Town and save. 9. Reset and start a timer again. 10. Roll your way to activate Milk Road owl. 11. Soar to Mountain Village. 12. Catch HSW when timer is at 1:25-1:35. 13. Inverted fast. Reset if purple banner shows. 14. Soar to Milk Road and should be no boulder. 15. Epona and so on. Notes: 8:30-8:40 doesn't work. Start from outside Snowhead owl if Goht can be beaten too soon from the feather one inside? 0th Day (from steps 12-13) must not be midnight before soaring out. Soaring out will wear off 0th Day but the scene will be of that day temporarily until you reload. If you do step 14 at midnight, you'll be sent to 5th Day (pseudo 1st Day). Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Amateseru on March 04, 2015, 09:44:19 PM Just an idea (might be totally stupid):
-normal route until bow -exit and get gibdo's mask -get fire arrows -finish woodfall (maybe start the intern clock here ?) -wrong warp to goht -kill goht -wrong warp to gyorg (powder keg quest) -kill gyorg -and then the new route with epona and ww stt I'm sure it's possible somehow to add the ww to goht to be faster Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Masterluigisw on March 04, 2015, 10:41:21 PM Just an idea (might be totally stupid): -normal route until bow -exit and get gibdo's mask -get fire arrows -finish woodfall (maybe start the intern clock here ?) -wrong warp to goht -kill goht -wrong warp to gyorg (powder keg quest) -kill gyorg -and then the new route with epona and ww stt I'm sure it's possible somehow to add the ww to goht to be faster The time you waste to get fire arrows... makes it not worth it. Might as well go up and do the BKS while you,re at it. The only way IMO Goht WW would be usefull is if we find a BA that allows us to melt Goht with HSW. (More testing needs to be done with the effects of HSW BA...). Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: gamestabled on March 04, 2015, 10:52:50 PM Yes, I goofed. Edit: So how about this for the Powder Keg skip: 1. Save at feather statue in Snowhead Temple. 2. Reset and start a timer. 3. Beat Goht. 4. Soar to Mountain Village. 5. Gibdo mask to a bottle. 6. Catch HSW when timer is at 8:45 minutes. 7. Inverted, etc. 7. Beat Gyorg. 8. Soar to Clock Town and save. 9. Reset and start a timer again. 10. Roll your way to activate Milk Road owl. 11. Soar to Mountain Village. 12. Catch HSW when timer is at 1:25-1:35. 13. Inverted fast. Reset if purple banner shows. 14. Soar to Milk Road and should be no boulder. 15. Epona and so on. Notes: 8:30-8:40 doesn't work. Start from outside Snowhead owl if Goht can be beaten too soon from the feather one inside? 0th Day (from steps 12-13) must not be midnight before soaring out. Soaring out will wear off 0th Day but the scene will be of that day temporarily until you reload. If you do step 14 at midnight, you'll be sent to 5th Day (pseudo 1st Day). this is genius. i wrote this route up in a pastebin and took out the savewarp before snowhead to use the savewarp in ikana. idk what HSW time ranges work yet but I am testing them as i type this. http://pastebin.com/dGaFbzwf Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Masterluigisw on March 04, 2015, 11:13:17 PM Yes, I goofed. Edit: So how about this for the Powder Keg skip: 1. Save at feather statue in Snowhead Temple. 2. Reset and start a timer. 3. Beat Goht. 4. Soar to Mountain Village. 5. Gibdo mask to a bottle. 6. Catch HSW when timer is at 8:45 minutes. 7. Inverted, etc. 7. Beat Gyorg. 8. Soar to Clock Town and save. 9. Reset and start a timer again. 10. Roll your way to activate Milk Road owl. 11. Soar to Mountain Village. 12. Catch HSW when timer is at 1:25-1:35. 13. Inverted fast. Reset if purple banner shows. 14. Soar to Milk Road and should be no boulder. 15. Epona and so on. Notes: 8:30-8:40 doesn't work. Start from outside Snowhead owl if Goht can be beaten too soon from the feather one inside? 0th Day (from steps 12-13) must not be midnight before soaring out. Soaring out will wear off 0th Day but the scene will be of that day temporarily until you reload. If you do step 14 at midnight, you'll be sent to 5th Day (pseudo 1st Day). Not sure if steps 14 and 15 would work... the 0day glitch.... to my knowledge, Epona needs to be done first day. Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Jeville on March 05, 2015, 12:26:48 AM this is genius. i wrote this route up in a pastebin and took out the savewarp before snowhead to use the savewarp in ikana. idk what HSW time ranges work yet but I am testing them as i type this. http://pastebin.com/dGaFbzwf Awesome. Good luck with finding a time range for it and I'll try to find different times that work as well.Not sure if steps 14 and 15 would work... the 0day glitch.... to my knowledge, Epona needs to be done first day. After leaving the grotto, you're not on 0th Day anymore. You'll be on 1st Day with 0th Day's scene.The sad thing is that I already mentioned the lack of need for the keg on the first page of the research thread, although it was before Epona became relevant. I didn't bring it up sooner after she's needed as I thought I read there's already a way to bypass the boulder with mentions of Down A that I didn't bother to look up. I'm sorry it's finally came up with this late lol. :\ Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Masterluigisw on March 06, 2015, 09:47:11 PM Awesome. Good luck with finding a time range for it and I'll try to find different times that work as well. After leaving the grotto, you're not on 0th Day anymore. You'll be on 1st Day with 0th Day's scene. The sad thing is that I already mentioned the lack of need for the keg on the first page of the research thread, although it was before Epona became relevant. I didn't bring it up sooner after she's needed as I thought I read there's already a way to bypass the boulder with mentions of Down A that I didn't bother to look up. I'm sorry it's finally came up with this late lol. :\ Wow man... nice find, then everyone who was getting the power key looks dumb now. :P HSW is getting ridiculous. Thanks Grezzo. x) So I guess Gamestabled route is the OP version now? (aka basic sva route + powerkey skip) Now that well use Action swap to melt Goht and use Goht WW... can someone make the new route? Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Masterluigisw on March 09, 2015, 08:31:46 PM New route with fire arrow skip:
http://pastebin.com/x0JLQSau Proof read please. Thanks. Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: gamestabled on March 09, 2015, 08:40:49 PM http://pastebin.com/Wjzc6v9C this one by SVA is a lot better. theres no reason to get lullaby anymore so Im not really sure why you left that in the route.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: Masterluigisw on March 09, 2015, 08:44:14 PM http://pastebin.com/Wjzc6v9C this one by SVA is a lot better. theres no reason to get lullaby anymore so Im not really sure why you left that in the route. Cause I didnt read it over mistake. it was basically sva's old one but since he made a new one... perfect. :) Title: Re: Majora's Mask 3D Any% Route? Post by: BALDORF! on March 13, 2015, 07:12:10 AM I don't know if it'd save much or any time, but if you don't dupe stick, you can use it to light the torch in woodfall with Tatl swap, if you stand on the deku flower nearby it's at the right height.